How do we stop the anglo menace?
How do we stop the anglo menace?
gassing the kikes, race war now
Dissolve the problem by actually reading analytic philosophy instead of basing your misguided opinions off of what you hear third-hand and the bogeyman of "positivism"
just do nothing and wait another 25 years
i have, its fucking retarded sophistry with an intent in mind. they use discursive thought to anal-ize their own language so they can get to the conclusion they want: maths is everything, oh look no self, god, reason, morality, substance, essence, metaphysics here. guess we were right, checkmate
fake and gay posturing
Was WVO Quine a sophist? I think it's more likely he was just autistic
he was Welsh (celtic)
Where is a good place to start with analytical philosophy? Ops pic, or elsewhere?
Continentals are sexy, swarthy, and exotic (French). They puff on pipes while lounging around in their smokers jackets, and posing sexily whilst historically deconstructing the meaning of life, literature and the arts. The analytics are all like Kripke. Loser, potbellied Anglos(autistic) with pocket protectors who sit in their den writing in stupid little symbols while Derrida fucks their wives.
Pierce and Frege
explain wittgenstein
>maths is everything, oh look no self, god, reason, morality, substance, essence, metaphysics here
You've literally never read a single paper published in the past 50 years or stepped foot in a college philosophy class and your entire knowledge of "analytic philosophy" comes from wikipedia articles.
I understand this is satire but there is a metaphysical dimension to Kripke's work not entirely at odds with continental thought
lol at you
moar liek W-ont-get-any-pussy-reading-analytic-philosophy-genstein, amirite fellas?
Welsh is not synonymous with Celtic. Plenty of Spaniards are Celtic.
Nice response. Do you honestly believe that all "analytic philosophers" (read: philosophers) have the same views on everything? Or that more than a minority believe in all the things you listed? Actually, what do you think they all believe?
All (ethnic) Welsh are Celtic
Actually Russell was quite infamous for constantly having affairs and cycling through marriages once he got bored of them.
>Kripke's work not entirely at odds with continental thought
Let me get that basic gestalt
You obviously haven't, because
>no self, god, reason, morality, substance, essence, metaphysics here
literally all of these have been rehabilitated for the past half-century, you mouthbreathing moron. Name one work you've read
You should know better than to fall for an image
anglos already sepukkud u just have to wait for them to bleed out now