Mfw I found out that the Lannisters, whom I thought were quintessentially English...

>mfw I found out that the Lannisters, whom I thought were quintessentially English, are actually based on some French family

I feel cheated

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Other urls found in this thread:,_1st_Earl_of_Cornwall

Dieu et mon droit

>mfw I found out that the English, whomst I thought were quintessentially Angles, Saxons and Jutes, are actually based on some French family

Attached: William the First.jpg (2400x3380, 1.81M)

Horatio Nelson once said

>"History is a set of lies agreed upon."

Now you know why

who are the lannisters

The opposite of Greeks

it's spelled lancaster retard

Lancasters are a branch of the Plantagenet

Reminder that the first men are anglos and that the andals are french

i know, that's why i'm so surprised this retarded faggot didn't realize the lancasters and plantagenets were related, but what can you expect from the literal retards of Veeky Forums

I think they're a type of falcon

the fastest i hear

>king of england
>king of the romans

Pretty much every member of the Royal Family has ancestry from Europe, like most of Europe's royal families have British ancestors. Even the Tudors were fucking Welsh and not English.

They were massive LARPers

Except for the Plantagenets, it's not just "ancestry"
It's literally some random French count who crowned himself king of England one day, and then his successors kept speaking French (while ruling in fucking London) for centuries

That's some massive humiliation
To think that England's greatest hero, Richard Lionheart, couldn't speak a word of English...

I wonder how did it feel to be ruled by a King who didn't even speak English

I bet anglocucks were used to it
Before the Angevins took over, England had been ruled by the Normans (who spoke French) and by the Danes (who spoke Danish)

And even later, by Hanoverians (who spoke German).

Attached: 1200px-Royal_Arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_Hanover.svg.png (1200x1399, 838K)

Don't forget the Welsh and the Scots (well, at least they spoke English)

Attached: 2ad.jpg (506x780, 129K)

By your own standards the Stewarts wouldn't count as Scottish, spastic.,_1st_Earl_of_Cornwall

>Richard Lionheart
Wasn't he the lad that nearly bankrupted the kingdom playing crusader?

Harry Kane is England's greatest hero

>my last name is irish
>thought I was Irish
turns out i'm a dirty mutt, with my highest percentage being 27% Fr*nch

yes and king John, his brother, is remembered as a villain for trying to fix the economy.

England was under Norman rule for a very long time, so the English probably share a quite a bit of French DNA.

by the time the War of the Roses started the Plantagenets had been fully absorbed in English culture

only a few hundred Normans permanently relocated to England, they had almost no effect on the genetic make up of Britain

Oh, see I was talking out my ass. I do know, however, the English language was endangered during that time, as French was the dominant language. English pretty much got on through trade and the underground.


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>greeks are poor, brown, gay and fuck outside the family
I guess they are the polar opposite.

richard the lionheart was a gay tho

>I feel cheated

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Well he's french so that's a given.