What the fuck happened to western philosophy?

What the fuck happened to western philosophy?

I mean, I know the answer, but goddamn, our intellectual giants used to be up there with the Indians and Chinese in ability to describe ontological realities. I have little doubt greats of the ancient world would look upon our current philosophical formulations as sad half-truths and contextual masturbations.

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Science is the child of Philosophy. Every scientific theory or study started with a philosophical question - a hypothesis.

I was recently reading an article on the Neuropsychology for the motivation of Group Aggression and Mythology - and with scientific studies and experimentation we have been able to provide a more comprehensive answer than the Greats of the Ancient World could dream of. They were regardless Great as they began all that is today but in the new world the Greats are no longer the Philosophers, but the Scientist.

>to describe ontological realities.

You bullshit headcanon about how the world works? Yeah good riddence

low quality bait

>What the fuck happened to western philosophy?

>we're all just insignificant specs bro it's all meaningless lol

>we're all an emanation of muh dick and the earth is at the center of the universe and the stars are holes in the sky bro

I mean, its true

You are confused.

I f*cking love Science!

Edit: haha, thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Did something bad happened?
As far as I know, philosophy became even more exciting over the past 200 years. In my opinion, all the ancient philosophers would be awed by modern thinkers like Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Heidegger, Deleuze, Derrida — implying they would understand them.

Yeah. This is known as the manifesto of the pseud. I encourage you to read more broadly and with a more discerning eye

Prots happened. Not that hard.






contemporary philosophy is quite good really. one of the few aspects the modern world has an unambiguous advantage over our forebears.


Contemporary philosophy is always shit from the current perspective since you don't know which ones will make it into the canon.
Imagine you were living in the late 17th century and surrounded by boring Cartesians that didn't interest you at all. It's kinda like that.


>Marx, Derrida, and Deleuze
>philosophy became better
Pick one.

Attached: citaton-needed.png (2400x259, 47K)

>imagine the bowls of Faggot Flakes being consumed by the person posting these

decartes. then science. and then to maintain it you need to keep the decartes' mistake as the default view.

after that, no matter how you might try to correct it, the damage has been done. as if you cut the limbs of newborns to put prosthesis on them later. it doesnt matter if you then want to make prosthesis made with 'organic' materials, nothing will give you back the arms and legs.

of course no one else was stupid enough to fall in the mistake of taking consciousness for the only reality, and thats why nobody came up with science, which is a sort of cultural tumor. now the west is fuckign everyone else just because it couldnt solve and still cant accept its mistake.

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How did Descartes fuck up the philosophical path of the West?

I was spelling the answer: nominalism, until a couple of sophists shut me down.

Nominalism? Explain pls
t. not acquainted with Descartes

dualism. who would be stupid enough to persist in the idea that mind and body are unrelated entities in conflict?

As a real scientist shut the fuck up

>all this Descartes hate
Bitches be mad that he wrote so well and persuasively

Attached: rene-descartes.jpg (300x219, 43K)