>still thinking there is anything left worth writing

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There is currently a vacuum where internet meme-based literature will soon be.

there will always be something worth writing as long as there remains pages empty in my diary desu

This is actually the opposite of the truth. The internet has affected people much more than we realize at the moment, and we need someone to write something truly great about what it does to mankind.

You mean already is.

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Someone needs to empty that vacuum into the trash can

Philip K Dick already anticipated it.

wait did Veeky Forums write another book


Truth is: there never was anything worth writing in the first place.

But what else is there to do? We've got to pass the time someway.

'There is only good rewriting'

so who is making dosh off this

shut up. i have a great.. beginning.. of an idea for a novel. i just need to work out where it's going to go.

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no, he didn't. Frederick Brown did ("A Logic Called Joe").

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sorry, "A Logic Named Joe" by Murray Leinster.

1940s sf writers all look the same from this distance.

The best prose and best plot combined with the most intelligent and psychologically insightful characters have never all been combined into one book, so yes there is still something worth writing.

I really, really, really like this image.
The above sentence was worth writing.

the guy who put Hypersphere on Amazon apparently made a lot of money
the guy that published L'anomie did it for free
have no idea about TLOTIAT because there's so many editions floating around

No one is reading this

There isnt. There is still quite a lot worth reading however

What matters is critics decades from now will see they were period masterpieces.

>not leaving the Veeky Forums meme trilogy in every local library

but mario and the search for the inner spaghetti party quest never got to 5 million words

this could, and should definitely be, the last thread on Veeky Forums. its the last thread i'm posting in, that is certain

you only think that because it removes any responsibility for reading new shit

Almost no literature has any relation to our society.
There is essentially no literature for us, there is only stuff waiting to be written.

>that feel when civilisation outpaces bio adaptation

The first book that will support the masculinist movement hasn't been written yet.

no i think that because i understand techne and don’t hav eang illusions about lit or writing books because i did not tie my ego to that shit

Music and cinema have completely replaced fiction but non fiction is still a thing.

>Music is a better way to tell a story then a book


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>thinking there was ever anything worth writing

>not wanting to master language

literally subhuman

>thinking there was ever anything worth writing

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Documentaries do everything that non-fiction does but better.

The written word has been obsolete since the invention of the movie camera.

true story

>Documentaries do everything that non-fiction does but better.
This is completely untrue. The weitten word is still the best way to communicate and share knowledge. No one would make a film that would contain all the info there is in a textbook.


Hmm maybe this is why I like nonfic. It's a step up from popumentary.

Yes I agree. Let's all go buy the Latest Smart Phone so that we can all Stay Connected.

The trouble isn't the existence of something worth writing, it's someone worth writing for. There is no audience capable or deserving of substance in this modern age.