Good books about french 60s/70s pls

good books about french 60s/70s pls

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Check out Jean Patrick Manchette

Godard's films are so clever and quirky. Why so many people hate him?

because the same people who dismiss genre fiction in this board watch Dennis Villeneuve and think it's art house. Plebs don't like to be challenged, even at the prospect of self-inserting as Paul Belmondo, looking cool and banging qt existentialist french girls.

For the same reason people love capeshit.

The Anna Karina films are shit. Godard made three good films in the 60s (Contempt, 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her, Week End) but he didn't become great until films like Hail Mary and Passion

Most men are too insecure about their masculinity to let themselves enjoy something cute and juvenile. Only Chads get to enjoy Godard.

loving this movie. Sedmikrasky is another great psychedelic new wave classic

Metroland by Barnes has a section that takes place in Paris.

>cute and juvenile
t. has never seen any post-60s Godard

Bonjour Tristesse - Sagan

>Only Chads get to enjoy Godard
yeah sure

>hurr durr I'm going to take the conversation out of its context to show everyone how much I know about Godard

The characters talk intellectually but don't feel human.

Because the nouvelle vague is the greatest failure of an artistic movement in history. After 68' the movement became what it was trying to fight, it bourgeois cinema. Forward to this day and Godard is what is teached in every university class and it's a fan favorite of the try hard small time intellectuals in the world. What once was provocative and controversial to this day is applauded just because of his name. Film socialisme and Au revoir au language are just the nails on a coffin thst was left open for too long. At least Rivette and Truffaut had the decency to sell out and drop the faux marxism of Godard.
Adorno was right when he said that mass marketed art can't be revolutionary.
The whole movement and godard should be studied and loved, yes, but they failed at being revolutionary outside of their art.
That said I love all his stuff pre 68', Pierrot le Fou being my favorite

Godard discovered moe before the japs.

But that's part of the charm. I love how he's always breaking the rules of cinema.

Actually Godard has yet to make a single good film. He’s made two okay ones though which is actually better than most.

Is there a google doc list of important film similar to Veeky Forums phil one?

reading between the lines here, if a Leftist movement ever starts suceeding, that means it has failed?

How in the hell did you come to that conclusion? If a leftist movement with revolutionary intention becomes accepted and innocuous it wasn't a revolution from the get go. I think of all the pseudo marxist intellectual these days that are able to live and are encouraged to exist in the academia, there is nothing revolutionary about them because they are not dangerous or scary.
Marxism or leftism becomes a product and a identity to wear and like a Che Guevara shirt it becomes contradictory.
Marxist had success with their respective revolutions everywhere around the world, but they were always considered a threat, that's why the won. The moment when they become accepted by the west, the moment when their respective gorbachov, dubcek ecc. Wanted to bring "le human face" and people like tatcher praised these leaders and started to humanize the people of these countries they lost.

I don't really see it as a charm. His movies would be so much better if you could actually relate to the characters when they feel like robots you don't care about them.

>marry anna
>get her preggo
>she aborts


It's been so long since I saw this movie that I went on this desperate rambling totally forgetting about that scene that I could have posted making the response more coherent and elegant.
Fuck my life.

Best film I've ever seen.

>the USSR was revisionist because they met with the US president once
Godard must have felt like an ass when Mao and Nixon met.

Chris Marker > Godard

Well the USSR was seen as revisionist because of destalinization and various reforms. That said China became revisionist to the point of having sweat shops so... Yeah, jokes on the whole 68' movement desu.
Student movements are trash

No. You are saying this just because Maker is less of famous

Seriously tho. Fuck you

What the fuck are you talking about? Students are the dreamers who lead the world to new frontiers. Maybe we are naive but I'd rather be naive than an old bitter man afraid of change.

The movie is making fun of retarded college commies

>Students are the dreamers who lead the world to new frontiers
are you a shitposter from pol trying to make leftists look bad

Wasn't Godard a marxist himself?

Are you fucking stupid?

>Students are the dreamers who lead the world to new frontiers.

Not only that but he was frontline during the whole 68' movement. Maoism was big thing in france st the time. You cannot speak of Nouvelle Vaugue without 68'.
Both were fucking failures.

Not him but isn't Godard making fun of retarded college commies because they are larping as communists instead of actually believing in it.

No. I'm a Chilean student who has been protesting non-stop since (our equivalent of) high school to make college education free for everyone. I can assure you if all the students in the world were like the students here the world would be a better place.

Not him but Description d'un Combat is more kino than most Godard.

who is going to pay the teachers? Also have you considered that most people simply can't be educated, they are psychologically incapable of even really learning how to read?

>One of the most distressing tasks of a university president is to pretend that the protest and outrage of each new generation of undergraduates is really fresh and meaningful. In fact, it is one of the most predictable controversies that we know. The participants go through a ritual of hackneyed complaints, almost as ancient as academe, while believing that what is said is radical and new.

I don't think so seeing his relation with the 68' movement and seeing how such movement was first and foremost a student movement.
>Free education
Damn, such a dreamer.
The only thing your parents should have protested against was pinochet. If you are here it means they didn't.

>The Anna Karina films are shit.

You are an epic failure.

>The Anna Karina films are shit.
t. turbo soyboy

>I don't think so seeing his relation with the 68' movement and seeing how such movement was first and foremost a student movement.

But they are a bunch of borgy students who dont really know that much about marxist theory, and they kick out the one working class girl that is part of their group.

Because she was anti revolutionary.

Why is it always children that feel other people should be indentured to them? Oh I know, it's because it's the only life experience they have ever had up to that point. How miserable.

So what was the point of the scene with the professor rekting the kid in the train.

are you serious? the Karina films are pure soyboy tumblrbait

This meme is excellent
Happened in real life too when the Wall Street Bull(which was actually guerilla art and was hated by bankers who tried to remove it)was confronted by le ebin little girl(which was created by some hedge fund)
Well crafted leftpol