See you in 6 months Veeky Forums

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the absolute madman

see you space cowboy

>52 poundaroos for some pieces of paper

lmao at britcucks

You're missing one.

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I've read Infinite Jest in less than three months but GR is a pain in the ass (the book is great but I'm just a brainlet)

wow! not just one but three shitty meme books!!! good luck faggot, hope you kill yourself when you finish them

lol, good one

we hope you kill yourself before then

that's a lot of money, I paid the equivalent of 8.33 pounds for IJ (like 10 USD).

fuck off kevin

It's a road full of pain, but you might enjoy it.Good luck!

You can get them all for less than £I each he’s a retard

I just started GR. Why all the complaining? What specifically gave you trouble?

I want to know because it's one of those things I might be understanding everything fine, or not.

They're just books, user, one word after another. Ulysses is a lot of fun. Gravity's Rainbow is also a lot of fun, but more like a penance - once you read it a few times, you'll get over it. Infinite Jest, I guess, is fun sometimes, but it really doesn't belong.

And everyone mocking you for spending to much money is right. Look at used bookstores or libraries.

You could get arrested for buying the fourth given the state of your nation, so might be for the best you left it off.

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>there are people here that still haven't read IJ, GR and Ulysses

I bought mine new from Amazon an still paid less. And I'm in the third world. Fucking Brits, your Queen's cunt is hungry and all it eats is your taxes.

>those prices

what the fuck? where are you even buying them from?


this meme needs to die.

>not OP
Nope, doesnt seem like its banned at all.
Guessing you have no idea what your talking about?

Only the ones with good taste.

The fourth one doesn't fit :/

Who said it was banned? Do you have any idea what's going on in England right now? If you're one of the many nonwhites squatting in a white country I understand why you wouldn't, but if you're white you need to start paying better attention.

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Joyce and Wallace are dead, why even pay for their books you bellend

>Gabler edition

How is Gravity's Rainbow compared to IJ and more importantly, Ulysses? IJ was pretty easy but Ulysses was a fucking nightmare most of the time but an appreciable one that you can work really hard to get an ever deeper understanding of every time I go back to it.

>reading Ulysses without having read anything else by Joyce first

I hope you guys don't actually do this.

I read Infinite Jest in three weeks. You could read all three of those books in three months.

Reading more than one of those is a waste of time

GR is harder than IJ but certainly not as hard as Ulysses, in my opinion. Here's some sample text:

>In the pipefitters’ sheds, icicled, rattling when the gales are in the Straits, here’s thousands of old used toothpaste tubes, heaped often to the ceilings, thousands of somber man-mornings made tolerable, transformed to mint fumes and bleak song that left white spots across the quicksilver mirrors from Harrow to Gravesend, thousands of children who pestled foam up out of soft mortars of mouths, who lost easily a thousand times as many words among the chalky bubbles—bed-going complaints, timid announcements of love, news of fat or translucent, fuzzy or gentle beings from the country under the counterpane—uncounted soapy-liquorice moments spat and flushed down to sewers and the slow-scumming gray estuary, the morning mouths growing with the day tobacco and fish-furred, dry with fear, foul with idleness, flooded at thoughts of impossible meals, settling instead for the week’s offal in gland pies, Household Milk, broken biscuits at half the usual points, and isn’t menthol a marvelous invention to take just enough of it away eachmorning, down to become dusty oversize bubbles tessellating tough and stagnant among the tar shorelines, the intricate draftsmanship of outlets feeding, multiplying out to sea, as one by one these old toothpaste tubes are emptied and returned to the War, heaps of dimly fragrant metal, phantoms of peppermint in the winter shacks, each tube wrinkled or embossed by the unconscious hands of London, written over in interference-patterns, hand against hand, waiting now—it is true return—to be melted for solder, for plate, alloyed for castings, bearings, gasketry, hidden smokeshriek linings the children of that other domestic incarnation will never see. Yet the continuity, flesh to kindred metals, home to hedgeless sea, has persisted. It is not death that separates these incarnations, but paper: paper specialties, paper routines. The War, the Empire, will expedite such barriers between our lives.

This made me feel like a brainlet

I can picture him spending an entire day writing that with an old thesaurus searching for the most obscure word to replace the first that came to his mind. Guess someone had to make that their shtick.

very few of those words are very difficult

It's not "obscure words" that make him difficult to read, and I'm not sure what words in that excerpt gave you that impression. He can be very loose and free associative though, and generally does tend to make things dense to a degree where I could understand people not liking him.

This is some naval gazing rubbish. Maybe it makes sense in context though

Was eating while typing. Guess more picked at random than obscure I guess. Regardless I find it more annoying than impressive even though I like Joyce.

This is awesome
I've seen that criticism so much on Veeky Forums. There's hardly anything too out of the ordinary. Don't you get bored using the same words over and over and over and over?

Well, and I sort of chose it as a rather extreme example of what Pynchon's prose can be like.

Sure, but there's a better way to go about changing things up than that. It's just a word salad. But I understand it was a unique and edgy thing to do at the time.

It's possibly a bit obnoxious, but I wouldn't call it word salad. It's not like he's picked them at random out of a hat

>I don't want to bother to comprehend so
>it's just a word salad

I can picture you being a retard

Joyce fags, yeesh, idol worship in overdrive at times on here.

Not a one of those words is obscure or overly complicated. It's the way he puts them together that really fucks with your head

You're supposed to sing every word though.