What's the target audience?

What's the target audience?

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The chosen people

Nah, the target audience is everyone. The bible says that there were chosen people, but Jesus allowed everyone to be saved even if they weren't the chosen people.

Idiots who believe in an imaginary friend that'll save them from their troubles. Basically, anyone with a victim complex who didn't grow mentally after 12

Whoever has an open heart

rural and suburban retards

Tribal jews, hellenistic jews, fledgeling christians, in that order.

t. 12 year old.

All known evidence supports the existence of God. Further, even without this evidence, simply by using your natural means of understanding the world, such observation and logic, you will come to the conclusion God must exist.

open-hearted rural and suburban retards

Not the person you were replying to but I don't agree with this. God is not something to be reasoned out or loved because of logic, He is someone to grow closer to, to be grateful for, and to work towards. Different people have different experiences with God, or no experience with God. I am not willing to say that they are wrong, I just think that what I have matters more to me than what they have.

Niggaa too scared to cut the chain

God aint real we alone lets party

The Bible is just an Epic Fantasy.

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No he’s right. You can logically deduce that God exists.

I think Rousseau had a quote in Emile that went something like this:

If you were to leave a young man on a desert island all to himself with no knowledge or reading done in his life then as he aged he would discover the existence of God.

I mean in some ways you’re right by sheer feeling and sending you should understand God exists, but failing that it should become apparent after a careful examination of logic.

I find this an interesting argument, but think about Kierkagaard and Calvin's argument, namely that belief in God should not be based on logic but instead our personal relationship with God. I should also add that one thing I take issue with is the idea that if everyone was logical they would find the same exact God. That doesn't seem to follow to me. Thoughts?

t. fedora man
fuck off m8,

>nothing existed nowhere, and then nothing came to be with something, and that something that was nowhere created something!



Nonmeme answer:
The Gospel of Mark was addressed to Greek commoners
The Gospel of Matthew was addressed to Greek Jews
The Gospel of Luke was addressed to educated Greeks
The Gospel of John was addressed to theologians
The rest were mostly addressed to Israelites. The documentary hypothesis is mostly wrong but there were different Israelite subgroups that addressed different concerns. It's mostly complicated though.

It doesn’t follow. The closer you get to the individual’s birth, the more will their idea of God be incorrect, because they have not yet had time to think and ruminate upon what makes someone good and reasonable.

Plato understood divine attributes. Anyone with a close relationship to God can divine good attributes. But the farther you are from him, the more sinful your characteristic interpretation of God is.

The argument is thus:

I. If everyone were perfect, they could divine a true God as he truly is.

II. No one is perfect, or it is very rare to find someone perfect, about as rare as the Pythagorean ‘perfect’ number

III. An average persons understanding of God is not perfect.

the controllable masses

All ages, all peoples.

I've had the Bible read to me since before I can remember, and as soon as I could read I was reading the KJV to myself without prompting. The book of Revelations was literally one of my bedtime reads when I was seven years old - long before I understood the symbolism. There are stories and poetry, symbolism and metaphor, history and prophecy - even self-help. The Bible has it all. Not only is it for everyone, it is the ideal instrument for teaching literary critical thinking and training memory.

>invokes Plato like he actually understood his metaphysics or epistemology
good one

I want you to save a copy of this thread.

In five years, open it and look at your post.

If you cringe, congratulations - you've grown. If not, well, now you know who's intellectually stagnant.

Plato said homos are a sin against nature and absolutely disgusting. Go actually read him

Hey don’t forget about Pythagoras

I understand them completely, but it is not Plato’s metaphysics I am dealing with here, even though I’m talking about religion. I know kind of funky, right? If anything I’m referring to the Plato in Laws or Protagoras, not anything metaphysical like The Republic or Timæus.

The idea of Platonic reinforcement for a monotheistic God receives some credibility when you analyze how the dualistic Platonic attributes usually fall into a Good category and an Evil category. This is exemplified in Laws, where good attributes such as transparency, integrity, and divine judgment are insinuated and encouraged by the laws proposed, and the Evil attributes like greed, clandestine behavior, and poor judgment gleaned and rooted out at their inception

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No, just him covering his ass, maybe even inserted by other people. He's trying to save face for eugenics, he was a homosexual very obviously fuck off you /pol/ nigger conservatard christfag. self deception won't save you from the truth
those are not christian morals and he is talking about the Just and the Unjust, principles for good Earthly rule, he didn't believe in a kingdom of Heaven or judgement on Earth, mercy, forgiveness of sins, strict definition of Hell or a messiah

>1 Peter 2:9

>But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

The Lord took me out of that darkness that occurs when you live for the world. He woke me up and now I see the truth. Hallelujah!


Right but no who uses Neo-Platonism in a monotheistic sense really believes that Plato thought of a Christian God you moron. They thought it divined it, from Principles.

Besides, I am a Muslim.

And furthermore, the aspect that Zeus has in Plato’s mythology (or any other Greek mythology) is so severely supreme that one should take not lightly the ‘polytheistic’ nature. Zeus was the king of kings. This is why very often Plato just refers to ‘God’ in his works.

cool story, doesn't mean christianity is true


Logic is not an indicator of truth. Evidence based models are the closest thing you can get to an ultimate truth. Using logic to prove god is a bad idea, as it would be logical that a god would also require a creator.


illiterate, gullible camel herders

>it would be logical that a God would also require a creator


Why does no serious academic use this argument to disprove God’s existence then? Why is it memed constantly by Veeky Forums pseudo who imagine they have discovered their big objection to God??

>Jesus says to love thy neighbors as theyself
>14 year olds scream about it

There's a lot in the bible that is bullshit, but the primary takeaway is hard to argue with.

>Why does no serious academic use this argument to disprove God’s existence then?
This argument is talked about by Aristotle in his metaphysics you illiterate christfaggot

to be fair what the user said before that was fucking stupid, the form of what you are talking about is understandable, its wrong but i get where you are leading. the original reply is asinine as is the chrisfag responding to it


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Minorities, slaves and alike.

So your argument is: nobody in literature uses the argument, so it's not a good argument....
That's retarded and (not true btw)

I'm unsure of what you mean by 'indicator'. Can you please clarify?

I don't see how evidence based models are the 'closest thing' to get to 'ultimate' truth. The conclusion from evidence based models changes as method progresses. The conclusion reached by pure logical means will not change.

Further, when you state 'ultimate' I am understanding you to say that there are degrees of truth lesser; that is to say parts of a whole truth, half-truth, if you will. Can you please certify this or declare otherwise?

It is not logical for there to be a creator of God, as creation can not exist outside of God. Thus, God must not have a creator, for if God was to be created, the act of creating God would be outside of God. Therefore, if God must be created, God must create God. He must create himself, in other words.

Name one piece of literature that uses it. The person naming Aristotle was incorrect