I'm interested in reading his political philosophy, however from my understanding his major work 'prison notebooks' is written very eclectically and is highly contextual to Italian politics at the time. So i was wondering if 'prison notebooks' was worth reading in full or if there is a good abridged version. Either that, or whether there is some kind of secondary reading or annotated version to help fill in what he is responding to.
Antonio Gramsci
nigga looks like a lesbian
The resemblance is uncanny
Sorry, haven't read Gramsci.
I'd start with the Talmud to get a better idea of his mindset.
Get yourself the Routledge Guidebook edition mate
Why are all commies deformed, shriveled losers, Veeky Forums?
because of the weight of history
Gramsci was Italian.
t. pic related
Albanian actually.
The standard ‘selections from the prison notebooks’ has a lengthy introduction that tries its best to give the necessary context, and it has a fair amount of annotation.
The Routledge Criticial Thinkers book on him is a good place to start.
One of the problems is just that there is now such a massive body of secondary lit that was been created on him in a fairly short period of time, I’d say what is ‘standard’ or canonical works on him haven’t yet been fully decided.
I’ll also mention;
Antimonies of Antonio Gramsci by Perry Anderson
Gramsci and Marxist Theory by Mouffe
Gramsci’s Historicism by Morera
Using Gramsci by Filippini
The last one especially is very short and explicitly focused on how to go about actually doing Gramscian analysis.
Overal reading Gramsci first hand definitely sucks because of the scattered form of the work, it’s definitely somebody I prefer getting from people who have bothered to spend years trying to reconstruct his thought in a concise form.
Bordiga ran laps around him.
Some of his conceptions about ideological hegemony are pretty cool but Gramsci played a significant role in helping construct liberal philosophical precepts about intellectuals and education, in the process convincing petty bourg lefty academics that they're the real revolutionaries
And also, one of the weirdest things, the domain in which Gramscian thought has really become super popular is International Relation Studies of all things.
What's the point of leaving a comment? MOST people haven't read Gramsci. If everyone decided to comment on this reason, we'd have thousands of comments all saying the same unnecessary thing: "Sorry, haven't read Gramsci."
Makes sense. States behave against their own interest pretty frequently and Marxism offers a great model for understanding why. Gramsci is especially useful for looking at the ways governments justify their policies and which interests they serve.
Haven't read much Chomsky but I'm nearly certain he would list Gramsci as a major influence
thanks, I'll check them out.
No problem!
It’s also worth saying that Gramsci *was* a Marxist, meaning that without some background in Marxism it’s not always clear why Gramsci is asking the questions he is, or what he is exactly responding against, and a lot of the secondary sources can assume a lot of familiarity to Marxism.
never change Veeky Forums
Laclau and Mouffe are pretty much the "canonical Gramscians"
fuck communism
What do you mean by *was*? simply that he's dead? or that at sometime he stopped being a communist?
This, but unironically.
True that user. Nicely said.
t. Elhaid Cufi