Anyone else carry around a little notebook they use to write their thoughts in or is it just me?

Anyone else carry around a little notebook they use to write their thoughts in or is it just me?

Congrats, you discovered diaries

It's not really a diary though, those things is gay, r-right?

They aren't.
A man should record his days activities with the aim of future analysis. You should live a life that is worth looking back on.

You insufferable cunt. You're what's wrong with men nowadays. You think men carried their little lexicons back in the day you soft faggot? I really hope you drop it in the pool of mud and start crying you little bitch. And I hope you lose all your little notes. God fucking damn it.

It's not really my daily activities though. It's more like observastions and philosophical arguments I come up with that I don't want to forget.


Even if they left their commonplace books at home and waited to write until the evening, it's a different landscape nowadays. There's so many distractions it's better for me to write down my ideas as I have them, not walk around with the expectation that I'll wholly remember them for later.

I think it's just you, user.


I have a similar notebook but I don't carry one with me. I write down all of my ideas in my phone and transfer them to a notebook in a more detailed fashion later.

Soyboys above never get out so they wouldn't know.

That's cool too.

i have one in case i have a good idea i don't want to forget, but i mostly end up using it to write down lists for grocery shopping or my hours for work. i've never used it for the purpose i inteneded


lmao did you never read Dostoevsky? He literally built an entire career based on his itty bitty book of notes written by candlelight

I carry a pocket sized composite book that I pretend is my Deathnote. I have to go to court ordered behavioral psyche analysists.

> keeping a book of your thoughts, self reflections, knowledge and discoveries is homoesexual

Are you by any chance in grade school?

What a pretentious douche. It's called a smartphone user. Get with the times. I bet, heh, I bet you use a typewriter. Oh and let me guess, you wear non prescription lenses because you think it makes you look smart to wear glasses. Do you smoke a pipe too? Do you write using thee and thou? Well get thee off the computer, it's technology is going to stifle your creativity, go read your newspaper or whatever it is you do user. People like you make me sick and you hold back progress.
Pic related, it's you.

I'm pretty sure it's just you...

I do that too, but I just use the notes app on my iOS device.

>You think men carried their little lexicons back in the day you soft faggot
Yeah, there's a reason every smart phone has a notepad app.

I'll bet you leave it lying around, hoping that people will look at it and see your "deep" and "philosophical" writing. "Oh user you're soo smart" "Oh anooon i didn't know you were a writer, you have such a great and tortured mind"
Do you have lots of different little notebooks user? With different colors and materials? Whyd you choose black user? Why huh? You probably never wrote in any of the others. Because even though what you write in them is complete garbage and is what you call "philosophical" you never come up with enough material to fill a notebook. You probably end up throwing them away after ripping out so many pages. Sad user, really sad. You probably keep a diary. You know who else kept a diary? Anne Frank. People read hers, nobody will read yours. Oh of course your relatives will read it. They will read a few pages until they throw it away and burn it out of embarrassment of their failure of a son who wasted money on an english degree and never had a job except self publishing a short story on amazon which sold 2 copies! one to you and the other to your grandmother

Smartphone keyboards suck dick tho, and if you're adept enough at using them that you can actually freely express the full width of your thoughts when using them you have no right to call anyone else a soyboy.

>express the full width of your thoughts
HA! Oh my lord user, is that the same excuse you use for your typewriter? is that what you are typing with now? i can almost hear the clicky clacky over my monitor. Dont wake anyone up user. I have no right? Don't talk to me about rights my little soy bean. It's because of people like you that a lot of people don't have any, you wanna return to the dark ages? Well you aren't taking me with you. Do you carry a fountain pen in your pocket? And a bottle of ink? Do you write in f a n c y calligraphy? thats the only way to express your thoughts isn't it user? OOOHhhh smart phones aren't good enough for you are they. No you have to use n o t e b o o k s and special pens because you're too weak to learn how to use a smart phone, or that's your excuse. but we all know user, we all know and there's no use.

you are holding back progress user, you know hitler. BAD DUde right? Well you're wrong, or at least you should think you are. Tell me what did hitler do that was so terrible? He killed jews and why did he kill jews? Because he wanted to return germany to the way it was because he didn't want p r o g r e s s an guess what user you with all your fancy old thees and thous and calligraphy and typewriters and notebooks and FANCY PENS and your rusticbeard and glasses, you are doing the same as hitler and you are no worse than him and i am i am like russia i will stop you before its too late and you are going to stop emberassing yourself with this stupid pretentious bullshit i cant stand you people and you need to stop just stop you dont have any thoughts worth writing and you have no philisophical thoughts and you never have so stop wasting your time and stop buying notebooks

>He's so addicted to flashy screens he can't understand how anyone can type anything without using a Google ™ Android™ visual interface.
Bet you're the coolest guy in class when you pull out your Alienware™ to take notes, user

grug no like technogy
grug paint cave
grug use fist
grug no like pain brussh

I used to. I started when I got a "graphic journal" homework for design school. I filled up three before I stopped. I don't know why I stopped, but I want to start again.

I have the exact same notebook as you! Pretty sure I got it at dollar general. Anyways, I write down my dreams in them. Sometimes. Usually when I have a very odd or intense dream.

yeah I have a journal/notebook

I carry it in my back pocket

>Being this insecure in your masculinity

Lot of projecting coming from you, my guy. You

you don't even know what the word lexicon means. stfu

I have a little notebook of lists and reminders for everything that I carry with me because I forget everything. I have the same little book you have for my lists and a pocket calendar. If I have an idea I put it in there because I won't remember it at all.

>pocket calendar

I do, user. I started four years ago and it's invaluable for writing things later. This is one that I made (it's surprisingly easy and far cheaper than a moleshit).

Sceptical anons, why not give it a try? idk how you go without. google drive is far less convenient.

>What is a cell phone