had had

> had had

Attached: 1520348365342.jpg (768x1024, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> thereupon henceforth withheld

Attached: 19059515_906229252849919_7733954004651828399_n.jpg (720x713, 48K)

Let me just take a sip of this hot tea
>hot hot

> whomst'd've

Attached: 76f.png (210x339, 126K)

>where fire licked the window

Attached: 1520471659893.jpg (500x375, 44K)

> white as snow

Attached: 1519223353766.png (313x251, 126K)

> whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es

Attached: smug mike.png (224x266, 104K)

>whom has

>Only this man I knew knew the truth.

> windy and windy

Attached: yeah nah youre a cunt m8.png (304x309, 234K)



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What the fuck

i want that sweatsuit

What's going on here?

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>had had had had had had had had had had had



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> hitherto

>that that

>and but so and but so

Attached: ack ack.jpg (320x279, 21K)

>got got

Attached: AFEy-RucenE.jpg (604x485, 72K)


Attached: mcride.jpg (1000x563, 110K)

this thread again with the same replies, even the death grips joke

a violation of Condition A

a typo
Should be "he himself"

It's not a typo though as that construction appears several times throughout the book. It's in the hardcover I read and the version of Project Gutenberg as well.

>dark aa night

Attached: 1515129838923.png (690x648, 540K)

That's strange-- well then I guess it's intentionally ungrammatical. And not just in a prescriptive sense. No native speaker of English would say it like this

Basically a reflexive pronoun can never be the subject of a clause

It is strange because it is by Somerset Maugham, a native english speaker. And it is an omniscient third-person narrator.

Christ I had one job. This is why I will never be a writer

fuck you for spreading that picture

OK well my best guess is this, but I might be wrong--

I think that in early modern English -self pronouns were not used as reflexive pronouns but were used instead for emphasis. So he's being intentionally archaic.

So in contemporary English (I'm including Somerset Maugham's time in that), reflexive pronouns cannot be the subject of an embedded clause. However, he is not using "himself" as a reflexive here, but instead he is using it in an archaic fashion as an emphatic form of "he"

what is that picture and why is it bad to spread it

See the paragraph on "reflexive pronouns" in the section "Pronouns and Determiners":


>Ahhh, I wonder where ____ is now....

Do women actually want his cock or is that just a meme?

>I done done it already