WWIII is starting in 3 hours, whats your final read?

WWIII is starting in 3 hours, whats your final read?

Attached: theresa-may.png (1590x980, 1.13M)

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the sound and the fury

I kind of wish I was an raving retard ignorant to the current political climate, but alas...

Why is WWIII starting?

House of God. I hope I get to finish it.

brings me back to a simpler time when my mum would read me to sleep

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Guess I'll finish Last Days of Socrates

Russians killed a defector in Britain

>Russians killed someone in Britain
For what, the third time already?

>I will never ever witness russians and anglos kill each other from the safety of my home (in full hd)

You can just go to sleep user, nothing will happen.

Ruskies launched a chemical attack in the UK. If Theresa was feeling particularly naughty, she could invoke Article 5 and drag NATO into a war against Russia.





A russian novel, ironically enough.

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id read like one book of the bible and then cram as much knowledge on water purification as i could

It has been a pleasure knowing you guys.

What do you mean, user? You do know we're going to meet in the next world, don't you? You have been reading your metaphysics, right?

I'll meet you on the fields of Elysium, friend

lmao at least let me finish my stack first

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>nato having any kind of authority

Not gonna happen

Didn't Elon Musk also predict WW3?

Uhhhhh you do know Britain left Europe yeah?

elon musk is a hack

The Pipe by Chekhov

absolutely 100% fitting

Will be forgotten about in a month

Man what a good episode

well, certainly by you with your hamster's attention span

that’s not an act of war, Trump isn’t suicidal. we will nuke UK if they start anything

The response will just be more "economic war"

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May called it an 'unlawful act of force against the British State', so they are taking it pretty seriously.

If they see it as an aggressive act and invoke Article 5 of the NATO treaty then the US has to also respond, if not NATO is over.

yes ive been on /pol/ and twitter in the last 48 hours you sheep faggot 20 something, they’re not going to launch nuclear strikes against moscow for killing some stupid spook. fuck off and stop posting these dumb alarmist HABBENING articles. no one who understand geo-strategic systems thinks nuclear war will ever happen, its univerally considered political suicide. you would have revolutions, extreme famine, no stability, economic growth would turn into hyper depressions. stop being a dumb fucking boomer spawn, seriously you swine

God I fucking hope so. I'm not going to war over some gassed slav

This is just a fun twist in the standard "what are reading" posts. Are you new here? No one in this thread is being serious

Elon musk predicts a zombie apolocalpyse, or in non rp terms another dark ages



Just put on your "idiot" hat and sit in the corner for a few hours please.

wtf? I never said anybody is going to toss some fucking nukes what the fuck.

Who is your commanding officer sir?

they killed another guy as well some disgraced oligarch.
im hype desu finally get to do something with my life and if i die i get hailed a hero

Imagine how altruistic you would have to be to take everything on Veeky Forums seriously

No one takes the slightest bit of notice of what this yapping poodle says. Least of all Brits.

Yeah I really doubt anyone would go and die for an old hag

Shit lads it's been a pleasure funposting with you all.

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Wait, she's still PM?

>pretext to end NATO

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Maybe that's why he wants to go to Mars.

why should i care at all about nations pissing matches?
stop using autocorrect, go into settings and turn it off
yeah man during the election when people were threatening nuclear war over no-fly zones it was really just all a joke, clever sophisticated teens having a laugh

>equates people joking on Veeky Forums to international incidents
lmao calm down kid

Pls no war, my life was just getting good.

I've still got like 500 fucking pages of Marquis de Sade's Juliette left.

you deserve everything thats coming to you

This isn't starting a war. Neither is it ending NATO. I hate "IT"S HAPPENING" fags. Stay in /pol and don't leave

15th actually. This time they used a chemical weapon on par with the "WMDs" we chased after in Iraq.

He's specifically said that colonies on other planets are vital to humanity's ability to survive another world war. Make of that what you will, but that's definitely where his head is at.

At this point, the UN should gather all their resources and fund a time machine so we can give firearms to the gauls and celts and just get rid of those """"""""people"""""""""" before they become too much of a nuisance.

>Political leader uses events to distract from how shit they are doing domestically


Last book I read was Life and Fate by Grossman and it was fucking beautiful. Why Grossman fails to receive any sort of love here is beyond me but there's so many good scenes like Stalin imagining the corpses coming alive.

Everyone has been predicting WWIII since 1945