There are tons of courses of any kind but the quality varies a lot between courses/instructors since anyone can make one (instead of having a set of experts like on Lynda), but they're not all necessary bad.
Any good tutorial worth investing in?
I'm particularly interested in something to learn to make a few bucks online in the short term.
Jordan Thomas
Pluralsight is better. You pay a flat rate and you can watch as many courses as you want
Nathan Lee
Although someone gave me a Chris Bryant video course from Udemy for the CCNA and it was pretty good.
Sebastian Moore
Yeah, I think Skillshare is like that as well, but the problem is that they don't have the wide variety of courses that Udemy has. Also on Udemy most courses are often discounted at about 10 bucks and stay in your account forever. That's much cheaper than paying for an expensive monthly/yearly plan.
Also you can be a jew if you want and watch/download all the videos, and then get the refund kek.
Nicholas Rogers
My wife used to be on udemy, she says that a lot of the best course providers have left because of a change in pricing structure. They are now on
Caleb Gutierrez
havn't used it in years.
But it's compsci subjects were moderately meaty and free
last time i checked
Bentley Bell
Jeremiah Flores
No one?
Christian Foster
not the best advice but worth the look, 10day free trial
Adam Howard
Fuck udemy with its low skilled poo in loo instructors with curry accents -__-