What are the best works of philosophy to be written after say 1960?

What are the best works of philosophy to be written after say 1960?

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Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation and The Ecstasy of Communication


Say something better then.

Society of the Spectacle
Revolution of Everyday Life

On the Plurality of Worlds - Lewis
Naming and Necessity - Kripke
Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language - Kripke
Mind and World - McDowell
Origins of Objectivity - Tyler Burge
Vagueness - Timothy Williamson
Knowledge and its Limits - Timothy Williamson
Everything Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized - Ladyman and Ross

[[ ]] The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. ...

bru, u got sum link for kripke's books?

um, no..... try again, sweetie :)

Buy them like any normal human being who takes pride in his bookshelf


Sorry that academic natural selection allowed the fit marxists to overcome.

Not in any order, or divided by genre;

Word and Object by Quine
Truth and Method by Gademer
Totality and Infinite by Levinas
Reading Capital and Pour Marx by Althusser
Ecrits by Lacan
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Kuhn
Naming and Necessity by Kripke
Theory of Justice by Rawls
Laws Empire by Dworkin
Simulacra and Simulation by Baudrillard
The Order of Things by Foucault
Of Grammerology by Derrida
Theory of Communcative Action by Habermas
Anarchy, State and Utopia by Nozick
Anti-Oedpus and A Thousand Plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari
Being and Event by Badiou
We Were Never Modern by Latour
On the Plurality of Worlds by Lewis
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy by Laclau and Mouffe
The Sublime Object of Ideology by Zizek
Gender Trouble by Butler
Knowledge and It’s Limits by Williamson
Logic of Worlds by Badiou
Vibrant Matter by Bennett
After Finitude by Meillassoux
Nihil Unbound by Braisser

Way to recommend advanced texts with nothing to ground them. (Lol jk nice list, u got a pussi?)

>academic natural selection
No, there are forces outside of the academic sphere that promote or prop up Marxist bullshit. Try again


>What is Ancient Philosophy?
>Philosophy as a Way of Life
>The Veil of Isis
>Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic
>In the Dark Places of Wisdom
>Shape of Ancient Thought
>Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman World
>Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth
>Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity
>Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism

Good christ, every time I see Charli XCX all I can think of is sweaty dirty sex. I want to lick every part of her.

The Perfect Crime, In the Shadows of Silent Majorities

and Fishers' Capitalist Realism

Fanged Noumena

god I wish that were me

Ya. I saw her on twitter and fapped before I ever knew she made music.

Have you read the mushroom book? Mushroom at the End of the World? I think it's a good supplement to Capitalist Realism.

Baudrillard had actually rejected Marxism by the time of these two books. If you are remotely interested in Borges, philosophy of technology and the most ahead of its time critique of postmodernity then pick up S&S.

I hate commies as much as the next guy, but to be truly 'red pilled' you have to realise there are valuable criticisms that fall under the marxist label. Just because what marxists aspire to is retarded, it doesn't make the analysis all bad. How are you even meant to understand the postmodern condition without deconstruction and post-structuralism. Modernity and post-modernity aren't just meme schools of thought we throw around kids, they are the times in which men live. Grow up.

No one has mentioned Taleb yet?

>Taek the Taleb pill

The 19060s were the beginning of the end.

The Foundation for Exploration obviously.

>So let me tell you about the jews bucko, you see, they're the financially most succesful, the entire 1% are jewish (but you never hear about jewish privilege, now do ya bucko?), so they're in this position of extreme wealth and influence, and they use it to spread an ideology which would have them lined up against a wall and shot, with their wealth and material possession redistributed to their executioners. They're also orchestrating the mass immigration third worlders, primarily muslims, to the West. You see, the jews have been persecuted in and kicked out from every country they've ever settled in - only recently have they found peaceful coexistence in the west - so now they're organizing this mass immigration of people from cultures that hate them religiously and murderously, into these countries where they have found peace for the first time in millennia. I know this is a lot to take in, swallowing this red pill, but once you take it, everything will be clear - you're suffering from extreme cognitive dissonance from drinking the blue pill kool-aid, it'll lift once you realize the jews are playing 2d chess. Also, you have to stop using shampoo, deodorant, and drinking water - it's full of xenoestrogens, which has turned many young men, myself included, into kissless, handholdless virgins with bitch tits - again, it's the jews who are responsible, they fear us, that's why they do it. Sitting around on your computer all day bitching about the jews isn't degenerate, it's a necessary part of the fight, it's brave and one day, we will be remembered as The Greatest Soldiers of the White Race. Shadilay brother! Praise kek!

t. /pol/

Animal Liberation - Singer