What is there to be done with the midwit problem?

what is there to be done with the midwit problem?

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Pic related being the midwit who made that image?
Most young guys who casually read Dostoevsky actually usually come out romanticizing being a nihilist psychopath rather than being interested in Fyodors Christian polemics

It's a """""subtle"""" anti-Peterson thread, dude.

You know nothing

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You are not fooling me with deleting the original, brainlet

Needs Bertrand Russel

I read most of these, but I was acutely aware that I was reading middlebrow stuff. Do I still count as a midwit if I recognize that fact?

Take out Watts and Campbell.

Almost certainly. Middling self understanding is part of being a midwit

Do it yourself, cuck

lol no. they're pure midwit

No. I read Hero With a Thousand Faces etc in high school. How dumb would it be if it stopped there?
There are different rungs on the ladder.
Also you can like some of those books and not be a midwit. It's when you cite them like the Bible.

>Also you can like some of those books and not be a midwit.


Yeah I think I also see it like that. For example Sapiens and Guns, Germs, and Steel had some interesting thoughts, but of course I understand that it's not all right, and I would certainly not quote them as authorities.

The problem with this logic is that midwits think they're "progressing" when in reality they're just moving on to the new midwit flavor of the month after realizing what mediocre thoughts they had before
Hence it is how fedora tipping Dawkins fans move on to become mouth breathing Petersonites

I actually agree with you.

I'm just saying that flipping through Sapiens or listening to it on a long drive isn't so bad. There are some interesting ideas and you'll know what the fuss is all about.

Of course I do more serious reading when I'm at home and I'm in my study and have my notebooks ready.

If you exclusively look at "top 10 non-fiction bestsellers of the year" and read those just because they are popular, and you have no other strategic reading progression set up for yourself, yeah you're a midwit.

I just think that recognizing this fact shields you from doing that, and makes you not a midwit.

lol this guy with his “study”

midwit spotted

“ah, yes, from time to time i do indulge in those ... baser pleasures ... but i assure you, when the setting is CORRECT, at THOSE TIMES, and only those times, i engage in truly SERIOUS work...”

lel this

that pic is way more cancerous than whoever its mocking

I this a new meme? Or is it from June-December, when I was taking a break from Veeky Forums?

It was in prototyping phase during that time but its just went through mass release now

Nothing. It is part of the unfolding of nature that the lesser must precede the greater. Animals would not exist without plants. The genius could not have been born except out of mediocrity. What is profound will always be rare and what is average will always be the norm. There is nothing to be done.

The problem is with them not knowing their place and holding back their opinions when better men are present

So you knew the Sutras when you were 2?

Go answer the phone Pajeet

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I'm glad you had the good sense to include Sowell. Too often he's mentioned on Veeky Forums.

I get the impression the midwit meme is being forced by one guy who recently discovered the term on a shitty blog.


>Maps of meaning.
These damned wayward proles I swear.
We need a gag order preventing non-semioticians from using the word 'meaning'.

how's your 180 IQ treating ya, vox?

Machiavelli has value to the study of renaissance literature but otherwise I'm shocked at how accurate this is.

Marcus Aurelius does not belong there.

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>animals would not exist without plants

Fundamentally incorrect.

Dosto is also like a soap opera, just with philosophical digressions. People take this shit way too seriously

the chad midwit vs the 'gifted' virgin