Where do I start with Kazuo Ishiguro

Where do I start with Kazuo Ishiguro

Attached: ishiguro_postcard.jpg (280x396, 24K)

probably get one of his books and read it

Start with Remains of the Day (my favorite of his works) or An Artist of the Floating World. Then move on to one of his lesser works (When We Were Orphans, Nocturnes, Pale View of the Hills) for a bit of a break. Then you have options: Never Let Me Go is basically a YA version of Remains and Artist, worth reading of you're interested but vastly overrated. Or move on to his more experimental works The Buried Giant or his one real high level masterpiece, The Unconsoled.

The buttocks

Start by making a beeline for your garbage can.

This but unironically

You're going to want to start with the Tale of Genji so you have some context for the culture Ishiguro is writing out of.

I got When we were orphans because it takes place in comfy Shanghai and I consider it my second home, whenever there's something related to Shanghai I read it

"The White Countess" - a Merchant Ivory film made off of an Ishiguro original screenplay - is a better and comfier Shanghai story than "Orphans."

literal retard detected

Thank you for the recommendation, I had no idea about it. I definitely will watch it

The first word of the foreword of the first work of his you pick up. Dummy.

>reading books by authors who are still alive

>Only reading authors from decades or centuries ago
>Not also reading contemporary literature in addition to literature from prior eras
>Being unable to participate in discussions of today's literature due to his own self-imposed ignorance.


do people unironically read this chinkshit

>reading anything that wasn’t originally carved into stone

>Ralph Fiennes

You got me. I dont care about the 49% on Rotten Tomatoes. Any rating site is bullshit anyway. They give comedy movies a 5%. Its comedy you braindead elitists.

You dont

Definitive Ishiguro Power Ranking:

>Canonical masterpiece tier
The Unconsoled - S

>Beloved classic tier
The Remains of the Day - A+
The Buried Giant - A+

>Delightful intro tier
Cellists - A
Crooner - B

>Flawed but touching tier
Never Let Me Go - B+
>Novel experimentation tier
A Pale View of Hills - B
>Traditionally proficient tier
Artist of the Floating World - B-

>Flawed experimentation tier
When We Were Orphans - C
Nocturne - C
Come Rain or Come Shine - C-
Malvern Hills - C-

It has more Redgraves than you can shake a stick at too.

The aggregate rating is ridiculous - it's a very good film.

in the ntlive adaptation of man and superman stars fiennes, he's fantastic in it

The Tale of Genji is British culture?

Imagine thinking rottentomatoes is elitist