Wtf am I reading

Wtf am I reading

The Silmarillion



a surprisingly good book, as an adult who hates genre fiction I got quite a bit out of it. Tolkien was not only a noble soul, he was a bit of a genius mystic

Entire pages of nothing but naming members of a family

The longest and worst appendix in history.

what is this the bible

The Book of Genesis.

Unfinished Tales is better.

It's got some rather dry sections, like the Valaquenta and certain chapters of the Quenta, but it has so many beautiful and majestic scenes throughout.
The Darkening of Valinor,
The Oath of Feanor and the Doom of Mandos,
Fingolfin's battle with Morgoth,
Beren and Luthien,
The Tale of Turin,
I could go on. I love this book so much.
If you want a more detailed version, you can read pic related or Children of Hurin.

Feels like blabbering, adds a lot into the general feel of the fantasy and makes you think how much work did Tolkien put into his world. But unfinished tales was better imo.

I will never understand the Tolkein person. Do they know that with most knowledgeable people it's a litmus test. 'Oh, you like Tolkein? How interesting.' Bam. Instantly erased from the social radar. You're stuck at this rudimentary stage of understanding about life, making the culture of adults intimidating and 'foreign' to you so go around in your stained sweatpants and crumpled sweatshirt of signs of what it used to be -- your cum rag -- and do whatever retarded thing you can think of to get as smart as you can get about dumb shit.

>being cynical is being an adult

Why is there two separate books, one about the Children of Hurin and another about Beren and Luthien? Are those just pieces from the Silmarillion put into their own books or is this some before unpublished stuff Tolkien wrote, but never got around to finishing?

Just those particular stories padded out to fill out an entire book. IIRC it also included some unpublished stuff but I'm pretty sure that was just an excuse.

So basically no actual reason to get the books? Thanks, user. I'll just get the Atlas of Middle Earth instead.

A Mahabharata/Bible/Poetic Edda/Aeneid/Illiad/Odyssey/Hesiod/etc
For the epicless English.

unironically i had more fun reading genesis

They're padded out with Tolkiens unpublished writings, as he died before finishing Silmarillion, which would probably have been a thicker book with those stories filled out. Children of Hurin is beautiful.

The Tale of Turin, and Beren and Luthien are chapters in the Silmarillion, but Tolkien also left some unfinished novels that tell those stories in an expanded form.
The Children of Hurin is the first one, and is like a regular novel.
Beren and Luthien is the second, but it combines prose forms of the story with verse forms (both unfinished on their own) to create quite an interesting telling the story that also shows how it developed in Tolkien's writing over the years.

They are well worth reading user.
Beren and Luthien in particular is excellent.


Yes that Diogenes, what a phony. He would have crashed the Tolkein party holding a retarded child. As the Tolkeins gathered around Diogenes would have tossed the child on the floor and said "there's your hobbit, morons."