Neo-romanticism when?

neo-romanticism when?

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When pop culture stop being so melodramatic with all the love songs and similiar stuff.
So never.

reddit is popular culture talking to itself

yesterday I was scrolling through a thread in r/worldnews and dr. dre appeared, after that eminem showed up and some other important popular figures

it's magical, just throw in something that resembles a song or a movie and boom, it explodes

I want to be part of a neo-romantic movement so bad, transcendental experiences are totally a way out of bitter nihilistic irony shit which everyone must be tired of by now, it seems like only a matter of time.

i think another johnny cash or bob dylan is in high school right now. once we see more genuine artists i think people will start to realize the vanity of today's pop culture and there's gonna be a cultural shift within 20 years.
might be idealizing tho

that's not even melodramatic though. The range of human emotion that people can express in public 100% unironically has narrowed so much in the past few decades that all that's left is non-traditional love (except maybe for lower class white women who can still express traditional love in their rough sense of it), sociopathic ambition, anger, and depression. Everything else is off limits to normies. Try telling someone you are in love with the beauty of a tree or flower (in a sincere way) and see what that gets you.

I agree with OP, it's gonna get so bad that people's emotions will explode and hopefully that leads to neo-romanticism instead of some sort of bloodshed.

when reactionaries stop making that fucking painting their facebook cover photo

You should have more faith in other people, most people in my experience geuinely value sincerity and positive expressions of emotion because it is desperately missing from their miserable lives. I've literally had people follow me around because I made them feel less gloomy and pessimistic, because everyone else just complains about everything and makes "dark" jokes that arent even funny all the time.

that's not true user I see a lot of baaaaaaawwwww things around maybe you're just a fucking faggot please kill yourself you stupid piece of shit

I think by emotion I actually moreso meant archetype expression, which connects to emotion but isn't really the same thing. Most of them got commercialized (ay yo mane I'm a rebel b/c I got this obey t shirt, oh shit lemme get this expedia flight so I can be an explorer), many more of them went extinct (you can't really be the determined lover anymore without getting called a creep, the wise old man is off limits in america b/c fetish with youth culture/fear of death). That leads to a limited emotional range.

You're right. Time to bring back the romantics. Ima write the story.

O’ flutter, pitter-patter o’ my heart, narry an expression bears similitude to love so felt dearly.'

Goddamn fuck this painting

I love this painting bro I have a poster in my room


Attached: ASenseoftheWorld--TheLastMan--Frankenstein--MadMonkton.jpg (820x350, 46K)

Shiiiiiet we literally been talking romantic since that shit first came out.

>Bob Dylan
guy has been a fake his entire life

Hegel has already thoroughly demonstrated that Romanticism is sorely lacking as a conduit of philosophical cognition and reformation to satisfy his critique
only serves to compromise the key fixities of the Romanticist standpoint.

The Romantic is dead (resurrected and killed once more &c.); bury it. Consider this mercy.

Attached: 1435553762087.png (269x305, 109K)

I have a historiography textbook with it as the cover too. Fuck that painting

It's too bad romanticism was trash; otherwise, I'd support its revival. What we need is a Neo-Antiquity, because the antiquity was a classic period.

Hegel never once demonstrated anything in his life, except to show how effective a Preface can be in convincing people to read your work

You can spend your lifetime reading, listening, watching the shit out of romantics from the Americas to Russia, they were all over the place

OP wants a revival of the movement in popular culture. I doubt they actually are well versed in the Romantics but likes the idea of them

first you've got to get people reading a lot of schelling, then get them making works

fuck you guys

it's called the alt-right

why do you think that? that sounds like a guess

in every place and every time there are emotions that are forbidden or frowned upon you're just a faggot spooked by social norms

I have a copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra with it

>Pepe is the highest expression of inner beauty


can a new generation of artists even save culture if most people are fine with the state of things as they are? for me it seems culture will rise only after the absolute cultural decline, and even this event may or may not happen

I have a 12x15 canvas of this in my room :^)

finna nut

i know op irl XD

i'm that new bob dylan, actually a uni freshman now but don't worry you won't be let down user.


lil xan, lil peep so on is basically the romantic outlet today

opioid crisis made them mumbling nihilists rather than dreamers though

I'm actually the next Mozart. I'll create a new era of classical renaissance so beautiful it will be as if I didn't die at all.