Where do I start on economics and philosophy?

where do I start on economics and philosophy?

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The libertarians

is that a girl
why are you posting more females

Mankiw has a textbook that is fine. His reading list for freshmans is on his blog
You could go back to smith and read wealth of nations or moral sentiments. Or read libertarians like Sowell

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the worldly philosophers by robert heilbroner

femoids REEEEE

no it's an advanced trap with adams apple removal surgery. Don't worry


seriously, read this, see what interests you, then go read more. It's an easy read and very informative.

Capital in the Twenty-First Century

god l wish that were me

Start and end with the economics section in The Foundation for Exploration.

adam smith

t. non-economists

seriously though, this is bad advice don't listen to it

Start with proudhon, what is property?
Skip the liberals, read the anarchists, then read capital and historical materialism. Then you should go to the natty and systems sciences pic related is a good place to start if you follow citations and put in the labor to start searching acedemic databases and whatnot afterwards. You don't necessarily need to study the theory if you don't want to into math, but you ought to.
Then you can start studying economics if you really want to.
This isn't subversion, I pinky promise.

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Although it is not GREAT advice, it is much better than the following

Do NOT read libertarians for economics. And certainly do not read textbooks unless you want a bastardization of the original ideas.

Go read Progress and Poverty by Henry George or something.

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Here have my reading list.

Intro Econ
* The Armchair Economist
* The Worldly Philosophers

* Thinking Strategically
* Micromotives and Macrobehavior

* Random Walk Down Wall Street

* Capitalism and Freedom
* Free to Choose

* The New Industrial State
* The Affluent Society

Contemporary Macro
* Pop Internationalism
* Macroeconomic Patterns and Stories

Econ Capstone
* The Making of an Economist

2008 Financial Crisis

* Too Big to Fail

I'll post econ next

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* Bertrand Russell - The Problems of Philosophy
* Simon Blackburn - Think
* Timothy Williamson - Tetralogue

Continental Philosophy
* Existentialism

* Gordon Marino - Basic Writings of Existentialism
* Jean-Paul Sartre - Existentialism is a Humanism
* German Idealism and its Critics

* Robert Stern - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit
* Hegel - The Phenomenology of Spirit
* On the Genealogy of Morality
* Beyond Good and Evil
* Frankfurt School and "Post-Marxism"

* Martin Jay - The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research

* René Descartes - Meditations on First Philosophy (1641)
* John Locke - An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689)
* George Berkeley - Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (1710)
* David Hume - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748)
* Immanuel Kant - Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
* W.V.O. Quine - "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" The Philosophical Review 60 (1951), 20-43
* Edmund Gettier - "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?

Free Will
* R. E. Hobart - "Free Will as Involving Determination and Inconceivable Without It," Mind 43.169 (1934), 1-27.
* P.F. Strawson - "Freedom and Resentment," Proceedings of the British Academy 48 (1962), 1-25.
* Roderick Chisholm - "Human Freedom and the Self," The Lindley Lecture, 1964. University of Kansas.
* Roderick Chisholm - "He Could Have Done Otherwise," Journal of Philosophy 64.13 (1967), 409-17.
* Harry Frankfurt - "Alternate possibilities and moral responsibility" The Journal of Philosophy 66.23 (1969), 829-39.
* Harry Frankfurt - "Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person" The Journal of Philosophy 68.1 (1971), 5-20.
* David Lewis - "Are We Free to Break the Laws" Theoria 47.3 (1981),113-21.
* Peter van Inwagen - An Essay on Free Will. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.
* Galen Strawson - "The Impossibility of Moral Responsibility" Philosophical Studies 75 (1994), 5-24.
* John Martin Fischer & Mark Ravizza - Responsibility and Control: A Theory of Moral Responsibility. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
* Gary Watson - "Free agency," Journal of Philosophy 72 (April):205-20 (1975).
* Gary Watson - "Two Faces of Responsibility," Philosophical Topics 24 (2):227-248 (1996).
* Timothy O'Connor - "Agent Causation." Agents, Causes, and Events: Essays on Indeterminism and Free Will, Oxford University Press (1995), 173-200.
* Robert Kane - The Significance of Free Will, Oxford University Press (1996).
* Derk Pereboom - Living Without Free Will, Cambridge University Press (2001).
* Randolph Clarke - Libertarian Accounts of Free Will, Oxford University Press (2003).
* Al Mele - Free Will and Luck, Oxford University Press (2006).

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Moral Philosophy and Ethics
* Metathics
* Moral Realism

* Steven Finlay - "Four Faces of Moral Realism," Philosophical Compass 2 (2007)
* Michael Smith - The Moral Problem (1994).
* Philippa Foot - Natural Goodness (2001).
* David Enoch - Taking Morality Seriously (2011).
* Moral Constructivism

* Christine Korsgaard - The Sources of Normativity (1992)
* Sharon Street - "What is Constructivism in Ethics and Metaethics?" Philosophical Compass 5 (2010)
* Moral Anti-Realism

* Nietzsche. (See above)
* J.L. Mackie - Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong (1977).
* Normative Ethics

* * Michael Sandal's (Harvard) Justice lectures are an excellent introductory resource for normative ethics.
* * Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Normative Ethics (2009). Available Online.
* Normative Ethical Theories

* * Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics. (Virtue Ethics)
* * Immanuel Kant - Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785). (Deontological Ethics)
* * JS Mill - Utilitarianism (1861) (Consequentialist Ethics)
* * G.E. Moore - Principia Ethica (1903). (Consequentialist Ethics)
* * T.M. Scanlon - What We Owe to Each Other (1996) (Deontological Ethics)
* Issues in Normative Ethics

* * Derek Parfit - Reasons and Persons (1984). (Personal identity)
* * Chris Heathwood - Welfare from the Routledge Companion to Ethics (2010) - (Welfare)

Applied Ethics
* * Peter Singer - Animal Liberation (1975)
* * Peter Singer - Practical Ethics (1979)
* * Tom Regan - The Case for Animal Rights (1983)
* * Judith Jarvis Thompson - "A Defense of Abortion,"
* * David Benatar - The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys (2012)
* * Michael Sandal - What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets (2012)

Political Philosophy
* Machiavelli - The Prince
* Thomas Hobbes - The Leviathan
* John Locke - Two Treatises of Government
* Discourse on the Origin Of Inequality Among Men
* The Social Contract: or Principles of Political Right
* Kant - Answering the Question: What Is Enlightenment?
* Kant - Perpetual Peace
* John Stuart Mill - On Liberty
* John Rawls - A Theory of Justice
* Robert Nozick - Anarchy, State, and Utopia
* Michael Sandel -Liberalism and the Limits of Justice

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Philosophy of Mind
* Introduction

* Jaegwon Kim - Philosophy of Mind (2011)
* Paul Churchland - Matter and Consciousness : A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (1988).
* Tim Crane - The Mechanical Mind: A Philosophical Introduction to Minds, Machines, and Mental Representation (2003).
* David Chalmers - Philosophy of Mind: Current and Contemporary Readings
* Intentionality and Mental Representation

* Robert Cummins - Meaning and Mental Representation (1989).
* Jerry Fodor - "Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation" Mind 373.94 (1985), 76-100
* Stephen Stich and Ted A. Warfield, eds - Mental Representation: A Reader (1994).
* William Ramsey - Representation Reconsidered (2006).
* Jerry Fodor - The Language of Thought (1980).
* Consciousness and Qualia

* David Chalmers - The Conscious Mind (1996).
* Daniel Dennett - Consciousness Explained (1991).
* Thomas Nagel - "What is it like to be a Bat?" The Philosophical Review 83.4 (1974), 435-50.
* Frank Jackson - "Epiphenomenal Qualia" The Philosophical Quarterly 32.127 (1982), 127-36.
* Behaviorism and its Discontents

* Gilbert Ryle - The Concept of Mind (1949).
* Noam Chomsky - Rev. of Verbal Behavior, by B.F. Skinner. Language 35.1 (1959), 26-58

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Start with Hazzlit.

ty based viper

>eternal anglo: the list


Marx. Anything before that is bourgeoisie lies.


what about hegel

>he's lol'ing but the USSR is the only nation in the history of the Earth that had a free-market labor market
idiot faggot pseud effete sociopath econ major

Shitposting on Veeky Forums is not good for your mental state

Grabbing a fucking book on economics/philosophy and reading

>Recommending George
No, you are the meme.

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>The USSR was the first nation on earth to fix its prices to foreign labor markets