Academic degree

What are you currently studying user?

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>bachelor of arts

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>a BA

Idiots thats not OP's degree, the name is literally a pun on testamur

Electronic engineering Beng.


master's of english at cambridge actually

incoming downvotes xdDD


Minor in Corporate Law.

Computer Science

computing security.
Are you guys still saying "two thousand and..."?

Data protection and privacy


I want a MSc in Finance though

i-i dont know

im supposed to choose a major this semester but i dont what. i just like taking the lit classes i dont enjoy anything else about this place, i will probably take off for a while. honestly i just want a career that will give me time to read and lift and what not and live in a small space.


Maybe you could try to get into banking (not the Wall Street kind) or engineering/software. Those seem to allow plenty of time if you don't go work for Amazon or something like that, and pay well.

Physics and computer science

BAHAHAHA what a fucking NERD!!


Pls don't laugh or I swear I'll find you and rub your tummy

PhD atmospheric science

cog neuroscience
pls dont bully

I'm laughing right now. If I cry from laughing hard will you rub my pee pee for me?

Ok, but only if you tru love me

But student life is over, I really work now.

Yes, but i only love you tru tru if you make me mayonnaise well-hard. Deal?

Writing, of course

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