What made Athenian Democracy so effective, and is it better than the current model of democracy in say, Britain

What made Athenian Democracy so effective, and is it better than the current model of democracy in say, Britain

Why post a picture depicting the Roman Senate?

It wasn't, it was mostly squabbling and mob rule. But then, britain is shit too.


It wasn't effective.

Appointing leaders by lottery is neither democratic in the modern sense of the word nor is it desirable in an ever-specializing world.


The mob rule of athenian Democracy is what made the country to be invaded by the persians.

Right, they won the war, but they lost many lifes for no reason and the whole city was plundered and destroyed. And let's be fair here, the lucked out, it could have ended way worst. It wasn't a good decision at all.

It wasn't effective at all, it lead to generals being exiled for stupid reasons (like not being able to reach a place with their ships when that time) and all sorts of other odious things.

Their Navy

athens was smaller

size of the polis matters

It wasn't.

Government by philosophers > Mob rule


democracy is ok and all, but like all systems it is prone to the "this is why we can't have nice things" problem.

in the end every conceivable political or social entity that can be created by man, whether benevolent, neutral or malevolent, will be ruined by retards who don't get the point of what they're signing up for or don't care.

so far no one has come up with a solution to this problem.

>Athenian Deomcracy
>posts Quo Usque
O Tempora, O Mores!

Physical labor in ancient Greek society was seen as disminishing compared to intellectual taks, therefore they needed slaves to work for them.

I see they're quite similar to modern ones in that aspect.


>Hey Mr President, we have a rape crisis in our country
>"Why is rape a bad thing? How do you define a crisis? "

You sure showed him.

There is actually a democracy right now that has a rape crisis, it's the mob that is ultimatly is denying it and playing word games.

Tmblr plz

Plato pls

It never was, hence it taking 2000 years for it to come back in favor by some crazy europeans who decided to fetishize it because they saw themselves as philospher kings whom the masses would wisely vote for but never did.

I actually think that's /pol/.

It's hard to tell sometimes.

At least they didn't do lottery for the strategos.

You're both autistic

There is nothing sjw or nazi about that statement

It's undeniable that there is a cultural crisis in Europe right now

>What made Athenian Democracy so effective

Have you read any history at all? Athenian democracy was disgustingly inefficient. They lost the war and their entire empire because of the demos' stupidity in thinking that the Sicilian Expedition would be a good idea, and then hounding Alkibiades (their best general) out of the city because a bunch of busts got fucked with.

... which furthermore was a homogeneous, corrupt Republican senate whose members, save the occasional Cato, or Cicero, were dilettante thugs who used bribery and murder to get what they wanted.

>if you don't support rape plz go back to tumblr

Summer Breeze, Makes Me Feel Fine

Its actually run by the people, that doesnt make it more effective in running a country but its more "free". Also ancient athens was so tiny it could work. Like having a random american city doing the same would work.

They didn't let slaves to vote though.

Also I'll say it's a Mediterranean thing. Spanish classic literature is full of poor nobles who would rather stay poor than work and get socially downgraded.

Probably not how it works.

Was there any classical Greek polis that was run by a representative democracy?
Or was is all direct democracy, oligarchy or tyrannys?

Very few poleis were large enough for representative democracy to even be a thing. You have to understand that most poleis literally had a male citizen population of at most a few thousand, enough to be able to fit into a relatively small area or structure like a theatre or assembly hall. Plus Greeks would have found rep democracy far more undemocratic since it relied on the person they voted for actually representing them.

I think you're romanticizing it a whole lot. It was an interesting concept but a fucking mess in practice. Imagine if everything on Veeky Forums was decided by strawpolls. That's what it was.

>Imagine if everything on Veeky Forums was decided by strawpolls
All of my yes

I only ask because it seems greek goverments came in three flavors:
Democratic mob rule at the expense of the out-of-favor this week.
Oligarchies that ruled at the expense or the demos.
Tyrants that ruled at the expense of the oligarchs (need money or feeling nervous, kill and rob some rich men.)

Representative Democracy would basically be an oligarchy where the people chose the oligarchs that ruled them. Being neither fish for fowl, I can see why it may not have been tried.

I was thinking something like the House of Commons in the 18 and 19th centuries.

I know when the US Founding Fathers were making the constitution they definitely did not want direct Athenian democracy with all the passion of the mob, they wanted cooler heads to prevail. In fact you could say the US is a democracy designed by oligarchs who did not want a monarchy..

>you could say the US is a democracy