Has a book ever made you cry?

(pic related is next in my stack)

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I read it when i was a depressed virgin and it only made things worse.
Now i probably wouldnt care that much about it anymore.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

The life and death of a Severino

(Original title: Morte e Vida Severina)

the Iliad desu

Don Quijote
Mason & Dixon
The Road

>The Road
the dialogue between the man and boy before he died got too me too. Also when he leaves the gun to the kid and tells him to shoot himself if he gets seen.

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Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

this was my moms favorite book as a kid


>as a kid
seems like she's still alive

South of the Border, West of the Sun

Where the red fern grows, and the end of the Cambridge Latin Book (1st) where the short passage states how Cerberus barked for Caecillius but he was dead :'(((

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Yeah shes still kicking. Just read fucking thousands of books since then. Her and my older brother have read more books than I've read pages.

>Her and my older brother have read more books than I've read pages.
What're you doing on Veeky Forums?

Metro 2034

Catcher in the rye

The Drinker by Fallada

where the red fern grows

ya one time when I was reading a recipe book for cooking with onions but idk if that counts desu

same, I think I was like 10 when I read it.

Time and The wind

(original title: O tempo e o vento)

The epilogue of Brothers Karamazov almost got me