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Literature #108
Why is this simplistic, middle school, tumblr-tier, pretentious trash taken seriously?
Realistically, what prior knowledge (books, language, theory) do I need to get anything out of reading Finnegans Wake?
Writing a villain and struggling with motive. Give me some ideas for good villain motives...
He killed himself in 2008, right when the internet became normie-tier
Victor Hugo was greater than Shakespeare in every way
What does Veeky Forums think of bukowski?
Recommend me some fuckin' long-ass maximalist novels that aren't on this chart, please
What are essential French works?
Which translations should I read for the Russians?
I keep postponing reading it. Since it's the best novel of all time according to Veeky Forums...
Am I the only one who hates nihilism?
What makes a book or any piece of art "good"? Is it the deeper meaning...
What do people with aspergers read?
Take me to that place
Trying again
Mfw received my fifteenth (15th) rejection letter (email) today
Why are analytics so dumb?
It c-can't be. Say it isn't so
Tfw I wasted my life with stupid American addictions
Hello Veeky Forums, how do you go about verbal discussions?
Bhagavad Gita. What the best translation Veeky Forums?
"you write telegraphically or you don’t write at all"
Greentexts should be considered a new and unique literature style
Can we get a Xenogenesis thread going or is Veeky Forums too pretentious for scifi?
Read book
Why is it so hard to meet truly moral people in society?
Post your stack
Why have you not read this masterpiece yet?
Power is the ultimate teleological principle
Did the Marxist project/teleology have a "universal" application, or a universal endpoint?
Favorite Homeric character? For me, its Diomedes
Why does Veeky Forums hate him?
What's the most potent redpills in bookform known to man? Something that'll blow my head wide open
Is the hysteria on Veeky Forums about Peterson simply due to the fact that he threatens leftist ideology?
Stoicism is dead
Noam Chomsky
Is English a good major to take for pre law?
"I guess you could say... There was a Crime & Punishment..."
Recommended books to get your shit together in life?
Successfully published anons, I have a question
'Where Do I Start With X?' General
Which is the greatest duo in literary history?
Is natural law the only alternative to might makes right? What is the most plausible foundation for natural law? Nature...
Does Veeky Forums find any literary merits in Visual Novels?
Reads Nietzsche once
How do I stop subvocalizing?
How's that career as a writer coming along, Veeky Forums?
According to his classmate (and later secretary) Louis Bourrienne, Napoleon read avidly from an early age...
How do i make my story not so cliche...
Someone post a Veeky Forumsroulette
How do you feel about death, Veeky Forums?
I've searched for this literally everywhere
If i just close my eyes and think about things really hard i can understand everything
This book completely changed the way I look at modern business and society. Have any of you read it...
"I'm a big fan of Greek mythology! Bring on Marvel Phase 4!"
Is it as gutwrenchingly violent as its controversy makes it out to be?
Anyone else have the problem of spending more time shitposting here than reading?
To be fair, you have to have a VERY high IQ to understand Gardens of the Moon
Who will the last sentient being be? What species? Will it be born alone or will it have had friends who died sooner...
Jesus Fucked Guys to Show them the Kingdom
Are their any genuine nihilists or philosophers that negate nihilism without using the stupid appeal to sensory...
Ancient Greek, Hindu, or Chinese philosophies? Which one is more superior and in what order?
Read this
New Language
Where we’re going we don’t need books
Something wonderful has happened. Peter... I'm pregnant
So, Veeky Forums, what's your favorite play by pic related?
Summarize books in one sentence
So is harry potter the only book they ever read
Violent compelling novels?
Has Veeky Forums read Ian Fleming?
Harry Potter
What's the best age to start studying philosophy?
Be me
Gravity's Rainbow
Should I cop his bio?
What does Veeky Forums think of Zero books as a publisher?
How do we stop the anglo menace?
Odysseus fools the cyclops by saying his name is nobody
Do your best Veeky Forums
What's the target audience?
Political books?
What's the last time you enjoyed reading a novel?
What do you think this book meant?
If he was alive today he would be writing Marvel screenplays. you know it's true
Well, have you, Veeky Forums?
So it begins
How the FUCK has Pynchon not won the Nobel Prize?????
I am a collectivist...
The Virgin E-Reader vs the Chad Hardcover
How do I write about the plight of the Western NEET? How do I novelise this...
How often/much does Veeky Forums read?
Let's write a story one sentence at a time
How racist was H.P. Lovecraft?
Arguments against Individualism and Egoism
Inspiration and improvement
What text do you consider to be the pinnacle of human thought? Pic not related
What author had the most tragic life?
L. Ron Hubbard/Scientology Discussion Thread
I'm essentially stupid...
The ultimate purpose in life is being
How much IQ is required to be a good writer?
Being and Time
How would you rank Bleeding Edge among Pynchon's other works...
Can we have a goodreads thread? I recently made an account, feel free to add me
Are there any philosophers from the last 50 year until the present day...
Isnt it kind of tragic being born rich/famous...
Dr. Sadler BTFO's Jordan Peterson
Is his channel a good time? What series is his best?
Are there any other gods or dieties that are like Christ in the sense that they came in the flesh, lived a sinless life...
Be me
Books for this feel!
Bibliotik - Sharethread
Any books to get dumber?
Books where the MC acts/thinks like Karl Pilkington?
Have you ever tried to talk philosophy or literary fiction to people in real life? What was your experience?
Postmodernism cancer
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Christianity was from the beginning, essentially and fundamentally, life's nausea and disgust with life...
Books for brainlets? My partner is a real meathead and I'm trying to introduce him to the joys of reading...
I'm looking for book suggestions for my son, aged 11
So is there a word that rhymes with Orange or fucking not?
Seriously though, have you guys ever dual-wielded books? Does it work?
Gregory sadler runs a heavy metal blog and
Objectivism is just a dangerous mask for subjectivism
Start a book
If you don't agree you're just incapable of understanding the quick wit and rationality that comes along with being a...
Dune and the inner fucking monologue
Word thread
Psychology Books
Where do i start with arthurian canon? is there a chart?
I am the Globgogabgalab
Newbie here, asking if pic related is the same as the original, or if Tolkien put a spin on it
It goes without saying that we have no affinities with the Japanese. They're too foreign to us, by their way of living...
I mostly stay on Veeky Forums and /x/...
Can atheists manage to explain or come to the concept of dignity with a naturalist worldview? How?
Be me
What's the most anti-life book ever wrote? like absolutely anti-human, anti-natalism and anti-life itself
Get on the train
"There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment...
What real literature do women read? In my experience it's
Poetry Thread
China mieville's arms are huge
Who are the Gothic authors of today? And I don't mean those who write ye olde Gothik novels for Amazon
Why is this fucker so popular
Why shouldn't I be a superfluous man? Why should I care about any of you? Here is the definition
Books that changed your life
Oh you're a writer user?
Veeky Forums humour thread
Outside of Spectres of Marx, is having just a cursory knowledge of Marx enough to jump into Derrida...
What kind of music does Veeky Forums listen to while reading
Who would win
Post some riddles, discuss, etc
Christianity is Platonism for the masses
Real men aren't afraid to cry
Had had
Most important anglo-phone philosopher of the early 21st century
Where to start with this man?
Blocks your path
Thoughts on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand?
Seneca on reading
Did this book make that one dude kill John Lennon?
Can someone explain the Occult to me? Or recommend some books? What are Kabbalah, alchemy, tarotology, magick, etc...
I literally know nothing about this book
What makes you respect a character in a story?
Criticisms of Nausea or Sartre in general?
Would this be a good intro to Christianity?
I’m back! I missed you guys!
What is the best way to start a sentence?
What do you do when you get hooked by a shit book?
Tfw Tolkien will never be your dad
How to Inprove my vocabulary
Best italian lit
ITT: Times when Veeky Forums was right. It's incredible that this thing was written in 1973
Any Veeky Forums-approved film or television? Father Brown is a guilty pleasure of mine. Top tier comfy
What's the "Start with the Greeks" equivalent for Eastern philosophy?
What books have protagonists with big tits?
Why is it so incredibly vague? They couldn't just find a paper where somebody was a little more specific?
Is he right?
Northern Veeky Forums
This book just arrived in the mail today, what does Veeky Forums think of it?
Why does he hate Postmodernists so much lit?
Black Lives Matter novel wins Waterstones children's book of the year
Why is it so underrated?
Describe in your best prose the realization of having fucked a trap
Ask Ask Ask a Colombian anything about latin literature
Pleb Filters
How many unpublished books have you written?
Should I dump girlfriend?
Can we get a biography suggestion thread...
Anyone here read The Plague?
Why is modern poetry so shallow and uninspired while music continues to soar to new heights?
Does anyone else here read books in languages they don't speak?
Worst serialized publication?
ITT: times when the book Veeky Forums memed you into reading was actually good
Where do I start with Kazuo Ishiguro
What's your Novel's Gimmick, Veeky Forums?
Why I Admire Christopher Hitchens
What book can I read that will make me a more interesting person
You see a cutie at the coffee shop reading this. what do you do?
Read about cramming (taking in a lot of information at once) is bad for long term remembering
So I've finally decided to unironically, genuinely, truthfully start with the Greeks
This is my favorite book of all time
One word story game. Veeky Forums edition !!
Just finished this, and I want to talk about it
Write whats on your mind
Try to prove natural law theory wrong
In your best prose, describe how this picture makes you feel
Describe this picture in your finest writing
What are some good books that critique both capitalism and communism?
I’m about to drink coffee black for the first time
Tfw cradle catholic
"C'mon user, where's that book you've been writing?"
Just admit that he deserved it, faggots
What happened to this man and why do his words stay in the very core of my being?
What am I in for?
Sup, Veeky Forums
I know this guy is a bit pretentious and has a fairly surface-level interpretation of the books he reviews but why does...
Why is Rand so many peoples' first and last dive into philosophy?
Because here's something else that's weird but true: in the day-to day trenches of adult life...
What was the first book that ever made you feel something for a characters?
Lost in Translation
The Paris Review just gave this guy a 2018 Whiting Award in poetry. Give it a read
Hey Mom! What's for dinner?
What makes a good poem?
Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from Veeky Forums and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right
Wow, On the road has really blown my mind (and I'm not even American)
Any good self-help books?
The end of late capitalism
Christian Mysticism
Is there anything good to read in Old English other than Beowulf...
What book will teach me/help me to be kind-hearted, earnest and nice to other people? like the prince in the idiot
How do you pronounce "Don Quixote"?
Hey, this book is actually good
Critique Thread
In your own words, what does he mean by initiation?
I had coffee with Don DeLillo in New York yesterday, as a result of a letter I wrote him a few months back...
Isn't he basically just a nihilist enabler?
You haven’t read this user? R-really? You are aware this is a literature board, right?
Just got this from my brother
Jacques ellul thread?
Who here has read this? More critiques of Liberalism?
Any books about honest mistakes?
Just amrathoned the first 10 pages. When does it get good?
Fascism Primer
Jordan Peterson Is a Hack
Ah, done for reading today, time to save my place
Why did this man hate the Turks so much...
Terence McKenna, Carl Jung, or Alan Watts? Whos work should i look more into and who should I ignore?
Is The Odyssey worth reading for entertainment? Or is it dry like the Old Testament
Does anyone else think that brave new world is bad? none of its characters a remotely relatable...
Be Veeky Forums
What book will:
Seattle Veeky Forums meetup?
Was there any man in history more based than King David?
Finally get around to reading my girlfriend's writing after she starts to get really upset that I haven't
What the fuck was this guy on about?
Who is the Dostoevsky of cinematography?
When did you realize that Fyodor Dostoevsky was the Michael Jordan of writing books?
Why haven’t you bought an e-reader yet Veeky Forums...
Books on convincing women to get pregnant or not to get their tubes tied?
Reading in public
This is a book about a retarded royal mutant who goes around the world with his best friend who's a psychology student...
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup
DFW reaction pic thread
What do you think of László Krasznahorkai?
ITT: shit books that are highly acclaimed/"classics"
Is this worth reading?
How's everyone doing today? whatcha readin?
Questions for Catholics
Reading at the library
ITT: we fix classic quotes
Books which contain the most terrible truths?
Vonnegut hate thread
I'm about 1/3 in and most of it is about black men desiring white women and lots of white women wanting to fuck black...
So, now that the dust has settled
Jesus was such a nice guy
Funniest philosopher?
Why is religion almost always based is asceticism?
How is your novel coming along, Veeky Forums?
Henri Bergson appreciation thread
Muh based Israel
Art for art's sake
Any Dark Fantasy recs or essential reads?
Will there ever be something better written on videogame art criticism?
This book is utterly unintelligible. Someone explain to me why it is considered a masterpiece
Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society...
Broke: a rascist, Eurocentric celebration of the exploitation of Africa and her people
ITT we talk about literary characters everybody hates but you feel sorry for
In all honesty, besides analytics, does there seem to be any reason to go beyond the Greeks for philosophy?
I'm looking for some more big, beefy...
Why are so many male authors so terrible at writing female characters? pic related
Proud as F***
Women and non-whites
Hemmingway's worst book
I want to learn about esoteric hinduism/buddhism, where should I start...
He projects his oneitis when he writes a heroine in his story
ITT untranslatable authors
What the fuck did i just read
I can't concentrate while I'm reading. It comes and goes. How to deal with it?
Mods, make this the sticky, please
Where do I start with Foucault? I've heard his works are pretty accessible
Why are the best writers always seemingly so depressing and misanthropic?
Do the kissless, hugless, virgins of Veeky Forums find it difficult to appreciate and comprehend romance in literature?
What's the most dishonest book you've ever read?
Is writing really a better way of telling (and appreciating) a fictional story than audiovisual media?
How did converting to Catholicism change your artistic taste? How did it change your life? Any advice for catechumen?
As a sadist what books should I read to reinforce my kink?
Holy Bible
Books are convincing me that I'm a nihilist
How do I become a better reader? My attention span is that of an ant thanks to the internet...
A = A
Does Veeky Forums like my quote:
Who is the Stanley Kubrick of literature?
Veeky Forums criticism thread
Japanese Literature Edition
Are there any good novels written by women?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Philosophy question
Hit me with a significant insight into the human condition that literature has yielded us
What are some books that reflect the author's despair?
C g jung is mah niggah
Bookshelf thread /comfy/ edition
Would the government system from starship troopers work?
Bukowski is terrible. He's like a male Rupi Kauer
This is not ok
Which authors and works can somebody with a 100 IQ not understand?
I've just read a short history of Christian philosophy covering mostly the Medieval period with Aquinas and the rest of...
Why is this book considered a modern masterpiece? It's awful
Post your stack and your shoe
Academic degree
What did he mean by this?
Zeno's paradoxes - The arrow
What am I in for?
This brick of a book right here
This is what reading looks like
That feel when you want to read fiction for fun but you have a long list of scary non-fiction and philosophy that you...
High school Veeky Forums teacher considering grad school here: would a professorship be more likely as a professor of...
Veeky Forums novel collaboration
Neo-romanticism when?
Bhagavad Gita
My girlfriend is making me quit reading. What should I do...
Tfw all the collectible books on my wishlist cost like 500 dollars a piece
ITT: Personal 10/10s
What are some of the best fiction books about the human condition?
Is 2018 global and national politics Left Nietzschean vs. Right Nietzschean?
Mason & Dixon Reading Group
Is this a scene in the Brothers Karamazov or am I schizo?
Lit humor
Antonio Gramsci
*destroys your will to live*
What the fuck is reddit?
Patrician book
Best books about writing itself?
So, she's translated Flaubert and Proust, both award winning translations...
If splitting the infinitive is wrong, how come it feels so right?
Redpill me on hermeticism Veeky Forums. Is hermeticism philosophy legit or should or should i skip this topic...
Is he finished?
What are some good books about masculinity? I read this and thought it had some decent information...
Looking for a horror book that will scare the shit out of me. Any suggestions?
Reminder that Moby-Dick is the ultimate pleb filter for English-speaking readers...
How did he go from deleuze and guattari inspired techno accelerationist cyperpunk dytopianism to posting...
Lets write a play
What are some must-reads of Islamic literature?
We are assembling a team, you in?
You ever read by candlelight? It's probably not good for my eyes but it's comfy as heck
Is life some kind of game to god?
Post words grouped together
Fantasy Literature
What furniture does Veeky Forums read on?
You know, I thought I loved philosophy, and I still do, but I can't stand reading Kant. It's just so fucking unpleasant...
Now that the dust has settled, where does he rank?
Podcast recommendations
[bumps into the archive a thread about pynchon or delueze] well Veeky Forums? what would you do?
Which city has the preeminent literary scene in your country, Veeky Forums?
External World
Book Banning in Britain
Moby Dick
Let’s talk about living writers
Brainlet here. What is postmodernism?
His writing doesn't include the internet in any significant way
What are some "so bad it's good" books ?
Why do I never see pic related when talking about Murakami, or in general for that matter? Is it not good...
Essential Nautical/Seafaring Literature
How can America produce the greatest writer of the 20th century, and then literally NOBODY worth mentioning thereafter...
What are some good children's books for a kid age 3-5 to get started learning to read? I'm getting my son pic related...
Is there any essay or work in general even attempting to refute this?
Rejected from every MFA program
Goodreads thread
What's your biggest gripe with the Veeky Forums community?
I don't know anything about Ireland or Dublin, is this still a good read?
I'm putting together a crew
Critique thread
"You shouldn't have to make the reader think when reading your paper." - English prof
Are books going to die out due to decreasing attention spans?
Poetry without meter is just words strung together
80% of all purchases of fiction are made by women
Russia's national college entrance exam will include Mandarin as an elective foreign language...
Did anyone else here study literature in college / university and fail to make a long-term plan for afterwards?
Patrician Must Reads
This book disproves everything Veeky Forums says and talks about yet 99% of you haven't read it
Looking for novels where the central character(s) is a woman either trying to find meaning in the world...
Mfw I found out that the Lannisters, whom I thought were quintessentially English...
Why was Aliosha so pure lads?
What race was Othello? He’s described as a Moor...
What modern pop (in the broad sense) musician has the best lyrics?
What next?
Continue reading despite discomfort?
A comic book writer is going to win the Nobel Prize in your lifetime
Badly describe a book, anons guess it
What the fuck happened to western philosophy?
What did Marx mean by this?
How come Asians are dominating academia but we have yet to see any great modern Asian philosopher?
I present to you, the typical poster on Veeky Forums
What is the greatest work of chinese literature/philosophy/etc.?
Mental strain
What do I need to read before starting the Bible?
Hell yeah, a writer is what I am going to be
I realized I was trans a few months ago...
Fav book
David's whole thing
Just finished. What should I read now to keep going deeper?
Stefan Molyneux book reviews
Is there a bigger pop culture clusterfuck than this?
How can I grasp knowledge of reality itself, rather than only knowledge of the appearance of reality?
Ends philosophy by closing the classical philosophical schools
What's book do you recc for a person who's expecting a change for the worst?
Intro to Ezra Pound
Teenage little sister has read Les Miserables cover to cover and signed her name on the last page
What should you read during baby's first existential crisis
Best book cover thread
Hermann Hesse described Revolt Against the Modern World as "really dangerous."
At what point does this get good? I'm on Numbers
Can we have a serious discussion of Harry Potter? Is it good literature for children and teens, or was Bloom right...
Can someone explain to me what the fuck is edith's problem?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
This is the best answer to give when asked "what's your favourite book"
Which book helped you the most in terms of self-improvement?
The strange death of Europe
Books to help me cope with the fact that I am a subhuman incel?
Roll on it boys. Report back with findings
Reading Group Brainstorming
Advice on beginning Shakespeare?
If he was so cool, why didnt he have a gf?
Why did she kill the goat?
Which words do you guys find beautiful? Can be names or anything really...
It seems like no one really understand Nietzsche, both online and among actual philosophers...
The soul is *not* a smithy
Mfw the wikipedia article on Evola reads like a hit piece written by a gender studies graduate...
When reading Outer God or Old Ones stories is it best just to read Lovecraft work only?
I just finished the New Testament...
Leather bound books
Read Less
*ends philosophy*
I’m 50 pages into this. When does it get good?
Nabokov's Recommendations
Is the Unabomber Manifesto worth reading or is it crazy gibberish like it's made out to be...
To the anons who studied English Literature in college / university, how old are you now and what job do you have?
Jordan Peterson loves to quote Nietzsche but what would Nietzsche have said about the ideas of Peterson and his...
Hi guys, newfag into politics here
Did this guy have any substantial impact on philosophy? Why should we take a nazi like this seriously?
Post a poem you know by heart. No copy pasting
Does Veeky Forums use e-readers?
Stream of Consciousness
Warhammer novels
Worse book yall ever read?
Reading for plot is for plebs
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Tfw have to listen to him explain how only he 'understands' Wittgenstein like my last bf
I'd like to read books with unexpecting and mindblowing plot-twists. What should i read?
Writing general
Do you view yourself as "above other people" because you read books?
Book thread
He isn’t in law school
What is the minimum IQ to obtain a philosophy degree nowadays?
The Great Debate
What do women in their early/mid 20s enjoy reading?
Has a book ever made you cry?
Tfw plan on dicking around throughout my 20s, not taking my professional career seriously...
The Best Racist Literature
Daily reminder that if you've read 10+ books this year so far you are most likely not reading anything worth reading at...
Camus did nothing wrong
I know this is not really a Veeky Forums topic, but I trust this board's intelligence...
OK but seriously, what is the most well written sentence of the English language?
What literature/philosophy is in the same vein as this image?
Confes your literary sins
I’m about to take the ultimate red pill. What am I in for Veeky Forums?
"So what does that even mean? Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity."
What are some books I should read if I want my mind to be blown and to look at the universe in a different way?
Does anybody else get the feeling that acts of "madness" on the part of artists and writers are wholly absent and / or...
The count of monte cristo
What is the dumbest thing you've read on this website?
Why aren’t you reading right now?
Tfw I have never been to a party ornightclub or had female attention ever
G-guys? ;-;
Remote Viewing for a Girlfriend
Nineteen Eighty-four
Have you read this masterpiece?
Here's that book you lent me bro. I told you I always give back books that people lend me
What do we think about this kind of literature?
There aren't many cultural criticism books nowadays. There used to be tonnes last century...
Name a more successful author
"Hemingway is overrated." Is he right?
Is he the best poet of all time?
Why does this guy criticize conceptual art for being ugly so much, when he himself is ugly as sin?
Been studying the philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche for the past five years and am about to publish substantial...
Tell me, you-a non nihilistic person
Opinions on His Dark Materials?
Is logic subjective
11th Grade Veeky Forums Teacher AMA
American lit vs Russian lit
Ok tell me straight, what work of literary merit upon completion will make me cease wanting to be a girl?
Oh shit, Zizek vs Peterson finally happened
Mfw people keep telling me Hegel was a reactionary, proto-fascist, and highly authoritarian
Stan from American Dad has a more Veeky Forums shelf than half of Veeky Forums
What does Veeky Forums think of young, conservative authors suche as Lauren Southern?
What are some good reads about conspiracy theories?
Tell me lit, what is justice?
A persons goal in life is to maximise his own happines. What do you think?
King Arthur
I want to learn maths from scratch. from where do i start?
Please recommend a book that expresses the feeling of being in Russia
Are there any Australians on lit at all? Do Australians even read?
Lets play a game
History books about ww1 and ww2
Is this worth reading?
Dubs chooses what book i read next
Shelf Thread - Big Boys Edition
Stream Of Consciousness thread
Are there any books, other than the Bible, that made you believe in God, or deepened your understanding of God?
/qtddtot/ Questions that don't deserve their own thread. Also translations general
Write what's on your mind Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums WHAT THE FUCK
Is 20 years old too old to start college? How much knowledge is required to be competitive in the job market?
Post the first paragraph of your novel
Studying the Bible as an Atheist
What's your favourite Shakespeare line or quote?
Best Translation of Crime and Punishment
What are some books that will make me believe in God and the Church...
Which translation/version?
Anyone here read the Big Jew himself?
But it is he who extemporaneously alters the definition of cosmopolitanism to mean that all White nations must become...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Stacks Thread
What's the greatest novel blueprint cliché?
What would a conservative revolution look like? any perennial thinkers that touch on this subject?
Is Dickens worth reading or is he just a high school meme?
I heard u fags read good
"It shouldn't ought to exist"
I'm thinking about learning to become a highschool english teacher at the age of 27
Who has read this? Also, Evan Dara thread
Where do you like to read? Share descriptions and pics, either of your own or just random pics that look nice
I've literally never read a book in my life. Where do i start?
A book to fill the empty hole inside of me?
Þere is absolutely no reason why þhe þhorn should not be used in modern english
The Sun's not yellow, it's chicken!
The mad lad eviscerated stoics in just a few paragraphs
Do you got the balls to share a page you've annotated?
What do you get out of Veeky Forums
Is there a reason he's so popular? His prose is average
Even writers of anime porn visual novels are reviving old styles of Literature in new and beautiful ways...
Strongly gnostic, mystic, transcendent in outlook
Eurocentrists BTFO by Spengler
What are your favorite untranslatable German words? Like Weltanschauung
Tfw rereading my opus magnum and it's shit
When did you realize St. Augustine was retarded?
Who are some of the most profound secular jewish thinkers?
Reminder that "great American novel" translates to "unreadable schlock only mutts can appreciate" in every other...
Thinking of copping. Is pinker worth reading?
It’s that time again
Guys, I'm 14 chapters deep in Ihe Illiad, when does it get good...
First line of your novel GO
Let's do a writing exercise
A book that contains more than 200 pages is a book full of fillers and pleonasms and thus is automatically shit...
Thus spoke zarathustra
Where do I start on economics and philosophy?
Does anyone else feel saddened that we never got to see what he could have become?
Is this book a meme or is it actually good?
What are some lit jobs I can get with a political science degree? I live in Canada
Uni thread?
Veeky Forums habits
ITT: Books that made you feel like a brainlet
How do we solve the idiot crisis?
Is Pernod the most patrician drink?
Can we talk about Postmodernism?
The Wake
One of these
Hi Veeky Forums I am writing an for my literature class and I was thinking about discussing elements of dystopia in our...
The hardest part about being a brainlet is not being able to read source material in time to see the movie in theaters
HOWL - To Be Part of a Movement
Is there such a thing as anti-nationalistm? People in a specific state who have a severe disdain for it...
Where do I start with Deleuze? I want to get into a thousand plateaus
Political Compass //Philosopher Edition
“Private companies” (Privatgesellschaften) will “step by step absorb the business of the state”
Favourite Book(s)
I have unironically never read a book in my life. Where do I start?
Lol what the fuck is this garbage why is he such a LOSER
We are so oft so sure that how we feel at any moment is how the world really is: when we are confident and pleased we...
How does it feel to have shit taste Veeky Forums?
What makes people from the first world who clearly will never endure the hardship of peasant live centuries ago or even...
Mfw being sincere
It just me or is this BORING as FUCK? does it get better? fucking slow learners was way better than this shit...
ITT: poetry 101
More books about obsessing over a girl or woman?
Stirner was a highschool teacher from age 30 - 38
Give it to me straight Veeky Forums - was reading everything here worth it?
I want to be better, I want to read something that will fundamentally change my thinking. I want to be more assertive...
Are there any books that can instill a sense of adventure in me...
Dude drugs lmao
This is a book in which almost nothing happens. Why is it so interesting?
H.G. Wells
Give me more RomanIan books with good prose haha sorry for this many threads in this subject haha
I'm thinking of training to become a Highschool Literature teacher
La gobline de la france
Has philsophy made any progress since picrelated?
What the FUCK was his problem?
YLYL/Cringe lit thread
The moral landscape
I’m dumb. What do I read?
What is there to be done with the midwit problem?
Books about finance and how to make $$$
Has anybody been able so much as find a flaw in his manifesto?
User may have been too smart to have friends, a good job, happiness or to work hard
Best japanese novels?
Ready Player One
Do you think he's right in that responsability is the meaning of life at least for males?
Bishop Barron on the Jordan Peterson Phenomenon
Greatest novels of all times
Can a work of fiction be racist?
Thoughts on the Bloomsbury Group
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread
What is your favorite book on the topic of an unrequited love?
Pilate saith to him: What is truth? And when he said this, he went out again to the Jews...
Is manga literature?
What's this Kunt's problem? Why can't he write like a fucking normal human being?
What is the literature equivalent to pictures like these?
You're favourite author
Is there any bigger pleb filter than Moby Dick?
What does this mean?
Start reading the Egyptians
How would you translate this change of emotion in this gif into prose?
I find Hobbes tiresome to read. What are the most importiant chapters i should read?
It's Happening!
first year intro to philosophy
What does Veeky Forums think of Lord of the Rings? Also, should I bother reading it if I've already seen the movies?
Is it ok for me to skip Leviticus? It is so incredibly boring. Please tell me, and if not please tell me why
Best philosophical titles? For me, it's Fear and Trembling
Do you read as an act of self-improvement or an act of leisure?
Does anyone actually use cursive anymore?
Physical books are better than digita-
Does anyone else feel ashamed of writing? It feels dirty and private and pretentious and narcissistic...
What should I read before and after this?
Currently going in to central London to drink coffee and feel sad about life at 9:25 pm
Writer is from New York or New Jersey
I really hate this guy, but I'm getting intrigued by the word of mouth regarding his book. Any anons read this?
Wake up
/qtddtot/ aka /sqt/
What's your favorite racist tirade by Lovecraft?
Do retards really believe that the soul and body are separate? I've never read anything as retarded as Descartes
Why are men objectively better at writing?
Veeky Forums humour thread
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Will he make it in time?
How to remember the definiton of every single word
Could a non-native English speaker ever read this? I'm tempted to try it...
Best Beowulf translation?
Why haven't you embraced Taoism yet, Veeky Forums?
Post a pic of girl
Ernest Cline is a fucking hack
Can someone enlighten me as to what these two dudes were on about? Also, how do you pronounce their names?
Maybe it's just because I'm an educated engineer and have an above average IQ...
I'll never finish this book
What is the most convincing nonsensical philosophical systems like in some of Borges short stories?
Veeky Forums is now an anti-democratic, socially Christian conservative board with liberal economics
Why was Kierkegaard made fun of based on his look? He looks like probably the most handsome philisopher I've ever seen...
What's it like knowing that this guy is the only poet in this generation...
Le individualist baby boomer that consumes antidepressants on a daily basis
Where does this meme that you must start with the Phenomenology of Spirit to read Hegel, come from...
Why do so many people who know literally nothing about philosophy act as if they're experts on it?
How do you read?
Stephen king just died
What is a good secondary source to help me understand the Tractatus?
I was at the bookstore and I was looking to purchase Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49...
If you post stacks you are everything wrong with this board. You are valuing a work soley as a commodity...
Plato's Forms
Another pseud bites the dust
Rate my stack
Where has all the quality modern lit gone?
Is he next?
A Brief History of Time
Explain to me how science doesn't render the entirety of literature irrelevant
Ever getting married
What is the best way to go about reading Infinite Jest? inb4 open it up & start reading
Recommend me some historical books
Anyone read any of his stuff? Either he or Milo Yiannopoulos
He did literally nothing wrong
True or false: poetry is the poor mans music. writing poetry is for people who cant write songs or play instruments
ITT: Stack + shoes
Saint John's College
Why aren't you a stoic yet?
What is your favorite quote from a work of literature?
Thoughts on this or other pessimistic/nihilist/existential nihilist works?
I just got BTFO'd by a Determinist, save me from this existential crisis, I'm in tatters. You're my only hope
What's with this board's delusional conception of women? "They're childish, passionless...
Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts—the book of their deeds, the book of their words...
What am I in for?
Who will Veeky Forums appoint as the philosopher king once the false god of democracy and equality is finally cast down...
WWIII is starting in 3 hours, whats your final read?
What works of Iiterary merit will make me stop wanting to be a girl?
Let's write a 500 author story that makes no sense
For the Christian, the sacred doctrine is revealed theology; for the Jew and the Muslim, the sacred doctrine is...
What is the best way to go about reading the Bible?
How is it legal to publish someone's diary after they die...
Realises how damn good a book the bible is
Post excerpts of literature – poetry, prose, a single verse, a paragraph, a soliloquy, a dialogue exchange...
Thesis: Spongebob Squarepants played a central role in the development of contemporary internet humor and memes
Well Veeky Forums?
Continue With The Christians - Chart Thread Addition
Be me
Are there books about depersonalisation?
ITT: We write our suicide letter
"The hobbits had large, hairy feet(and so of course had big hairy schlongs as well)"
Are there any philosophers who you believe offer no value whatsoever?
Popular? why is he
What's the most you've read in a single sitting before giving into sleep deprivation or boredom?
What are higher principles?
had had
Can a vidya be truly literary?
Did he destroy philosophy just so no one else had to waste their lifes doing such boring shit?
Who are some thinkers that nobody reads but everyone has opinions about? Pic very related
If there is no self or soul, what is that which is being reborn?
Can we get a culture war general to try and corral anything about Contemporary...
Is anyone else in a constant state of awe about the fact that we exist at all? It seems so paradoxical...
You say you're a socialist...
I just sat next to a 8/10 qt on the bus who was reading this
What does the population of Veeky Forums like to do besides read?
Not wanting to die has been selected for by natural selection
Can anyone rec fictional books about raw masculinity? I’ve heard people say fight club, lord of the flies...
I read for enjoyment, not to appear intelligent
Books with an apocalyptic vibe and cover
33% into Whatever and im about to drop it. Does it get better...
How does one explain the omniscience of (the Christian) God and free will...
Why do we hate this man again?
Stocism and godlessness
ITT the best books you have ever read
How does one read this? Is there any value inside it? when compared with reading The Bible, that is
How much of this is a lie
Philip K Dick thread
Is there any hope for me?
Explain why this man is wrong
Poetry Critique Thread
Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit Reading Group Thread #1
What has reading literature taught you about women, Veeky Forums?
Alright Veeky Forums. I'm 200 pages into pic related, and it's very unappealing to me...
So I got this super fat book, wich I know is not worth a full read but still, as an economist I fell I have to read it
Supposedly he reads 1000 pages per hour
Is it possible to determine what is 'good' literature on any sort of objective level?
Was he right?
I can safely disregard this, right? It's ill-natured and painful to read...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games