What are some good books that critique both capitalism and communism?

What are some good books that critique both capitalism and communism?

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Catholic conception of economy
Catholic conception of politics
by Julio Meinvielle

On Respecting my Fursona - Julius Evola

The doctrine and origins of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile is a good introduction to 3rd positionary theory.

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Or, if you're looking for something less fascy, you might like the Frankfurt School.
I included a pic of Adorno but Marcuse would probably be more helpful. I recommend one dimensional man

Attached: I cant be the only one that puts this image of Aorno in the corner whilst I jack my pantaloon racoon (214x317, 20K)

Baudrillard - the consumer society and mirror of production

looks like you need some of that real tradition stuff

Miguel Serrano
Savitri Devi

Fascism isn't third position its right wing extremism, the polar opposite of communism. 3rd position is a meme created by Gaddafi, and Nazbols are just Fascists who like Soviet aesthetics. Fuck off you fucking faggot
right wingers cannot survive without capitalism or a reduced form, mercantilism. the post-left are the only rightful negation of both economic schools. right wing is a dead end cul-de-sac

"left" and "right" are arbitrary classifications to confuse and ensnare proles

id recommend revisiting fascism OP esp carl schmitt and mussolini. but you seem pretty predisposed and dead set against it so what youre probably looking for is anarchism. just google it up basically. read the wikipedia article, read the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy's article, read an anthology that covers anarchism from its origins as european "libertarian socialism" to present day radical IDpol

Crime & Punishment

Harry Potter

Plenty of authors have written on both socialism and capitalism. Socialism, Capitalism, and Democracy is one such book.

Also, vilfredo Pareto’s Book On socialism. Principles of Political Economy goes over socialism and other various economic occurrences within capitalism like Joint stock partnerships in the late 18th century.

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Check out G.K. Chesterton's works on Distributism.

How about you learn some economics first

Checked.. this is the only good answer in this thread

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>books that crituque both capitalism and communism
Books by communists themselves.

unironically a good recommendation

Fascism is just capitalism though

t. Materialist

>Not materialists

They unironically aren't. They broke with marxist materialism and instead returned to hegelian idealism.

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Sunday mornings be like...

> .

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>TFW you are riding your horse through a wood and needs be check your stack, for an user has just made a thread

You should stop reading /leftypol/ books.