Let's write a story one sentence at a time

I'll start:

There once was a rabbit that enjoyed carrots a plenty.

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Who saged a thread

His stomach full and was never empty

But soon, because of the bourgeoisie, he found himself at a carrot shortage.

The end.

He had to go easy on the carrots after that

But not THEE end, because there then, a rabbit took to neverwhen, a place of dreams, the place of heaven.

bugs... no... you gotta lay off the carrots

He blamed the bourgeoisie, and loaded hollowpoints into his 1911, it held a total of seven.

With his fate ending 7, he descended back from heaven, looking for an end

and reclamed the carrots,he looked down on the meek from the sky and said to the hungry bourgeoisie

"the light has gone out of my life"

Then Wes Anderson walked into the room with an ak-47.

He also brought a boombox, and started playing jazzy French music as he aimed for Bugs, saying "Welcome to my new movie pal".

Then he shot him again, three more times.

Bugs recoiled and made a snide remark about fantastic Mr. Fox.

"Not so fast." Paul Thomas Anderson said, stepping into the room brandishing a machete before promptly tripping and falling on the blade.

then he did the unthinkable,he activated his stand,star platinum:the world

And he wondered, briefly, whether he had anyhing better to do, before deciding that he might as well activate his stand.

"et tu Elmer?"

The I awoke to my alarm and mild panic due to being late I grasped to remember my dream about bugs, but it wasn't any use, I had to be somewhere.

Elmer then came and said
I would rather betray the world, then let the world betray me

They rode on.

Rabbit, horrified by the prospect of charity, decided his was to plead with the world for understanding in a destructive, erotic fury.

His belly was so big and fat that he threw up into a toilet and flushed it but the water splashed into his face.

The rabbit was promptly captured. He and his family, among other communist conspirators, were dragged to the city square. He and the others, gagged and bound, could only watch in speechless horror as a soldier went down the line with his sidearm, a bullet for each traitor, pausing only once to reload. He came nearer, and he killed the rabbit's family one by one. His son. His pregnant wife. His mother. When he reached the rabbit he stared hard into his eyes, the rabbit staring back, begging wordlessly for his meagre life, tears flowing from his desperate, pleading with his whole being like the worthless coward he was.
But the soldier said only one thing.
"Pinkos out."
A moment later, the rabbit lay bent backwards, sighted eyes looking to a horizon they could not see. Blood weeping from his open skull.


sic semper tyrannis

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and so the granddaddy rabbit closed his storybook in front of the crowd of children, this was the story of how their ancestors were enslaved by the facist pigs
This, was the eve of their revolution!
While the granddaddy was reading this story, the adult rabbits were marching against the facists, taking to a decisive battle on the Cliffs of Dover
To whom would victory be granted?
Keep reading to understand

"Bang!" The shots rang out as the blackshirted neckbeard rabbits fell over into a pool of blood.

And then all the pinko rabbits in the whole entire universe were nuked and the Communist scourge was eradicated forever.
The End