Does Veeky Forums use e-readers?

Does Veeky Forums use e-readers?

Do you mainly buy books or download them?

Attached: amazon-kindle-paperwhite-2015-in-hand-1500x1000.jpg (1500x1000, 172K)

I've never bought an e-book in my entire life and feel like I'll never do it unless a friend of mine publishes something. I can just go to Library Genesis and get whatever I need, without dealing with some bullshit DRM from Amazon and stuff. I still buy physical books, though.

Call me a pleb or whatever, but I read non-fiction digitally, I download it for free ;) I don't pay for it. I do pay for fiction, but I consume it physically.

just printed out Unabomber's manifesto because I can't stand reading from a screen

yeah pmt
I considered paying for e-books but Amazon are such a disgusting piece of shit of a company. They put DRM on your e-books and can confiscate your entire library at a whim. These degenerates simply deserve it.

The extent to which these companies shoot themselves in the foot really baffles me. It's the same situation as with the old DRM-protected video games. The thing with them was that DRM software was really finicky and often worked to the detriment of the user who payed, forcing them to download DRM-free pirated and hacked versions of the game. It's the same thing with books today, especially with the classics. Free resources often provide a wider variety of editions for a given book, all DRM and payment free. Not to mention the ridicilously high prices on some of the contemporary books. There is zero incentive to purchase kindle versions of the classics, considering that you can purchase even used hardback copies for pennies.

I live abroad so yes. They're amazing if you live on a foreign country or want to read foreign books

yes, i read way more now since its easy to get the books that most interest you in the internet and also you can be in more comfortable positions while reading since i dont need a light source hitting the page.
i download the books. bought 2 that i couldnt find anywhere to download.

I buy on amazon for kindles since I got one. It's easy (litteraly one button to press). it's cheap (2-10 dollars so less in euros). The books are always ready to get. I can read english autors without having to buy hard copies and paying for transport fees.
I get it seconds after I want it so it's cool. The only exception is when I really like a book. then I'll buy it in hard copy so I'll still have it if amazon fucks me over in the next decades.

I don't think you realize how little people give a fuck about these things if they just get an easy service and cheap books.
With video games you had a demographic of people more or less well versed in computers and their machinations.
With ebooks you have a big portion of soccer mom consumers who would never think about getting their books from a different source except amazon etc. or wanting to save the datafile on a separate device. After all they can download it again with their amazon account.
The companies aren't doing anything like shooting themselves in the foot, they know exactly what they do and it is working in their favour.

As for eReaders, I love them for my genre-fiction page-turner garbage, since libgen has almost everything. For the actual books with content I prefer the actual thing.

do you print out Veeky Forums threads as well?

They're still a bit shitty/pricey. I expected the technology to improve at a much faster pace...

You can get a decent kobo or kindle for under $30 on ebay and every book after that is free

I have an ebook that I use when I am out and travelling... although I still find myself buying a new book every other week. Especially bigger books like IJ, which just feel right to hold as you read.

Yes. Like 1 third of what I read is downloaded books, 1 third is library books and 1 third I own physically.

Fuck Bezos
Fuck the Government

I mostly download them but sometimes I buy from Amazon, mostly books which are hard to find.

I feel retarded, but to me it seems more comfortable and easier to read from paper than from an e-reader. i somehow get a better grip onto the printed text.

Nah, I just read on my phone.

I am English but live in a non-english speaking country. While I do browse the english section (3 small shelves) at the train station bookshop new acquisitions are mainly done through the kindle.

While I occasionally buy physical copies when something catches my eye (Sapiens & Homo Deus as well as that Stiglitz book on the Euro) everything i read on kindle is "illegally" obtained.

I pirate any books I'd otherwise lend from a library. If I want to own a book I buy a physical copy.

what is the other third?

1/3 = Downloaded
1/3 = Library
1/3 = Physically owned


for books that I don't want to buy I read them on e-reader.

for canon I mostly buy the physical copies


33% he downloads from the internet.
33% he borrows from a library
33% he buys from the store to own

I prefer to buy physical copies and keep them. Better that I have a physical copy than a digital copy that could be accidentally deleted or corrupted.

Worth only of you're native English speaker

I live in Eastern Europe so I wouldn't really know if reading is big among Western middle class plebeians.Only avid readers who are also device-literate buy e-readers here. Regardless, it was stupid of me to assume that so big a company as Amazon would act against their own interest. I guess it's no use pandering to book nerds that can download the shit for free anyway.
Another reason I bought an e-reader is to be able to read literature in foreign languages. Most of the time would be too costly to obtain on physical form here.

what is this? what do they do?