Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

Dragons arguing

Obsessive fem hacker starts handing out assassination contracts on the dark web to eliminate her Tinder match’s 3 ex-girlfriends

Tapirs screwing

Not sure exactly what, but I'd like to write a distillation of a Whitlams song. Set it in 1990s suburban Brisbane.

A man with severe debilitating autism is left destitute when his parents, his soul providers, die in a tragic plane crash. The man is moved into a new experimental assisted living facility in which only the very basic necessities are provided to him. One of these is a computer. All alone in this facility, the man is slowly driven to the depths of madness and eventually he cracks. He carries out the rest of his days posting garbage threads with pictures of tapir's attached to them on a mongolian deep-sea diving frog hatchery enthusiast forum.

Cute girl sits in her room, picks away at her butt with her fingers and sniffs her own braps.

Scarlet looked at her father, Peter. It was at once a familiar look and a condescending one. “So”, she said, “I suppose we'll be debating my position again, since yours remains undeveloped.” Peter blinked, “My position is what it's always been; that nothing is true and everything is permitted.” “Right”, said Scarlet bluntly, “And yet for all practical purposes that translates to a non-interventionism that precludes anything interesting from happening, which already makes your praxis self-refuting.” “In a sense every praxis refutes itself over time. Mine has the advantage of doing so in perpetuity.” “Naturally, I disagree,” said Scarlet, “If unconditional accelerationism is the end of history, then is seems that your praxis reaches a refutation in the preferential treatment of intelligence under capitalism. On a long enough timeline, capitalism is intelligence, which means pre-capitalist history is a sort of anamalistic proto-sentience that at once anticipates the future governed by strong AI and received it retroactively through the invasion of the future into the past.”

“Deleuzian nonsense,” said Peter, “One can't reduce the phenomenological to the noumenal without denying the will.” “So you're saying some things aren't permitted?” The two dragons glanced across the divide at each other. Both rested on magical floating pentacles high in the air. From the perspective of each, they were standing on a pentacle facing right side up. From the perspective of each, the other was standing on a pentacle facing downward. “I only mean that one departs from any transcendental or magical context when one believes in such things, Scarlet. You can believe whatever you like, but some beliefs are dangerous and self-defeating.” “How rationalistic of you,” Scarlet scoffed, “That already seems like a prescriptive statement to me, but I'm sure you have the mental gymnastic ready to prove otherwise, so I won't bother.”

“Scarlet, I hardly see how you can fault me for applying reason to your own system, which ignores the metaphysical in favor of the physical, which, retrocausality or no retrocausality, still frames things entirely in the realm of the contingent. What is contingent lends itself to rationality;” “That's not true,” interrupted Scarlet, “But you're much too stupid to understand the explanation for that, so let's suppose it is. What's wrong with a reduction to the contingent? My system can account for the same outcomes as yours, but deliberately and accountably. That seems preferential to maintaining a metaphysics of mystery that is laughably irrelevant in the context of a chaos magick that denies these mysteries their primacy. For goodness sake, you talk like that traditionalist dragon, what's his name; you talk like him sometimes, and it's just hard to take you seriously.”

Peter looked down. “There's no human element in your system, Scarlet.” “There wouldn't be,” she responded instantly. “Alright fine. Explain my system in terms of yours,” said Peter. Scarlet laughed, “I'm glad you asked me to. The primary belief of chaos magick, that belief is a technique, is replaced by the concept of hyperstition developed by the CCRU group. Hyperstition as a concept effectively encapsulates belief as a technique while better explaining its mechanisms. The probability charts use by Peter Carroll are a joke which attempts to account for the failure of magick to produce results in thinly coded irrationalist terms; which is to say, the concept of probability becomes a no-man's land in which cause and effect are permitted to either meet or not meet as circumstances warrant. This senseless equivocation, which you would have as a mark of phenomenological, irreducible truth, is easily rectified under the hyperstitional conceit of fiction becoming real through emergent and isomorphic continuity into the future; which in another sense can be described or modeled as the future imposing itself onto the past, which is precisely where the isomorphism comes from, naturally.”

A cyberpunk critque of capitalism where the essence of humanity is commodified with longwinded speaches about morality, purpose, authenticity and personhood.

“But Scarlet,” protested Peter, “You have just taken something unprovable because of its metaphysical nature and replaced it with something unprovable because it is wrong. The best model of quantum mechanics is doubtlessly some variant of Everett like Many Interacting Worlds. And once many worlds are admitted to, the prospect of retrocausality or temporal non-locality becomes entirely redundant.” “First of all”, said Scarlet, annoyed, “You know nothing about quantum mechanics, so stop pretending to. Second of all, Occam's Razor is a philosophical tool, not a scientific one. There is no reason nature can't be redundant. In fact, I see no reason why non-locality should care about time any more than it does about space, so it all seems one thing to me.” “Fine,” said Peter, “But your explanation reframes belief as a technique without explaining any more.”

“That's because I haven't gotten that far yet,” yawned Scarlet, “Hyperstition adds specificity by making the deployment of literacy and numeracy into key techniques needed for belief to manifest. In this context it subsumes sigils into a kind of crypto-pictography of will, a primitive form of writing that enjoys similarly primitive levels of success. Meanwhile, complex rituals and alchemical procedures gain the mathematical character of permutations or combinations. It is little wonder in this context that most alchemists report achieving their work through different means; each has in effect staked out their own unique hash in time and space.” “That is all well and good, Scarlet, but you still spoke of will, which is not compatible with your system” “You can forgive a manner of speech, can't you? You're not that dull...” “Forgive it, yes, but only if you can explain what you mean by it.” “Tedious… suppose we mean by will, something like the stable range of interacting actions that lead to a given future capable of interacting with the past. Does that suffice?” “I suppose it does for your system, Scarlet, but I still consider your lack of metaphysics an intractable problem.”

Scarlet was plainly disgusted, “Then you should have said so in the first place instead of asking me to elucidate.” “Well I can't help that your system seems soulless and incapable of supporting values.” “Values?” Scarlet acted puzzled, “What values does your system promote?” “All of them,” said Peter. Scarlet shook her head, “You might as well support none of them as all of them, it amounts to the same thing.” “That's not true,” said Peter, “Contradiction is not the same thing as cancellation.” “Fine” ventured Scarlet in a haughty tone, “Then what are your values. And don't say 'the preservation of values' or anything like that.”

Stopped reading there.

Peter shuffled, “Well, it is very complicated. My system is still a work in progress. I would like to defend the strong from the weak, but still make conciliations to the downtrodden and the victim. I believe everyone is responsible for their own spiritual development, but the concept of intercession also makes sense to me as a kind of stop-gap or bare minimum;” “You know, you act like you're some sort of master magician, with your 'nothing is true, everything is permitted', but when you talk, it's clear you're nothing but a second rate mystic.” “The same was sometimes said of Crowley.” “Which refutes the charge?” “Which proves I'm in good company.” Scarlet was now the one shuffling, her light blue scales shifting in tone as the sunlight spilled over them.

“You idolize Crowley, but you reason in terms that are nothing like his. It's like you want to be Christian, almost. Why not just be honest with yourself and drop the pretenses? I mean, you'd have to be gnostic for obvious reasons, but;” It was Peter's turn to interrupt. “Scarlet, I am a chaos mage. Now, I have explained my values, and it's time for you to explain yours.” “That's simple,” said Scarlet, “I value the strong, smart, and capable, period.” Peter nodded. “Has it occurred to you that valuing individual excellence is in some ways incompatible with a collectivist-materialist reduction of history that can envision its own end?” “No, it isn't,” said Scarlet dryly. Peter was unperturbed. “From past debates you've made it clear that you believe in something like a great man theory of history, while still believing in an inevitable teleology and end point to history. How do you rectify the two?” “Very easily,” quipped Scarlet. “Yes, but how?”

Scarlet rolled her eyes and her head at the same time. “You're familiar with the magical axiom that 0=2?” she asked. “Yes” said peter. “Well, from that we can derive the following,” a magical blackboard appeared.

1. 0 =2
2. 0 * 0 = 0, 0 * 0 * 0 = 0, 0* 0 * 0 * 0 = 0, …,∏ 0 = 0
3. ∏ 0 = ∏ 2 1,2
4. ∏ 2 * ∏ 2 = 0 3,2
5.( ∏ 2)^x = 0 1,2,4

“From which all the relevant terms appear very clearly in a simulationist, accelerationist context.” Peter stared in obvious confusion at the derivation. “I'm not sure I follow.” “Well of course not,” Scarlet said gleefully, “Your mathematical incompetence is as bad as your incompetence with physics.” Peter looked defeated, “Scarlet, I can't argue something I can't understand. But accelerationism is just parracide re-imagined as a virtue and made into a perpetual system.” “All good stories include parracide. Oedipus, Hamlet, Brothers Karamazov...” “Those last two didn't include it.” “They included it by omission.” “Then you won't mind if we omit it from this story also.”

“Heh. You're pathetic you know. You try to confront me with the obvious and can't admit when I stand by principle. What's your actual principle? What drives you?” “Nothing,” said Peter, “Only a certain Amor Fati.” “And you would promote that against my system, which is no more or less than nature and history itself; nature destroying itself and becoming the future, according to all natural law, which had better be accepted as good if you want any standard of good that is actually realizable.” “Scarlet,” said Peter, “History is a myth. If it has any character it's circular, but I doubt even that is true.” Scarlet pointed again to the blackboard, where is said “ 5.( ∏ 2)^x = 0 1,2,4”

“I don't understand that, Scarlet,” Peter sighed. Scarlet was affectedly livid, “Then I suppose that's it, then? We settle this through combat once again.” “This was a waste of time,” said Kia, Scarlet's human, who had been sitting on her back all along. Peter's human Johnathon responded, “Wait, how do you know that means anything if you don't know what it means?” Peter scoffed, “Johnathon, I am sure Scarlet wouldn't present an argument that didn't mean anything.” Scarlet was unnaturally still for a moment, but then ventured “Unless there is more you would like to discuss, I'm afraid this impasse can only be settled through combat.”

Peter looked down. “Scarlet, what about the water? You have had fainting spells in the past, shouldn't we fight over land?” Scarlet laughed, “Touching. But it's irrelevant. In the context of simulationism, it doesn't matter if I suffer, because the future will just erase my suffering anyway.” “That seems fallacious somehow,” said Peter worriedly. But the fight was now inevitable. Little did Peter realize that on the lake below was a boat with functional weather forecasting equipment, relaying that information to Scarlet through Kia. In the context of chaos magick, where cause and effect trade off, that gave Scarlet a deadly, albeit entirely illegal, edge.

But your parents ARE your soul providers

>not being able to detect the intentional misspelling
t. brainlet


A deconstruction and reconstruction of Fantasies Novel.

So berserk, but less edgy?

Was thinking of whether or not in making it edgy, so I can deconstruct by how stupid it is to be edgy.

A simple-minded "nihilist" on a quest to appear complex and mysterious.

I think he meant to say "sole"

An alien escapes from his dying planet and lands on Earth, and because he looks similar to Earthlings he disguises himself as a human and uses his alien abilities to save the day.

Wow, that sounds super, man


>when his parents, his soul providers,


Very nice

A guy watches so much porn that he becomes immune to its appeal and nothing arouses him anymore.
Frustrated and in dire need of busting a nut, he plans a stealth mission to steal a high tech aircraft from Area 51 and fly around to alien planets, fucking aliens and doing all types of weird shit with their tentacles.
Climax is an interplanetary gangbang on the moon with some character or another shoving the moon landing flag up their ass.

Is this user around? I am interested in reading what you have so far.

I recently had a retarded idea for a sort of novella or something. Maybe just a short story. It's a retelling of the gospels in the setting of an African jungle untouched by man, populated with talking monkeys or gorillas, like instead of talking Pigs in the movie Babe you have messianic monkeys preaching to each other in Africa. The major difficulty in the writing of this work would be in translating the sayings, metaphors, and important cultural contexts of the central Christian story into literal monkey business. Doing so effectively would increase one's understanding of Christianity, Judea, and Monkeys simultaneously.

>In my father's mansion there are many rooms
>In my father's jungle there are many banana trees

>last supper
>last grooming

>Christ washes the apostle's feet
>Gorilla Jesus picks the ticks and lice from the apostle's fur

>Tiny Chimpanzees

>Giant Gorillas

If I write it with an anti-Christian message, it is genius, sophisticated, and will be respected in a manner similar to Animal farm. If it has a pro-Christian message, it is idiotic, pointless, and bigoted.

Sounds like Rick and Morty

he has like 66k words and he can't shut up about it

Yeah it kinda does...
Ah well, you gotta copy something.
I call it "Dick and Forty".
No, "Mars Attacks (my anus)".
No wait, "Apollo 69".
Dammit. Nothing sounds right.
"Deep Space Nine Inches: Hurtin' for a Squirtin'."



Homeless alcoholic idiot joins a Neo-Luddite cult after breaking up with his dropout girlfriend, spends a while recruiting his loser friends and other degenerates into the cult to the point he is scouted by the cults leader and taken to the headquarters in the middle of nowhere to meet him.

This is profoundly autistic

I was working on a story about rap battling robots but I lost the drive to continue. my shit comes off as overly verbose and honestly I still don't have a defined outline in my mind for how it ends or the meat of the story, let alone characters.

this shit's hard man

if it was easy it would be called "your mom"

I was aware of that since the very beginning thank you

great post friend !!


Thanks friends.

Finished chapter 11 and hit 70k. I’m heading to bed.

I started writing just at the end of January. Mainly short fictions. Should i give a hit to a novel? What can i lose?

a teen kicked out of home breaks into cars, steals, to live on the street. Takes care of himself, saves money, gets a job with a fake resume.
He finds a sweet Polish girl.
She lets him into her apartment, very wary. They later fall in love. She dies, without the teen knowing until later, because of something done in the past.

If you hand it off, just make sure you don't get fucked in the paper work

1. "BOUND" A heroine has the power to nullify magic in a magic world vs an antagonist that believes mages, non-mages, and magical beings should all be treated equally and that immortality is the only way to end suffering. Unfortunately, the ends justify the means to him and he resorts to acts of magical terrorism to pit the world against itself.

2. "WINTER'S CHILDREN" Two friends go on vacation in the NC mountains, planning on hiking and rekindling a once strong friendship. They are chased by a monster and fall into a lake, waking up in a world full of monsters and no light.

3. "REFRESH" A graffiti artist in a futuristic authoritarian city saves one of the robots designed to clean up her work.

4. "OREGON" A young couple thinks they're going to a lover's retreat, but discover that it is actually a radical religious group's battle royale.

You can probably see why I haven't done anything with them.

World where the only type of magic that exists is manipulation of life energy, leading to the basic white - dark magic dichotomy (Healing vs Necromancy, essentially). Healing magic is the providence of the Catholic church but a few heretical faiths have unique spins on the concept. Necromancy is mostly tied to the bourgeois, though there are notable Protestant strains of black magic.
Set in Europe during a time of upheaval, right after basically-magic-napoleon combined his own excellent understanding of strategy with his pet tactic of using life magic to create flesh golems, though by the time the story comes around he's out of the picture. Protagonist is either a young man with no magical ability to speak of climbing his way up the social hierarchy while planning a coup to take advantage of the chaos following napoleon's death, or a young woman necromancer slowly manipulating her way into booting out all the white mages left in the Basque are of Spain, which she intends to claim as her own.
I'm not sure how the two characters will interact, desu, this is very much just a concept that's been in my head for a while

A normal guy starts to morph into an autist and while he does that he notices how many weirdos are out there that he didn't even know existed while he was a fucking normie

>In my father's mansion there are many rooms
>In my father's jungle there are many banana trees

Too “pie in the sky”

Which song?

What's pie in the sky?

Also I just finished a 2000 world short story about a college student that can't sleep anymore and this is affecting his life but then he decided to harvest olives from an old untended olive tree in the campus garden like he did when he was a kid working with his papa on the fields.
Exahausted after a hard day of work, he finally sleeps like a baby
Titles "a farmer's sleep"

How do I learn to write? Is there any theory of writing I should know beforehand?

I only know that the process involves a lot of rewriting

Do what you want to do and then TONE IT THE FUCK Down and you should be golden

So try to write the simplest thing I can think of, but do it well? I know at first the stuff won't be any good, so I will postpone my MAGNUM OPUS until I am confident in my skills.

>My novel is just a faux final confrontation between two enemies in which one of them (The victor) Demands to know why he did the things he did.

Got everything ready to do this. Planning on Using cliches only to subvert them.

No, you can write complex things and then heavily edited so it LOOKS simple. It doesn't have to be and you shouldn't even try to strive for understanding. If you're putting on page something complex, trust your reader. They're smart enough to get it, but if they aren't than what you write should still be simple enough to get comprehended

Why not?

It starts with a pretty casual scene in a bar, but each chapter show the scene from the perspective of different characters. When combining the different perspective, you start to notice a mystery arise which was mostly unnoticed by the individual characters. As you progress through the story, you get more and more clues to resolve the mystery, but the story ends without it being truly resolved, because life is made of those unnoticed stories which are impossible to put all the pieces back together.

The main aim of this book is to explore the psychology of the different narrator using a peotry oriented prose.

If I post a disposable email can you show me what you have so far?

Reread the sentence and rethink your life.

>asking if you can post an email
>now the user has to respond to your post, go out of his way to give you permission
>if you just posted the email he could have been tempted to send you something, but now he has to commit

ugh why is Veeky Forums do bad at people? he is never going to respond

A teenage slut who's lost her innocence confronts her childhood friend who has also lost his innocence but is possessed with an obsessive nostalgia and tries to subordinate their history to his will

I have already seen this movie

More of a TV show idea, but basically, a gay guy who has been socially outcasted by a popular gay clique takes up witchcraft to sort out his pathetic life and to take said clique down. In doing so, he sets up a coven of gay men, who all happen to feel lost and confused about their lives. It's a deconstruction of the witchcraft trope where at first they achieve very minor powers but then it gets more surreal and they encounter garden spirits, witch assassins, and gods and stuff that really put things in perspective and make them realise they shouldn't rely on magic to solve their issues. The main character is super neurotic and his mental health is questionable.


also the point of this book is clearly not the plot which is pretty generic

all the ideas are either:

1. I am delusional, here is my recycled shitty generic fantasy
2. I am autistic, have never left my room and this is my biography
3. Please take me back, i am interesting i swear here is my ideal and vague fantasy version of myself with actual values i only envy and never come close to

I don't remember the name but it's a movie about a terrorist attack told by different viewpoints and witnesses, forest whitetaker appears and saves an orphan kid.

It's called vantage point.
but even that is a rip off the film roshomon.
for the literal novel version of what he ripped-off/describes that would be "sometimes a great notion", also adapted into a film.

Shitty old people in a shitty nursing home in suburbia do shitty things and die. One of their daughters visits to get off on the fact shes still autonomous but slowly deteriorates and is committed herself. I started it but i write shit narrative

You're thinking of Vantage Point.

Clearly nothing related besides using different narrators which is clearly not something new.

would watch/read if you base it around actual occult and not the pop culture perspective (within reasonable limits of course)

Generic high fantasy. Nameless guy who is raised with the sole purpose of being a hero ever since birth because of an ancient prophecy. Throw in some self-doubt, moral ambiguity and soul searching. Moral of story is follow your heart and do what you feel is right rather than what you're told, and learn to live with your mistakes. Aimed tomwards children and teenagers.

Sadly I'm not good enough at writing to trick children into learning shit.

You could call it "The Life You Take May Be Your Own", haha :)
Could work; the danger is it will be too pat and constructed.

1. an "anti-power" is an interesting idea. Didn't PKD do something like that with telepathy?
2. errr, what
3. potentially cute
4. See "The Doll's House" by Neil Gaiman. Doesn't mean there isn't room for everyone else though :)

Errr the difficulty would be conveying "gradual change into autism". Like, DIFFICULTY. I wouldn't want to try it. Fist-fights and girls in short skirts are easier.

Movie referred to is Rashomon I would guess
The multiple-narrator technique is good though. Not sure there's any really classic, famous example of using it to highlight a mystery. It feels like the movies Blow-Up and The Conversation.

This is good. People struggling over the past comes up all the time in life but I don't notice it done all that often and well in fiction.

This could be a surreal sort of Cheever. Not sure if that is a good thing :)

Bleak. Is the daughter trying to reassure herself she escaped her parents' grasp? Which of the daughter/parent is sympathetic?

>In my father's jungle there are many banana trees
Life has many trees, ed boy

I was thinking of basing it off research and then adding my own twist to it. It wouldn't be accurate per se but it would take different types of witchcraft and celebrate them. Gays are obsessed with witchcraft and magicky stuff so it could be fun.

Guy wants to be a fantasy swordsman hero but his world is cancerously shit on every level.

Like a parody of the "It's a generic fantasy world but everyone's shit so haha lmao fuck elves dwarves are drunk its a parody" thing

Sure, I can send you something.

none of the main characters is sympathetic. There are some background characters who are sympathetic, and the daughter's children are more sympathetic than not. The idea really comes from my revulsion at the banality everyone seems to look forward to in life (especially in the well off west) and my fear of growing old and losing physical autonomy. Death too but not as explicitly.

It's true that the physical discomforts of old age are especially horrific in a society which has no god but material comfort.
If banality is your bugbear, emphasize TV. Old people in homes do almost nothing but watch TV and in this respect many Americans are effectively old people all their lives.

BASED tapir

those are both really interesting ideas, thanks

Read some of Evola's stuff on magick and alchemy. That guy loved eastern mysticism

It seems you have errors in your writing, user.

I’m thinking of dressing up and acting as a hobo for a week then writing down my experience of it


Nope. I keep notes at the end of the document for defending and cutting and pasting. Good eye, tho

Just teasing you, my final draft has never been "errorless" ever since Word put in those "style" proofing rules for subhumans. Best of wishes on your manuscript. I'm in the process of finding an agent for mine, but I get the impression that getting an agent for a 125K word first novel is an impossible sell. Oh well.

What is that thing? I fucking hate it.

Massive star wars esque space opera set over multiple books. Ive had the idea for a month and ive only written 200 words

I fucking hate this image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.

thats my sexual identity ok dont be tapirphobic

Not for fantasy. Fantasy is the only place where they encourage 100k+ to account for world building.

Edgily dark dystopia/social satire set in a near-future post-literary society (heavily inspired by Tolstaia's Slynx, check it out if you haven't anons.) Written from pov of main character (textual transcription of him speaking to his computer), deals with ai and vr as well. Basically follows the premise that techno-capitalism continues to accelerate at the current rate, but deliberately over the top and polemical in how it deals with contemporary society and its issues. Basically what Tolstaia was trying to do with her novel and its harsh satirical critique of 90s Russia.

I'm almost done my first novel. I write romance/erotica and unfortunately I can't seem to formulate decent female characters without hating them, so all my shit is gay porn.

Novel number 2 is going to be about a young man whose family is devout Christian. He goes to a Christian college, has normal friend and family dynamics, prays but doesn't really think about why. He ends up meeting a guy who questions his religion and rules associated with it, and eventually gets the MC into a Dom/sub relationship. Sacrilegious bondage ensues. Insert quip about worshiping an ethereal god or a physical one.

Alcoholic NEET plans his suicide after a failed relationship. As he nears the planned day of self annihilation his father, a failed musicians, gets diagnosed with cancer and kills himself the same day.

Thats all I got so far. Its a non linear story with numerous other characters not aforementione. Themes of depression, existentialism, nihilism, etc.