Japanese Literature Edition

Japanese Literature Edition

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If I see that bridge
That is spanned by flights of magpies
Across the arc of heaven

Made white with a deep-laid frost,
Then the night is almost past.

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Sounds pretty good

It is, I recommend checking it out. Some parts of it are kind of repetitive, but overall it gives you a really interesting look into his mind. He was a very conflicted dude.

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read it before the movie came out ;)


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If LNs count then I'm fucking sick of Spice and Wolf. Sure it is close to a western novel but the events are so repetitive it gets annoying after reading 10 volumes. The author is milking the fanbase with new volumes which are basically the same but without the "romance" in the first season of the series.

>If LNs count

They don't. Go back to /a/.

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Yup that's definitely Veeky Forums. Anything with pictures is garbage.

>reads tanizaki
>expects middlebrow trash
>doesn't understand anything and posts annie may and cartoons in the "got" section instead

Did you like it? And remember to read the sequels.

Anyone here read any Kanzaburo Oe?
I've been considering picking one of his up

You should make a chart, user. Give us something giggle at.

hmm, gonna have to check that one out. I had to read Deep River in high school and really enjoyed it.

I thought it was good, hope you enjoy it user.

>can't understand the concept of a Veeky Forums may may

Is that the one about a nose fetish and samurais chopping off noses and heads?
There's Tanizaki short story about a blind man and his mistress who plays the samisen. That's one pretty good.

A Personal Matter and The Silent Cry are both good. Being a little offbeat reads a little like Murakami without the thots and the jazz western shit.

So webnovels are fine right? None of them have pictures.

Stop reading Young Adult garbage.


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I didn't finish it but I found it near impossible to relate to the protagonists and found that the Japanese warlords were mostly justified in their actions.

read pic rel and it was unironically good.

also is kokoro a meme or should i actually read it

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>literature board
>can't even read 3 words in OP

>There's Tanizaki short story about a blind man and his mistress who plays the samisen.

That's Portrait of Shunkin

It's a short novel anyway. You will not waste much time on that

Oh, right. The one I referred to is called The Secret Story of the Lord of Musashi or something like that.

Almost all of the best literary works to come out of Japan in the last 20 years were visual novels. The few that weren't came from authors that got their start with VNs. We can post those right?

Is Yukio Mishima actually a fascist or what

I was planning on reading Confessions of the Mask, because my angry leftist trans friend (also one million times smarter than me) recommended it to me, but I don't think they're the type to recommend a book by any book that even subtly preaches fascist ideology.

I would rather read crappy SoL romance (see pic related), cheap mystery thrillers or God awful Murakami than retarded VN shit and their idiotic tropes designed to attract virgin manchildren.

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>Is Yukio Mishima actually a fascist
>Is Confessions of the Mask a massively important work of queer fiction?
Also, Yes

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>I would rather read crappy
This isn't a rec thread

he's not a fascist idiots...
he was a "right wing nationalist" though.

Is the reason that you refuse to call Mishima a fascist because you give the term "Fascist" an inherently negative connotation? If so, you're a child.

It's inaccurate. It is also pejorative - or, conversely, some people who identify with the ideology like to apply the label "fascist" to things that they find attractive.

Fascism is extreme nationalism, philosophical idealism, romantic aesthetics, and viewing the state body as an organism. (It also often includes biological essentialism but, according to the primary texts of Fascism, that is not required). All of these things can be attributed to Mishima's world view.
I presume, the only reason you don't like calling Mishima a fascist is because your own totalitarian society indoctrinated you with cartoonish misrepresentation of Fascism as "bigotry made political" which is not representative of actual 3rd positionary theory.
You're the idiot here for attributing a solely pejorative connotation to one of the 3 major modern political movements without reading any of the theory behind it.

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>it wuznt real fascism!

You're a retarded person.

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The term fascism being applied to German Nazism is considered contestable by some (John Lukacs, for instance, who denies the concept of a "generic fascism", and similarly a generic "totalitarianism"). Italian fascism and Nazism are, for their similarities, quite distinct in crucial ways. Speaking about fascism in broad strokes tends to encourage easy narratological illusions and equivocations - appealing to ideologues of a pro or anti fascist stripe, as well as to the general prejudices of Western liberal democracy (consider the self-important and anachronistic banality involved in calling Spartan society "fascist").

Now we have to add several thicker layers of distance when it comes to talking about Japanese political philosophy. Few people bother calling Showa period Imperial Japan "fascist", despite its Axis affiliaton. The Japanese wouldn't have recognised the term either. The strongest resemblance seems to be the complex and deadly interplay of traditionalism and modernism... but so much of this is part of the colonial condition too. Imperial Japan probably bears closer resemblance to Wilhemite Germany, with its expansionist ambitions and industrial development fuelled by a cocktail of romanticism and iron-practical self-interest. A vague racial-national chauvinism, tempered by principals of racial equality, instead of a core ideology of racial/national rebirth.

Mishima was more postmodernist than fascist...

Yes, Sword Art Online is fine.

Slayers is the best Veeky Forumse novels

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He's not really fascist in the way the word is commonly defined, but in Sun and Steel there's pretty much no mention of his political ideas. The fist part is him talking about getting buff and the last part is about him flying in a plane.

Ctrl-f "Genji", "pillow book", "tale of Ise", "100 poems".

0 results

Veeky Forums is as bad as reddit.