Veeky Forums newfag here, Veeky Forums is my main board. Retard question, do you all have something against pic related...

Veeky Forums newfag here, Veeky Forums is my main board. Retard question, do you all have something against pic related? I know it’s overhyped, but it’s not in your top 100, it’s never talked about or anything. I wasn’t sure if there was some unspoken hatred of it or people just don’t really care that much. I found it a really nice read anyway.

It’s a gay ass book
The stranger is better in terms of talking about death

Perhaps you should stay in Veeky Forums. Reading isn't for everybody. I'm sure some girls like muscular guys.

>heh, I’m intellectually superior to someone because I pretend to enjoy Ulysses
I’m triggered that I ask a question I already acknowledge is probably retarded and some micro dick NEET who thinks he’s the best thing since Charles Dickens comes along and tries to shit on me.
I’ve read loads of your meme books, I’m asking a question about this one. You’ve answered my question though, it’s too easy and enjoyable a read for pretentious 15 year olds like you

What Borges put into a short story Coelho strained into a novel, it's trash for spiritual-but-not-religious thots.

It's seen as a self-help garbage in all of LatAm. Only actual faggots and pretentious teenage girls buy this crap.

Reasonable, so people basically just hate that the moral was stretched over 150 or so pages

Maybe lurk more, I've seen it posted several times on this board in "Worst book you've ever finished", "Most overrated books" threads all the time. The book is shit, and I think everyone around here agrees.

I guess this is a fine book if you're a teenage girl

Yep, you couldn't keep the bait any less obvious.

Hey I'm from Veeky Forums too and just browsing.

OP, you are making Veeky Forums look (even more) retarded.

>Paulo Coelho


Isn't it a book of aphorisms for children?


It's the reason I'm hesitant to condemn book-burning (it actually is that bad)

holy fuck, where do you guys get these awesome memri memes?
best category of memes hands down.

like Rupi Kaur, the real reason White dudes hate Coehlo is because he is a person of color who is more successful than them

It's a book for kids, that's my only objection; otherwise it's great.
If I see you reading that shit in a cafe in Thailand, I'll know you're a manchild (well, the dreadlocks would have tipped me off anyway)

I'm not even white, mi muy estimado compañero, and I intensely dislike him

>judges someone on the basis of a random book in their hands
>calls others "manchild"

Coehlo is a comfy read for an hour long flight.

Pic related is the book you read when you really want to understand deep alchemy.

It’s better basically a shitter version of Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, is it not?

Ignorant moderners profaning sacred teachings with puerile fiction? Yes, indeed.

The reality is that you haven't read many books. It's a "nice read" but that's it. It's shallow self-help fiction that doesn't offer anything. It's literary bubble gum. Chew it up. Spit it out. No substance. It is it's facade of importance that makes people hate it.

Neat for a one shot, but not a material for rereading. Simply read it once and put on a shelf. Was fun to read but boy, did I expect more.

>I loved the alchemist

It's a young adult novel that just doesn't label itself as such.

This starter pack describes a way more interesting woman than most of the basic bitches I know.