Who has read this? Also, Evan Dara thread

Who has read this? Also, Evan Dara thread

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the lit discord had a reading group of his work last year

Ok. Did they like it?

very much yes

Why did they like it? Other than the Greeks, what do I need to read first? Some people say he’s a professor at my school so I’m interested

>Some people say he’s a professor at my school so I’m interested
tell me more

First tell me what they liked about it

good formal structure, with french scenes a la JR in lost scrapbook and conversation heav-style, also a la JR, in the easy chain, with a lot of more heavy post-modern conceits like using symbols and typesetting to convey narrative

really captivating prose at times, esp in the lost scrapbook.

sentimental without being saccharine. like a more refined and subtle richard powers at times.

good insight into what makes american culture "tick." good scenes that convey the zeitgeist of late 20th century america/early 21st century

Thanks will read. I go to Wheaton College. Apparently he’s an adjunct and he’ll be back from Europe next semester. I plan to enroll in his creative writing class

can you drop his name? his identity is the subject of a lot of debate and i'd love to dig more into this.

I will make a thread when they post the classes for fall semester, should happen in two weeks or so


also just curious, where did you hear that evan dara is one of the profs? is it something people on campus talk about a lot/evan dara is "famous" where you're at? because he's quite obscure.

Yeah it’s a rumor of interest amongst the lit students

as i mentioned, a handful of people on the lit discord read his books so if you want to chat about it, drop by.

Can I get in legal trouble if/when I unveil his real name? What if they make us sign something?

have you signed anything yet? presumably no. it's not illegal to "demask" writers writing under pseudonyms unless you have the information from a confidential source and signed something indicating you won't disclose it.

OK. Are his other books good?

Is it possible it’s a she?

he's only written 3, the people who read flee said it wasn't as good as tls/easy chain, i haven't read flee personally. i really liked both tls and easy chain.

i guess, but everything we know about him publicly has been written as if he's a guy.

>evan dara thread
go to bed evan

Isn't this guy a pseudonym for Pynchon or was that someone else

I'm reading it, it's all right so far. I got introduced from the lit discord a bit ago. there's huge parts of the book that basically a waste of time

no rumor is going around among lit students, nobody knows who the fuck he is. he's a huge fucking nobody. lost scrapbook has 200 R A T I N G S on Goodreads. there are local poets in podunk pop 15000 towns with more author clout. you can't buy the book from anyone but the own author. there's not even a second hand market

Jesus Christ you people are insane. why the fuck are you lying about this shit.

Oh great, more shilling for this complete fucking nonentity, probably by Dara himself. Get it through your head, Mr. Dara: we're not buying your books! Quit posting on Veeky Forums, starting rumors of rumors. No one is rumoring of you. No one is whispering your name. Your Goodreads presence is pathetic. Your Twitter is nonexistent. You are not on Instagram. You are as anonymous as the wind. Hell, your most popular book on Amazon has only nine reviews—nine!—a testament to nothing but the loyalty of nine of your friends. Unbelievable. You want some help, Evan? Here: Step away from the computer, go to your desk, polish your work, and submit it to a literary contest. Trial by fire, Evan. See if you can stand the heat. If you're truly brazen, try shipping a copy to a famous writer; you might just get a blurb! I have to say, though, Evan: I doubt it. When you were younger I bet you dreamed of writing distinguished novels and being taught in universities, but it's time finally to give it up. Now can we have fewer threads about Mr. Dara and more threads about actual writers? Richard Powers and William T. Vollmann have books coming out next month, and I better see threads. Do you seethe with envy, Mr. Dara, knowing you'll never be their peer, knowing they'll never know your name? Maybe you should have spent more time learning your craft and less time shitposting. Things might have turned out different.

>goodreads reviews = popularity/clout
Most books published before goodreads started will have low ratings, unless they're books assigned in colleges and schools - since retards will review it after they've maybe read it all for class


look: I understand Veeky Forums is primarily guys with autism,.and guys with no social experience, and I understand lit is probably the worst board for it. 1 in 5 boards here reeks of pure unexperienced virgin delusion. the OPs post is bad enough. don't come in here and double down on how utterly insane he is acting. this book was never anything before Goodreads. it won some shitty college book award, got two reviews, never had any distribution. all of the books sales are going to be from a post Goodreads world where viral word pushes sales. have some perspective

Why are you so mad about Evan Dara’s author?

By the way, he is taught in universities.

its jef mangum


I want a refund, evan