Camus did nothing wrong

>The absurdist philosopher Albert Camus stated that individuals should embrace the absurd condition of human existence while also defiantly continuing to explore and search for meaning.

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I had a world lit professor at junior college who said Camus wrote that everyone should kill themselves

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Your prof is a hack

He was an okay guy. This is a small junior college in Mississippi where 95% of the students had never even heard of Camus. We briefly discussed him (like one day) with a handful of other writers. I appreciated the class overall and the fact that he did things like make students give presentations on their reading. It was a small dent in an otherwise good course. But yeah, I was dismayed by it.

All I know is that hairline is absurd


LEAVE CAMUS ALONE it's not his fault he's going bald it's the absurdity of DHT!

Just read Kierkegaard wtf mane

I'm pretty sure his quote was, "The only philosophical question is whether or not you should commit suicide.


this is the exact opposite of what camus said lol

Can someone explain to me why I'm supposed to give a fuck about the character in the stranger? He was a boring cunt who didn't give a fuck about anything so he did sociopathic shit. His internal monologues didn't provide any unique insights into the nature of being or whatever the people claim this pseud shit is about.

Someone post that paragraph by Nagel

>t. Woman

Fuck you autist

>t. actual IQ in the 70s

I've been looking for similar characters to Meursault ever since I read The Stranger

My philosophy teacher loved Camus, taught us all about him lol. Myth of Sisyphus and all, Camus was a cool dude

Camus was the best existentialist philosopher 2bh

>hey nothing matters lol
>but you should still rebel against the absurd because ???

Ok, this is epic

I’m kinda serious though. I read The Plague, The Stranger, a collection of his essays, and part of The Fall. With his philosophy, it always seems like he’s trying to have his cake and eat it too.

It helps foster meaning and purpose.

>trying to have his cake and eat it too

Literally Sarte

But in doing so it seems like he commits the same philosophical suicide that he dreads. He just dresses it up as some rebellion or knowingly forlorn pursuit, yet he clearly wants people to get “lost” in that pursuit (thereby avoiding the harsh reality of existence) in the same way that anyone envelops themselves in say, religion.

He's grappling with a set of reasons which should incapacitate him while having survived Nazis occupations as part of the underground rallying against them. His and many others' innate character clashed against the meaninglessness of their struggle, and he sought to understand that struggle and find a method to oppose it in order to fight justly any oppression. It's a Neitzchian method that wants to hold onto to ideals through fighting for them and opposing the meaninglessness of the struggle by taking joy in the process. He's giving you a basis to believe in your goals in the here and now when you understand how useless it is in some grand historical context.

And if you don't like this, you're gonna hate Kurtygaytard's method for having faith....

>he was a boring cunt who didnt give a fuck about anything

Precisely the point camus was making, and he rustled your little jimmy now didnt he

Mersault is an ugly nihilist through and through. The insight you failed to capture was the final moment at the end where Mersault finally wants something for his life, and what he wants is to be killed in front of the crowd