Is 2018 global and national politics Left Nietzschean vs. Right Nietzschean?

Is 2018 global and national politics Left Nietzschean vs. Right Nietzschean?

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pretty stupid thread desu


he doesn't know

It should be obvious.

if its obvious, explain it

if you can't, ill assume you don't know

Suit yourself.

he's right though

except there's no nietzschean right

It's liberals vs liberals with a 20 year delay socially and pro-globalism vs globalism-skepticism economically

Nietzschean right is seen in the nascent alt-right desire for a posthuman elite in a dodge away from leftist litzte mann identity grievance politics

>alt-right desire for a posthuman elite
does that even exist in the alt-right? i thought they just liked wheat fields, preserving genetics and conserving tradition

the only people interested in posthuman stuff are Nick Land and some of the neoreaction people who are fascinated by the chinese genetically engineering humans with tentacle faces and 300 IQs, i'd not call them nietzschean either, Land seems very materialistic in a marxian sense, much more than the current left

>For the most part, Nietzsche simply insists that male and female bodies remain stranded on opposite sides of an unbridgeable divide, a divide that exists by nature and ought to remain so, that is also and ought to remain a hierarchy comprised of the male domination of women. He calls men who support the “emancipation of woman’” “shallow” (again, flachköpfken—superficial, flatheaded, short-skulled), and claims that “‘feminism’” “[‘Femininismus’]” (whether in women or men) “will never permit entrance into [his] labyrinth of audacious insights.” But this is because Nietzsche’s truth requires “hardness as a habit” and to think that a woman could “become hard!” is sheer lunacy. It is an overturning of the given categories and requirements of life itself. This is why Nietzsche can say things like, “when a woman has scholarly inclinations there is usually something wrong with her sexually.” A “scholarly” or otherwise “masculine” woman’s instincts have gotten confused; they no longer match up with her body. More importantly, however, they transgress the normative hierarchy at stake in this natural opposition: “woman must obey and find a depth for her surface. Surface is the disposition of woman: a mobile, stormy film over shallow water.” Thus Nietzsche always concludes that “comparing man and woman [Mann und Weib] on the whole, one may say: woman [das Weib] would not have the genius for finery if she did not have a instict for a secondary role.”

How does the Nietzschean left cope with this?

Anyone else butt mad that Richard Spencer misuses Nietzsche's phil and bastardizes it into a collective philosophy? Because I am. In fact I'm tired of Nietzsche brought up altogether. Esp. by Jordan Peterson fags. The 'left' isn't immune to it either, but at least it occurs a lot less Fuck. Why does Nietzsche have to exist? Why does he attract the exact people he didn't want to read him Veeky Forums?

We think that he's wrong. Wasn't that easy?

there's no need to be upset, does R S bring up nietzsche? never heard anything about what the guy actually thinks except for the media bringing him up as the internet boogieman

>there's no need to be upset
You're probably right.
Yeah. he does it alot. One of his main slogans is "become who we are," he often says alot of things close to what Nietzsche says. Why? Well, I know how cliché it is to say on the Internet and epically Veeky Forums, but I know a guy who's been in his apartment and seen his bookshelf. Half of it is 'understanding nietzsche' mixed with fascist, nsdap, and Evola esc literature. I was surprised at the amount of books he reads, but it's limited in the amount of different genres and scope of different philosophers. I wish I could find the photo the dude sent me.

'alt-right' is populist grievance politics.

this probably happens because Nietzsche was obsessed with masks, methaphors, nuances, allegories, etc. It's impossible not to attract pseudointellectual frustrated fucks when you use the language Nietzsche used, and when you talk about the ideas he discussed (religion, morality, past and future philosophers, masses, taste in art, science, family, love, women etc.) using his characteristic way of expressing himself (with apparent contradictions, nuances, indirect way of describing abstract ideas).

Still, I find it funny too that so many dumb fuck muck-dwellers use him as their hero even though he would've treated them with disgust. Right-wingers (and any kind of kid-who-still-believes-in-political-fairytales), racists (the frustrated kind of racist, the one who blames jews for being subhumans and wishes he could be rich as them), angsty teenagers (look mom, god is dead, I was right, I'm as smart as Nietzsche!), atheists (who don't fully comprehend what the fuck "god is dead" truly meant), people who misunderstand nihilism and what Nietzsche meant by it.

I think there's this fundamental need to be relevant and to yell and be heard, and all kinds of desperate muck-dwelling troglodytes flock to Nietzsche because he touches on some sensitive, controversial matters.

>secondary literature
understanding one of the most misunderstood philosophers by interpreting the interpretation of some random guy (I'm willing to bet he didn't even give a shit about the credentials of the authors of those books or the quality of the translations)

>I mistrust all systematizers and I avoid them. The will to a system is a lack of integrity.

Why does the left OR right think they understand him?

>the entire nightmare we live in, the birth of the binary world where there is no option other than yes or no and where there is no refuge.

This guy gets it

The left is way more Hegelian than Nietzschean now (see Zizek)

>does the "alt-right" even exist?


probably not Nietzschean then.

except nietzsche himself is right-wing by any reasonable definition. aristocratic elitism isn't reconcilable to left-wing politics properly understood. the fact that he was opposed to antisemitism and nationalism doesn't change anything. as hard as it is for some to comprehend, he lumped all this stuff in with socialism, anarchism, liberalism, democracy, etc. to him, they were all mass movements motivated by slave morality and ressentiment and were antithetical to his aristocratic individualism.

i like nietzsche, too, but people need to stop deluding themselves into thinking his politics weren't trash. a person can provide good insights and still be reactionary shitbag.

Nietzsche's politics aren't really reconcilable to right-wing politics either

nice worldsalad bro is that ranch?

its caesar, the word salad of the transcient green-pilled renecationary reactionaries. What did Nietzsche mean when he said "la luz extenguida"?

Is "la luz extenguida" left or right on politics? is it cultural degeneration of society? or disapearance of hope?

>except nietzsche himself is right-wing by any reasonable definition.

i mean there are the usual internet nihilists that went from:

atheism -> anti-sjw -> alt-right

obviously the alt-right is not a movement in any sort beyond shitposting, but up to which point do the shitposting people take it seriously or just use it to cover their nihilism is something that has yet to be seen

just because nietzsche was a right-winger doesn't mean that right-wingers are nietzschean though, which they aren't. i am not saying there has never been a nietzschean right, just that it doesn't exist now in any semi-mainstream sort of way.

2 ideologies versus eachother (or ideologies, group think in general) is the antithesis of Nietzsche's philosophy. Really stupid thread

If you're not thinking about modern politics in terms of
then I've got bad news for you bud

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What is the "Nietzschean left"?


wtf is left Nietzschian supposed to be?
I mean Thus spoke Zarathustra has a fucking explecit subtopic, witch tells he is not about being a massive faggot.

>Nietzsches ideas were good but the conclusions from those are bad because muh feelings.


>don't blindly treat as doctrine everything a thinker ever thought or said
'You're not a REAL Nietzschean'