Have you ever tried to talk philosophy or literary fiction to people in real life? What was your experience?

Have you ever tried to talk philosophy or literary fiction to people in real life? What was your experience?

The reason I'm asking is that this happened earlier today:

>In college dorms
>Three other students
>They take history, geography and English Literature
>Geography guy has a big moustache
>Your moustache is bigger than Nietzche's, I say
>He responds: who's Neesha?
>Friedrich Nietzche...

At this point I think he misheard me, but after repeating myself several times, I learn he has no fucking clue who this guy is.

I turn to the English lit student but he stares at me blankly. Am I being taken for a fool? How is this happening? Further questioning made is clear none of them knew who he was.

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that's not talking about philosophy, you literally tried to meme in real life

no because i don't talk to anyone and no one talks to me

I didn't say that was an example of talking about philosophy, I simply stated it was what caused me to create this thread.

the rule of thumb is, you don't go and talk about philosophy, you ride the wave of talking about anecdotes, that are on the first look unimportant but on the second you realize that it's a nice way to form a connection with other people, and for the case anything philosophical pops up, which it eventually does, you state your opinion clearly and as short as possible without sounding like an complete ass and without getting into heated up arguments about the opinion of dead thinkers because no one of the shit you say will be your own thinking

the bar scene in good will hunting, don't be that other guy, be Will

Eh, I disagree as you absolutely can talk about writers and philosphers and why you disagree with them.
I think its rather fun

>Have you ever tried to talk to people about something nobody in real life gives a shit about

I'm not autistic, so no.

> I think he misheard me, but after repeating myself several times

This is cringeworthy. A regular person would have just dropped it after realizing this topic wasn't worth perusing. You, however, decided to make it awkward. Believe it or not, 99% of people are able to get through their lives just fine without knowing Nietzche.

>Can't even spell Nietzsche

Oh wise one how I wish I were as socially skilled as you are!


yes one of my friends who i met independent of Veeky Forums is an avid consumer of continental philosophy and i enjoy engaging with him on subjects related to these matters


your post is cringeworthy, its easy as hell to make people insecure about things they dont know about, and the fact that you suggested dropping it entirely shows how beta you are

It's pronounced Nee-Chay right?

Anyways, the most philosophy I ever discuss with people are saying one-liners from people like Ayn Rand and Noam Chomsky when appropriate because they have a lot of easily digested and hilarious concepts to troll people with.

Like "contradictions are an impossibility. If you find yourself facing a contradiction, check your assumptions, one of them will be wrong" or "People always get the governments they deserve".

Nobody outside of academia knows much of anything in-depth about philosophy and if you force them to think about it, most people default to Utilitarianism type lines of thought because it works for government or public policy and that's what they've absorbed by living life and not thinking about philosophy.

Brainlets do philosophy all the time, in their primitive and limited ways, usually prescriptive ethics, however literary fiction requires functional literacy so at most it will be nothing but a misquote.

>not lying on the grass with a qt and watching the stars while discussing the meaning of life knowing that your talk is bullshit but the only thing that matters is that you spend the night in union

I don't do this, but a nice thought.


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That's not a meme; clearly a joke, riffing

I agree that you can talk about that stuff; but with strangers you connect initially with small talk man. If meet some close ass people, the convo delves into a fun organic discussion on whatever—including phil.

When I was in HS I made the mistake of bringing up free will. I was quickly being convinced that we don't have free will, so I wanted a perspective from my friends. They obviously had never touched the subject because they said it was obvious we make choices and that I was just arguing for the fun of it. Then they got annoyed because they couldn't argue against my points, and I was jokingly (but kinda seriously) forbidden to bring it up again or else I'd sit alone at lunch.

How'd you pronounce it?

>omg im like so special I read literature and stuff omg u don't know who nieche is? LOL im going to post this on a subreddit and all the teenagers will laugh at u!

I have friends that I can discuss literature and philosophy with. If you become friends with people who are like you (and you're not a total autist) then it's likely they'll enjoy discussing the same things. Just don't be a know-it-all sperg about it.

>tfw mention materialism to friend
>after a few minutes realize he thinks I'm talking about selfishness instead of the philosophical definition of the word

but OP clearly states that his roommates were libartsfags. If this was a stemfag I'd see you're point, but these people are nominally cultured. Honestly if they're in that line of education and they don't know or at the least care about learning of Nietzche and others like him, then they are human garbage who OP had every right to be autistic around.

he's beyond you, what were you on? you wanted to question materialism? he probably came to terms with it because he had physics and chemistry in elementary school, he thought that it was ok to jump to more social things to help you to fit into society already

in my experience, in each class, there is an outstanding guy in the topic he studies, a guy that knows a little less, a guy that knows that he's stupid but wants to learn, everyone else just is there because

ironically I'm stem and my friend is a french/spanish language major

Most of the time when I've talked about philosophy people with respond with "why do you read dead irrelevant authors, just think for yourself" and something to that effect. Which prompts me to get into an argument about the fallacy of being an uneducated "free spirit" and human reason being steeped in tradition even if said tradition is unreflective. But by that point everyone's stopped listening, so I've learned to just shut up and make stupid jokes instead.

Philosophy can't really survive outside of academic literature unless you purposefully dumb everything down until it becomes meaningless desu.

>Apes don’t read Nietsche.
>Yes they do, Otto; they just don’t understand it!

Yeah this.

Ironic, that people the least educated by philosophy are the ones the most influenced by it. Only they receive their philosophical ideas through half-digested allegories, religion, dumb slogans and political pamphlets.

People not educated in philosophy are the ones most impacted by philosophical concepts only they are too ignorant to realize they're opinions are shaped by bodies of thought they've nevr been exposed to in depth.

Yeah they "think for themselves" and end up passively absorbing the worst of every philosophy they are exposed to. Humanity is basically 6 billion retards regurgitating advertisements on TV that try to sell them retarded pick up trucks.

The people least educated in philosophy are the ones most susceptible to philosophical arguments.

when people quote Nietszche or mention him, i always ask them about what "god is dead" means and about his philosophy, i've never heard the correct answer or they always try to avoid they don't know and get angry as fuck

yes, i'm insufferable but i love to expose them

"God is dead" means religion takes a back-burner to the pressing concerns of modern life, right?

Repeating a joke that fell flat is beta behaviour you autist

Hицшe, you stupid dumbfucks

People you share classes with aren't strangers.

Even if "God is dead", belief still functions as a social category, it just stops being direct first-person belief, a form fairly peculiar to mainstream Christianity. We are just as spiritual as ever, but holding a specific set of Church doctrines in mind has become far more difficult which prompts other kinds of spirituality like westernized Buddhism and neo-paganism. Christianity still survives however as "belief in belief" - we cling to the idea that there are pure believers out there who don't struggle with believing in it, even if we ourselves are practically atheist.
Whether this is a positive development is anyone's guess, guys like Žižek have argued that contemporary spirituality just enables global capitalism and tried to defend an alternative emancipatory view of Christianity, and I tend to sympathise with this but I just don't know. I'm kind of a clueless agnostic monist.

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I think religion just acts as a buffer, it divides it's adherents into a tribe somewhat distanced from the rest of society.

Why they are impossible to debate or argue with. They don't chose a religious lifestyle because friends and family are in he group and also fuck you.

Bro no

It means people no longer fear the idea of a greater being, as in hes dead. Ideals have fallen along with what is highest.

>I love to be the vile pseudo-intellectual who scares people away from literature
>"""the correct answer"""

Would avoid irl

Fuck. This gave me a flashback.

I remember as an autistic teenager pissing so many of my friends off when the subject of free will came up and they just couldn't deal with the idea that everything is deterministic.

Guy I work with read the Sloterdijk article in NYorker a few weeks back and asked me if I'd read read him. Talked about article and very generally about PS. A few days later he ordered himself a copy of YMCYL.

I have one friend who likes to read. We often go to bookstores together, but she's quite a bit far behind me in terms of knowledge. Not to sound superior but it's just the way it is. She does try though, but when we discuss things I feel like I lead the way and she tries to follow. I often feel I have to dumb down things for her, use simple words, etc.

Not to discredit her, she has some interesting ideas, but she definitely thinks she's smarter than she actually is.
Also we read Lolita together and she thinks Humbert is a good guy, she got so tricked by him that it was infuriating talking to her about the book because of how easily manipulated she was and how badly she misunderstood it. She didn't even consider him a rapist

I know German is hard so here is the correct pronounciation for all my amerilard friends: nie(h)tzsheau. The "eau" is the same as in "so" or "quatriplegic". Your welcome.


Pick one lol

I'm a filthy casual, so basically everyone I've ever tried to talk to either knows so much more than me that I don't want to go into it and embarrass myself (particularly with philosophy), or they don't know anything and don't give a shit.

>reading outside before class
>girl comes up to me and introduces herself, says she loves reading too
>asks what my favorite genre is, i say i like sci-fi but prefer classic literature
>she doesn't know what that means
>ask her what she likes to read

I walked away.

Nietzsche is irrelevant, as are most so-called philosophers. If they're not studying philosophy why would or should they know of him?

The word is vague as fuck anyway (philosophically) because people their personal connotations of it at the forefront of the meaning.

Not really, it's a hobby like any other hobby.

If someone asks hey guys do you play guitar do you respond "omg im like so special I play an instrument".

You're really pathetic, child.

>Philosophy can't really survive outside of academic literature
I agree. All of its diktats fall apart on contact with the real world.

This is what Wojak should be about, not co-opted for soyboyism and cuckery.

I once argued with my manager about the ethics of voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide.

this, it's pretty comfy most of the time desu senpai

the sad truth ;-;

me too
i've learned to embrace my autism so completely that i don't even get nervous in social situations anymore, i exchange the information that matters and ignore everything else

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>tfw normies calls me "so philosophical" when most of what I discuss is just me trying to cope with living with immense emotional trauma, and the expressed thoughts that comes with that