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History #13
Best Roman emperors
Property Rights
Was slavery all that bad?
National borders
Is this worth reading? It's about how classical civilization came from African...
Is the universe rational?
How much power do these rothchild jews have?
Was the Holocaust Planned?
What does Veeky Forums think about the Kekism religion?
Why is His so shit
Most of people in Economics are right-wing
What causes wewuzism?
Tell me about the Republicans, Veeky Forums. Were they the "good guys?" Did they commit atrocities...
Before British colonization, did India exist?
What's the most famus monster in history?
How can philosophy boil down to anything other than assertions + marketing when the Munchhausen trilemma clearly shows...
Draw a historical events in MS paint and guess what they are
How come Black slaves never attempted a revolution in america especially during the civilwar?
Is there any truth to this claim?
When did the left begin to embrace capitalism and materialism instead of opposing it and why...
Why is the concept of military decorations so unjust and hypocritical?
"Forced fellatio (i.e...
Simone de Beauvoir and Feminist Philosophy
Can we all agree that religions who preach that material world is inherently and invariably bad and one should just...
About to read the bible for the first time
Why does god allow bad things to exist? like orphans being born, or rape, or wars. these are all very sad...
Do "Cultural" foods bear any resemblance to the foods people would eat 100, 200 years ago...
Why hasn't Marxism ever worked?
Will Iran secularize in our lifetime, at least de facto?
The Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, also known as Magdalene asylums, were institutions...
What will future historians say of Veeky Forums?
Now that the dust has finally settled; was the Industrial Revolution a mistake?
New Rich
Is this accurate?
Why does Belgium exist?
If nationalism is enough to make Hitler right-wing, then how come Stalin isn't considered right-wing?
What is Progressivism?
World War 1 involved Britain and Germany, plus sometimes America...
Napoleon ordered Junot to commence the invasion, with the cooperation of three divisions from the Kingdom of Spain
Imagine you're woken up in your house at 3:00 AM by a man with a bomb-belt and a gun pointed at you:
Stalin conspiracy theories
Roman Republic/ Empire / Western Rome
Did the majority of the "proletariat" actually enjoy living under communism or were they just terrorized into...
Would you like to live the life of a monk, Veeky Forums?
Is Shi'ism just a heavily Zoroastrian-ized version of Islam?
Why do Australians and New Zealanders have a "british" sounding accent, but not Canadians or Americans?
Why is Turkey so triggered by the existence of Kurds?
Veeky Forums humor thead
Hello Veeky Forumstorians, i put together this game. Hopefully you understand how it works...
What are the biggest lessons modern warfare has learnt from the Wehrmacht?
Is there any example of terrorist group, being able to influence the historical outcome to archive their goals...
All Open-Carry Gun Owners should Wear Powdered Wigs
Swords were shit spears were better in any way
Alright, time for Veeky Forums to address the pressing issue of our time:
Hey Veeky Forums, Is Patriarchy theory unfalsifiable?
Metaphysics Thread
Why do STEM students have a hate boner against philosophy?
Here's a question for you
Why right wingers generally less intelligent than us leftists...
Should philosophers be obliged to study elementary math (differential geometry, functional analysis...
Looking for proof of the bear cult
Why are vikings remembered as warriors when they were much better sailors and explorers?
Moral philosophy
Veeky Forums honest opinion about Dan Carlin's "HARDCORE HISTORY" ?
I'm going to try to keep this divorced of the politics of the situation, futile as that may be
Is the worship of the USA and its constitution and the Founding Fathers a religion?
Why would you use this garbage over let's say a spear or bow and arrow?
Swords were not weapons they were in fact fishing tools
Is really it true native americans are just some chinese people that got lost (y/n)?
How did the French Revolution even succeed? And I'm not talking about the phase where they took on all of Europe...
Is Satan evil or simple an angel of God used by God as a test of our will while we're on earth?
Popoganda qtie's
Why Veeky Forums hate Turkey
Is universal suffrage a mistake?
Who was the best American intellectual of the 20th century?
Seriously now, what's the point of wasting ammo like that...
Why are African apologists so insincere and dishonest that they can call pic related an empire?
How is this even possible
Was the Industrial Revolution a mistake?
Was the Iranian Revolution the worst thing for Iran?
The civil war wasn't about slavery, it was about state rights!
Not american inventions?
Are there any human races that are extinct? People who are homo sapiens or otherwise, like neanderthals...
Would Europe be better off, or worse, were it not for this man?
You will never have a qt chinese revolutionary gf whose idealism and vision for a better world is beautiful...
What are some good history books about the Soviet Union or East Germany?
Have historically equal societies been better to live in than unequal societies?
Be on date with smart qt
Constantine the ""Great""
So we can all agree that natural history/science museums are the best museums right?
Can we agree that all criticism of Nietzsche is simply a misunderstanding of him?
What went wrong? When did men in the West lose hope for the future and why...
Let's have a thread about torture
Stupid people
Why are most philosophers unmarried and childless?
What is the most overrated weapon in history?
Why doesn't Confederacy just doesn't made army from slaves and used them to overpower enemies with a human wave tactics?
Lesser known historical atrocities and events
Le peasants weapon xD
Let's talk about axes being fucking shit and warhammers being amazing
ITT: Based Dictators
It's an "if you're not a communist then you're /pol/" thread
How good were early handguns? If not good, why did anyone bother and not just use crossbows?
How historically accurate is this movie?
Pagan resistance to Christianity
We always have threads about who is the villain of history
Jesus Christ suffered less than day
Was paying debnts the only reason Americans went through with the Louisiana Purchase...
Is it Constantinople or Istanbul?
Chaotic good or lawful good?
Why are the Celts always portrayed as half naked barbarians while they used this kind of armor since before Rome even...
Can a communist/anarchist on Veeky Forums please explain to me your view...
Is there a more amorphous internet """intellectual""" out there than this guy...
Fucking Love
What went wrong?
Marx was neither the first nor the most intellectually complicated/advanced communist...
Why does Nazism and Adolf Hitler get associated with white supremacy so much? Why is Neo-Nazism White Supremacism?
They quite clearly don't want to be bothered with. If you don't like them, just let them die off due to inbreeding
How was agriculture invented in several places almost at the same time...
Why brown and black people always end up being poorer and less developed? who can we blame?
90% of soldiers aim to miss and cant bring themselves to harm the enemy
We all know the horrors that far left, such as Soviet Russia, and the far right, such as Nazi Germany...
How does one lead a correct and moral lifestyle, but at the same time, enjoys life? For example...
In this game when your city is invaded you can just call commoners to arms and they throw rocks at the enemy how...
What is your honest opinion on this man?
Have any philosophers argued that moral actions are morally good because they are beautiful...
It's a "Veeky Forums neet thinks he would thrive under communism" thread
Is it true that the first romans was ruled by kings who was black...
What are these feels
Daily reminder that there is no evidential base for atheism
Why living in some U.S. cities is literally like living in the Middle Ages
Mamluk dynasty
Is Australian history boring...
The Importance of Holy Confession
Was there ever a person like the man with no name in actual US history in the wild west?
What does Veeky Forums think of Richard Nixon?
Why have Jews been expelled and prosecuted from so many different countries throughout all of history?
Why do some people just live happy lives with minimal effort?
How was free speech in the Third Reich ? I'd assume that it wasn't good, but as they were leftist on the cultural plan
What do you know about colonialism? What were it's benefits and harms, both for Africa and for Europe?
No more deluded by reaction, on tyrants only we'll make war
People who died too soon
Did the Greeks and Roman's really paint their statues?
I have heard a lot of people saying, that the US is showing signs of a empire about to fall
I hate post-modernism
What civilization is the most overrated in history and why?
Best Emperor
Shall we have a Veeky Forumstoric alphabet?
Why was she such a controversial figure to Brits? Because she divorced the prince? Because she liked Brown guys...
What was the reasonable alternative to the 2003 invasion of Iraq?
After 70 Years, can we finally put this fucking question to rest?
What modern day country has been in decline for the longest?
Why should we act good?
Find a flaw
Rwandan Genocide
An angel, an eagle, a winged lion and a winged bull represent the four evangelists of christianity...
What were dragons a metaphor for in medieval times?
What's the closest we ever had to a female Hitler ?
What was life like in pre-WWII Nazi Germany?
Some Fathers on Sola Scriptura:
Why did anthropological differences like this form? What local stressors make their ratios dissimilar?
Why do the north sides of American cities tend to encompass the most wealthy and developed areas?
Is "I was only following orders" a valid excuse for one's actions?
Pan Arabism
Would this be a viable tactic? Historically speaking of course
Who was the most influential person in western civilization since Jesus?
Tfw his only sin was that he cared too much about his people
Why can't Russia into liberalism?
Historical Dynasties in the 21st Century
Is there any proof vikings were muscular?
Lets have an african history thread
How come the Southern US never had a successful slave revolt like Haiti?
Wasn't really possible to send the blacks back to Africa at the end of slavery...
Why can't pan-slavism work?
Why are countries today so gay compared their historical masculine civilizations
What does Veeky Forums think of Assassins Creed?
What was the origin of White Guilt? Was it began after WW II?
What is the saddest fall of a dynasty/royal family in history?
Charlemagne French or German ?
You will never be able to learn all the languages you want to learn
Explain capitalism and socialism without a showing of bias
Historical photographies thread
Does the potential exist for the United States of America to break up like the:
If capitalists exploit workers, why then workers don't make their own factories?
How do Russians identify and why...
What does Veeky Forums think about the (Great) Serene Republic of Venice?
What can Veeky Forums teach me about the Dahomey Amazons?
"On December 31st, 1899...
Why is historical maretialism wrong?
Who was the best commander in WW2?
Any alternative to this book?
Which other civilization ( besides the Vikings and Columbus ) do you think has made the Atlantic or Pacific cross...
Rate this meme
History is fun. Archaeology is fun. Can't quite get my finger on what the practical value of either of those are...
This is probably the most active christian debater of our time
Sexual exploration
Jack T. Chick
Some common language root yet to be discovered amongst paleosiberians?
How did immigration work in pre-modern times? Was it common? Was it regulated?
So was early Christianity apocalyptic? The evidence from the New Testament seems pretty strong...
What do women really want?
Post the darkest philosophies ever conceived by man. Camus babbies pls go...
How much poverty and death can be attributed to this man? Would Latin America be first world had he not existed...
Veeky Forums tell me about this place in 1000AD
Objective morality
So uh.....why did they like white christian women so much...
What is the big difference between jewish sephardis, mizrahis and askenazis in both cultural and physical terms?
Christianity owes more to Greek mystery religions than Judaism in terms of its theological concepts
Was it just a meme weapon?
Why were Greeks so obsessed with coasts?
Is he one of the more overrated leaders from human history?
Why is it that races with hot women tend to have really ugly men, and vica versa?
Inference to the Best Explanation
Did the Bolsheviks think they were doing good?
Question to the Muslims of Veeky Forums:
Can you give the actual reasoning and evidence of people who say the holocaust happened and those who say it didn't...
Okay. Uncle Adolf has been utterly memed to death in mainstream media
I don't really get this whole eternal Anglo thing. Why would Germanics poke fun at Anglos...
Who do you consider the most brilliant person ever?
India is going to become a superpower
How do you feel about the execution of the Romanov family Veeky Forums?
Family History
What was the first meme?
Mysterious things the Nazis were up to
Tfw the golden age of passenger airlines is over
Just what are materialists saying, really? That all of this is just matter? Okay, sure...
"I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion."
Find a flaw
Abolish Capital punishment as one of the first orders of business
Mongols vs Europe
Why hasn't the American army won a war since WW2?
Ask me literally any question about the first world war
If body armor could stop musket balls why did everyone stop using it for so long?
What goes on here?
Occultism and Magick: Sloane Manuscripts
Japanese katana is historically came from Korean sword
Why have birth rates plummeted in the west?
Is he the biggest philosopher of our time?
How come he was literally right about everything?
Was the US Revolution justified
How could anyone be so wrong?
Why exactly are religious organizations still granted tax-exempt status in the developed world?
Did the British military really play an important role in WW2?
I saw some retard claim that English is descended from Hebrew once
Why the hell did they not lie down?
Name of this sort of helmet?
Why did no orthodox kingdom ever use plated armor even decades after its proliferation in the west...
When you realize that you are wrong...
"Military strategy hinges on innovation and surprise."
What made WW1 more depressing and bleak when compared to every other war?
People who died far too early thread
What were some of the biggest war blunders of in all of history?
Civilization VI
The earliest specimens to be found of the genus homo were found in Ethiopia and are about 3,000,000 years old...
Is there a more historically influential group of people than the Jews?
See this people here? They're known as the burakumin, the "hamlet people", in Japan...
As demographic projections stand...
Is there a more overrated person in history than this faggot? Everything from France is overrated shit in fact...
How and why was Emperor Hirohito able to escape persecution after WW2?
How did pic related become successful?
What are some other examples of WE WUZ KANGZ that have been seriously proposed in academia?
Has it dawned on you, Veeky Forums, just how radical the Gospel is, and how revolutionary Christianity is...
What went wrong, Veeky Forums?
ITT: We worship the Roman Empire
Would Germany have the economic resources to fight a war with Russia in the day and age?
How historically accurate is the bible? Is it true one of Solomon's bastard kids became an Ethiopian king?
Arab/Islamic Colonialism
Completely greek on both sides of my family
What culture would have been most likely to replace western culture
What are the most unpleasant accents (in english)? I immediately dislike anyone that sounds southern or french...
How many Veeky Forumstorians use Reddit? Just curious
Why is Veeky Forums so predominantly christian? I've never noticed this in any other board, maybe I'm wrong?
When did relations between Native Americans and white settler/travellers turn from friendly trade to violent outbursts?
Being selfless, (unfairly giving of yourself), and causing others pleasure is a universal, objective morality
If the abos had domesticated the megalania instead of making it extinct...
Feudal for thousands of years
Damn...really makes you think
"Hold my beer, watch this."
What if each board was a anicnet greek polis? Which boards would correspond to which city-state?
Is there a historical precedent for transgender individuals?
Veeky Forums humor thread
Rise of right wing populism
And YHVH said to Abram, “Lech Lecha (go forth...
Would you consider the Byzantine Empire to be a proper continuation of the Roman Empire...
Im curious to know more about Satanism. Ive read The Holy Bible ( New/Old Testament and King James Version...
Paradigms Of Feminism
What are some historical theories and mysteries that can't or will likely never be solved?
Why is Africa such a mess?
Which Battle was most decisive for the outcome of the war
Will they one day be seen as mythical figures that didn't exist?
Why does the Wikipedia article on politics only talk about power, without mentioning right/authority...
Modesty in dress
Found this on a forum:
ITT: We discuss the denial of holodomor
Post Historical Wojaks
What's the most historically influencial crop?
How much more advanced would we be if we never had the dark ages?
Napoleon & Hitler
Art Thread
What makes a king, ruler, or emperor successful?
How do we get young people to vote?
The other night a friend and I got really high and came up with a new theory of evolution
Can we have a thread on evolutionary psychology...
What made Russia so adversarial towards the West? They seemed to be friendly with other Europeans up to WWI...
There are actually people on this board RIGHT NOW who defend the Catholic Church in spite of its abuses, scandals...
How did dinosaurs become extant?
ITT: Meme countries, empires
Post your favorite coat of arms/heraldry
Who were the historical equivalent(s) to ISIL?
Libyan civil war = modern day spanish civil war
Why do Economists rarely seem to run for political office...
Why didn't anything worthwhile happen here? Why weren't there any empires that rival Rome, Persia, or Han China...
Wars your country doesn't discuss or teach much of
AiG vs Evoanth
At the time of independence, Mexico stretched from a border with Gran Colombia in the south...
You are about to land on Omaha. What are your last thoughts?
What does Veeky Forums think about Hetalia?
Can we objectively say that Muhammad was one of the greatest warriors of all time? Does he beat out Alexander the Great...
You suddenly wake up as Pope Leo X 1517, same day as Luther nails his thesis somewhere
When people refer to the Middle Ages as the "Dark Ages"
What is the oldest known city in existence?
So uh
We can't prove (yet) a God doesn’t exist (actually "isn't", since he was before existance)...
I get into a box that makes a clone of me exactly how I am with all my memories up until the last second the button is...
I fucking hate this guy. Is there someone who proves him wrong?
Be me
How does Veeky Forums feel about polygamy?
Based, but not edgy. Pragmatic, but not compromised. Hard, but not cruel
Could the colonists have succeeded in their revolution without the intervention and aid of France, thanks to Louis XVI?
Why the fuck did American ban alcohol in the 20s?
Miring my civilization sissy roman?
Was he a leftist?
How close were the Soviets to collapse in June 1942?
Is there anyone on youtube similar to lindybeige but with actual knowledge about the topics they talk about?
Veeky Forums becoming '/pol/ with dates' more and more each day
Utilitarian Morals and Preventing WW2
The book I am reading on WW2 explicitly says that, during the Invasion of Poland on the 1 of September...
There are no lost continents
Why were the Japanese so cruel in wars?
Why were maces, clubs, warhammers etc. used so rarely? You mostly hear of swords or sometimes axes...
Tfw reading kant and berkely latley
Free will
Did Stalin actually care about his people, or Communism, or was he just a sociopathic bastard?
So /his, was America truly never great?
Mentally-out Jehovah's Witness here, trapped in cause I'll be shunned by my family if I formally leave the faith...
This man leads your country's foreign policy. What do?
Germanic History General
Was Mahatma Gandhi an uber racist as they say?
Has there ever been an equivalent of NEETs in human history?
Hostages force you to choose
Why didn't the germans just fortify this area and go all out againts the russkie's
Why has A E S T H E T I C I S M become a thing in modern times?
Why aren't you an atheist?
1980s were the shittiest decade aesthetically for the west
Veeky Forums, why did so many ancient Egyptians have blond hair and Nordic facial features?
Part 1:
What is the most swole historical culture?
We should be "racist" to each other t. Zizek
Debating with the fedora lords on here be like:
The Romans were a Nordic people. Why are people trying to hide this fact?
Is there any historical precedent about teaching people to feel guilt for something they can't control (e.g...
Say hi to Voltaire anons
Great Man Theory
Unions & The Free Market
Tell me about the Austro-Hungarian empire
Honest question
Do religious people have an argument for why they believe in their specific deity/religion, and not any other...
Did Hitler really say he and the German people were oppressed by the West?
What was the chief reason the soviets got blown the fuck out on such a monumental scale when they attacked Finland in...
Punishment for the sake of punishment
American "conservatism" is about classical liberalism and defending enlightenment ideals
What caused the Islamic civilization to stagnate? What went wrong?
What happens to all the people who lived before the True Religion™ appeared or who lived their lives ignorant of the...
Has there ever been a more formidable and disciplined armed corp in the history of humanity than that of WW2 Japan?
Why didn't the Romans ever expand towards the North? Nothing worth conquering...
Which empires treated conquered peoples the best? Which treated them the worst?
How did Anglos get away with this?
How do we prevent the Americanisation of history before it's too late?
We wuz kingz 'n shiet
Why aren't you Mormon, Veeky Forums?
What are some historical symbols of ideologies? Fascism is an Eagle, Monarchy should be Lion, Libertarianism is Snake...
Is time linear? What even is time?
Hey Veeky Forums
Why do bolshevists and egalitardians always claim to represent "the working class" when it fact it's always been...
Gold is universally considered highly valuable. But why? Just because it is shiny...
Decide to check out this cool french documentary on WW1 voiced by Mathieu Kassovitz called "The Apocalypse"
Can someone explain intersectionalism to me? I don't understand it at all
Is bureaucracy the most effective way of running a state?
Has "THEY'RE TAKING OUR WOMEN!" been the rallying cry for every right wing (aka sexually repressed) political movement...
It's treason, then
What is the story about this island?
How did chicago come to be such a murder driven city Veeky Forums...
Were the Russian Old Believers justified in their schism?
Le rus were vikings xD meme
Are Sorbs just meme slavs?
Who had the biggest balls in the history of the world?
How come the dinosaurs never left any writing behind...
What was the greatest naval defeat of human history? I suggest the battle of the thames 2016...
Was the Sicilian Expedition the biggest idiocy in history?
How historically accurate is this movie?
ITT: post your favorite Bible verses
"Death is only the beginning"
So after Napoleon I's fall, this is moer or less what happened to France:
Alternative Religion for the West
Tell me something interestin about the history of Estonia
What's the Kekiest thing to have happened in the history of war?
"dude desert fox lmao"
Guys remember that one time when 300 Spartans forgot their armor and fought persian mutants led by BDSM enthusiast?
Why did sub Saharan Africans never get into painting?
If you could offer a piece of advice to anyone throughout history, who would it be and what would you say?
Why did the Far East never conquer anything besides itself?
Veeky Forums, can you name a statesman who's greater than Bismarck?
ITT: We discuss online piracy
What's the best model for economic growth right now?
Did Atlantis exist?
Is south korea the only country that managed to go from colonized to first world economy...
What are the most important battles in world history ?
Historical sexual Fantasies
Favourite historical game Veeky Forums?
You have now been teleport back 9000 BC in the Mesolithic era of Europe
Just how fucked Publius Quinctilius Varus get at Teutoburg Forest?
Was he really a bad guy?
Was he really a bad guy?
Was he really a bad guy?
Do employers like History degrees?
Tell me about the light eyes gene Veeky Forums
Christian - no denomination supplied
Where does the 'Divine right of kings' come from?
Choose your poison, from best to worst
Civil war, followed by civil strife and military rule
Worst generals of WW1
Slavic geography
Why were eunuchs so often vilified in traditional Chinese historiography?
The Roman Empire is the only civilization worthy of Respect. They weren't perfect, but they were the best
Was the Greek, Assyrian and Armenian genocide really necessary in order to create the modern state of Turkey?
Why is it that Japan was the only country in history which was able to self-industrialize and compete with the Western...
Would the world wars been prevented if france was partitioned after the franco-prussian war?
Christians maintain holier than thou attitude with other people...
"fixed fortifications are stupid lol"
Axes were never used in combat, unless you consider a tree a worthy opponent haha. Swords...
What is that you love the most in life? Something you would gladly die for
Is this accurate?
As the centuries progress, will he still be as vilified as he is today...
Of which race(s) were the homeland Romans and ancient Italians?
How should the understanding of free speech change when we realize that citizens have limitations on theie ability to...
Did photorrealistic art only developed in Europe?
So what is preventing an eugenics program? Arrogance?
Finally living my childhood dream and taking my first year of Greek and Roman studies at the University of Victoria in...
A society's worth is ultimately determined by its ability to destroy other societies
Right-Wing philosophy general
Favorite Underrated Philosopher
What if Kublai Khan's mongol invasions of Japan in either 1274 and 1281 weren't screwed over by a Typhoon and were...
Did PTSD exist in ancient times? Kere there Aztec and Spartan and Persian warriors who witnessed the horrors of war...
Doesn't anyone notice how the reason Rome fell was due to them allowing in millions of barbarian refugees and pandering...
What went wrong?
So just how big is /pol/'s actual presence on this board?
If you put aside all political bias, could you please redpill me on Margaret Thatcher? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly...
Isn't al-Ghazali responsible for the cultural and scientific stagnation of the Muslim world?
If the history spoken by non-assblasted anglos is true...
How to be a good Catholic
I wanted to start a discussion about who you guys think were the greatest military leaders of all time...
Can you tell me about mercenaries Veeky Forums?
How do Muslims reconcile the belief that they posses the True Faith with the generally miserable state of their...
How accurate is this Veeky Forums?
What culture in human history produced the best wives?
Anglo-French with family in both countries
So why did Japan refuse to open a second front against the soviets in Manchuria after all its other axis allies entered...
Umm... how did India benefit from British colonialism again????
What's its name Veeky Forums?
Where did this idea that God was All-Seeing and All-Knowing come from if He couldn't find Adam and Eve in the garden...
Did the holocaust happen
Tel me the position of Plato about the democracy
In what ways did the Crusades benefit the world?
It's Canada day and I've never felt less cheerful. After seeing the way Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto...
The day after the Pope said the Church must apologize to gays, the Orthodox Church in America made this declaration...
Life on a materialist view is absurd. There is a mismatch about what we feel should be...
Why did the West adopt Christianity, but not Islam? Every day it becomes clearer that Islam is more suited to us...
Anybody interested in talking about economic history?Also, gibe recommendations. This one is mine, top tier book
Buddhism works because it offers two ways to end suffering in rebirth
What are some historical events that would not be believed by an audience if shown in a movie?
What made the Swedes so good at war?
-Western Anatolia was one of the only three places where we're sure agricultural revolution started on its own (the...
Whats the history of traps?
So I was playing some overwatch and some of the in game commentary got me thinking...
Pre-christian europe
WW2 Generals
I just went to /pol/ and they said this was a horrible board filled with leftist talking points
What did Ubisoft mean by this?
Why was Germany so successful in the invasion of Western Europe?
Why do leftists seem to ignore history when inconvenient to them?
Why are Roman coins so cheap on ebay?
Was he really a bad guy?
If you were a regular pleb in from a small village in the middle ages, and your people was about to be conquered...
Tfw the Nazi's took the idea of the return of the Aryans literally and delved into eugenics and mass murder...
To what extent has the linguistic hegemony of English in the US and Canada influenced the relative stability of the...
Is Islam just a Christian heresy?
/int/craft Historical RP Server - 2016 Edition LAUNCHES IN HALF AN HOUR
Why weren't the Nuremberg Judges from neutral countries?
How come the Balkans' history has been such a massive shit show?
Redpill me on heathenry
Tell me about the Kalash people
I still dont understand why God created us?It makes zero (0) sense
Remember that one time when handgunners rekt everyone? Oh wait that's every time they were deployed
Why is open marriage tolerated but polygamy isn't?
How did they get away with this?
In your opinion, was the sexual revolution good?
Is the Caucasus mountain region the original homeland of 'whites' Veeky Forums?
Why don't philosophers create a system of ethics purely based on logic without any feelings or subjective inclinations...
Why did non-European people never develop plate armour...
Why is this here?
100 years since the Somme
Greek Mythology
Why is this allowed?
Black africans never had advanced countries or empires!
Are women objectively evil?
Colorised Photos
Charles Manson
Is there a more miserable country in the history of the world than Russia?
What do you guys think of lloyd
What happened to left-wing political violence?
Why do white americans speak in such a nasally whiny high pitched tone? Prestige dialect of some sort?
Why do historians use this term "Scramble for Africa" as if its a treasure or object without any self-determination or...
Knowledge: My body's behaviour is partially influenced from outside the material world by me (I am an immaterial mind)
Where did the widespread tradition of asking a girls hand in marriage from her father come from
Why has modern man rejected occultism?
Why were native fighters so terrible. I'm not talking disease...I'm talking about the actual battles
Genetics thread?
How do we solve the problem of consiousness Veeky Forums?
What are the 'feels' involved with the Treaty of Trianon? Especially Hungarians...
Were neanderthal's super predators?
Thoughts on these books?
Teach me about Rousseau
Did this man have the saddest existence in history?
Name ONE good contribution black people has made in America and ONE successful black person
Why does God have a problem with people speaking one language?
Is science racist?
Why even a Protestant reading of the Bible shows Mary to be sinless
ITT: Historical words you can't pronounce
So Civilization VI's roster got leaked. Veeky Forums, what are your thoughts on the character list?
Is this the board we should use to discuss Theater?
Irish Rebellion against the British-was it justified?
Is Denmark historically underrated?
Remember that one time when longbowmen rekt everyone? Oh wait that's every time they were deployed
The holocaust never happened
Anybody else feels like they are rushing stuff right now?
I would love to be a crossbowman standing behind my pavise...
Where can i find medieval european depictions of war and combat without being flooded with cringy edgelord fan art like...
How exactly did the germans know if a person was Jewish?
Neolithic obsidian trade
ITT: Post your favourite historical tanks
Can we agree that the communism is about working hard and the capitalism is about working smart?
Race and Intelligence
Ascetism in an atheistic society
Name the current world
What was worse? The Native American genocide or the holocaust?
So tell me about anarcho-communism
Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
How can anyone doubt evolution after looking at the historical evidence?!
Guns, germs and steel
The one Church founded by Christ: the Orthodox Church
Which sect of Christianity should I convert to?
You can't hate Enver Hoxha
If you think God "exists", you literaly misunderstood everything about Him
What do you think of Jung and Freud?
Until early empire legion
Historical figures whose ass your pretty sure you could beat?
What do we owe the church of the Middle Ages?
How did it happen? No memes, please don't post that dumb green text about aliens
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. [Genesis]
Is the Khazar Origin theory true? Are Jews just jumped-up T*rks?
Free will is one's imagination of possible outcomes and actions...
Post history's baddest bitches. I'll start: St Olga of Kiev
What the fuck was his problem?
Being a crossbowman during a siege would be the shit I would love to snipe some dumb fucking knights and worthless...
Who Is the Most Misunderstood Person in History?
It is known that one of the biggest issues with democracy is the fact that it treats all citizens as equals...
Let's settle this once and for all
/hfg/ - Historical foods general
Creation Museum
There is no judgement after death
Am I the only one here that doesn't know shit about history?
Why I'm leaving
Why use crossbowmen over archers?
Why does ISIS have to do this shit?
Persia thread
How could Western society go from ultra conformist in the 1950s to completely anti-conformist in only 10 years...
How do you derive an ought from an is?
A = ~A
Smithsonian Giants
What separated Codreanu from the other reactionaries?
Why is this allowed?
North Korea
What was his fucking problem?
Is the history of the Horn of Africa as intrinsically linked to the Middle East as North Africa?
Not semitics
What are the historical reasons Americans are so fat? Is it genetic...
Rising Nationalism
Memes aside, what do you guys think of Stirner?
How do people handle cognitive dissonance when discussing history?
When and why did 'free trade' become a word with only positive connotations and something that always should be sought...
Why is Shia so much more based than Sunni?
Why did Britain want to keep any of Ireland? They don't seem that relevant to us, nor do they seem that great...
What are the most based and practical, useful philosophies?
When you see this guy what is the first thing that comes into mind?
Veeky Forums backrounds/posters
Tools from the gods
Thoughts on Nobunaga? was he just an edgy Cao Cao?
Do great women exist Veeky Forums?
Why do some "radical traditionalists" complain about urbanization and blame it on Modernity?
Was the average Crusader a good person?
Can this people claim the heritage of the ancient macedonians? Whats going on here?
Armour and Uniforms Thread Edition II
Some of you muslims are alright. Don't go to Bagdad tomorrow
So wait, how did America, a super power, get its ass kicked in Vietnam? How hard is it to fight against jungle monkeys?
What is the closest historical equivalent to the EU?
Mfw there are still people who think Confucius was a real person
Nazi vs Muslim
Let's face the facts; this "Jesus of Nazareth" person probably never existed. It's a nice myth though
Help me Veeky Forums...
Why did Christianity in general develop such a hatred of homosexuality?
He thinks the Catholic Church isn't Christian
Beginners philosophy
What was being a criminal, gangster, thug, or general bad guy llike before the 18th century?
People's Republic of China
Jesus was Black, but he wasn't fucking African
Archaeologist here. Ask me anything except will I examine your bone
Will there ever be a WW3? Will we live to see it?
Arab "race"
Why do ancient southeast asians use a lot stone in their architecture...
Would you agree that a nation exists on the foundation of it's people?
We do leftists fetishize the French Revolution when the American Revolution is literally history's only perfect...
I'm starting to believe that a god might exist...
Does Cuba, Vietnam, or Laos have any chance of implementing communism?
It's a boy, honey. What should we call him?
Money can't buy happiness
Neo-nats forever cucc
How can Christians be so ignorant as to actually believe that their Christian religion is actually a fulfillment of...
Let's just agree that Nihilism, Primitivism, Anarchy...
Was he the most important founding father?
What does Veeky Forums think of this depiction of Victoria in the new civ game
Why did philosophy separate itself from science?
Was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom the 19th century equivalent of ISIS?
What ideology is this?
I-is a one world government unavoidable? were the communists r-right?
"thou shalt not kill"
Is solitary confinement cruel?
Anyone read this book yet ? your thought ?
What does Veeky Forums think of neo-medievalism? See article
Problem of Evil. I dare you to solve it
Finally finished reading this book. Tbh I liked it, even though I think it could have been shorter...
Up or Down
Was he a misunderstood hero?
What are the ten most significant events in the history of mankind?
What did Reddit mean by this?
Vade retro, splitters of the holy mother church
Tell me about this country, Veeky Forums
What got the West so entrenched in the Left-Right dichotomy in the first place. How can I transcend it?
Describe your sex life with a famous historical quote
Why were there successful Germanic states in France, German, and Britain, but no effective expansion from the Nordics?
I'd like to address two things here
I studied International Relations and Ethics but would like to get into critical theory and political psychology...
Were the crusades justified?
What does Veeky Forums know about the early church
Wow! I didn't know so many blacks fought in WWI!
Wake up in Anarcho-Socialist Utopia
Who had the most powerful human mind in history?
Why is there such a disinterest in pre-colonial Sub-Saharan history?
Ia nihilism being a meme that's pushed to millennials to insubsequently promote communism?
Wow...if this doesnt make you think I dont know what does
Why do people do this?
What are the best books about the Romanovs?
Why didn't India abandoned its polytheism ways...
What does Veeky Forums think of this...
Can you believe this shit?
Creationism Part 2: the Baptists Strike Back
How was Cleopatra not some drooling inbred retard?
Why was he so wrong about everything?
Jesse William's Speech on the BET channel
Why is a certain subset of the pop sci crowd so vehemently hostile to any way of thinking about the universe that...
Can Veeky Forums give me an historical perspective on US-Mexican immigration?
When and why did American politicians on both sides abandon the working class and embrace neoliberal economic policies...
Logic is good because it's the most objective tool available to us. But why is objectivity good...
How many of you are commies?
Origin of light eyes
Don't know if this is an overdone topic since I don't normally go on this board but what does Veeky Forums think about...
Would anything have turned out differently had France and England declared war on Germany after invading Czechoslovakia?
Criminally underrated Veeky Forumstorical figures
How evil was the British Empire?
Evolution of Evil
What's the most hateless, affirmative religion?
Did he actually exist?
Capitalism: A Love Story
History meme thread
How has the perception of zoophilia changed through history?
How can Islam be a religion of peace when it was spread through conquest?
What do you think him?
What did he mean by this?
Tfw I finally understand what this means
Greek Homosexuality/Pederasty
How do people who believe Islam is the religion of peace reconcile that belief with the historic Islam that was...
Set out to create a classless system
Veeky Forums, who are other interesting intellectuals to watch besides zizek on youtube??
Has studying history changed your outlook on life and your political views? In what way?
The School of Life
Itt: sum up historical figures with events or quotes from spongebob
Looking to expand my knowledge on Native American history...
Philosophy of sex
What is the best governing ideology for creating and preserving a strong middle class in any given nation?
Islam = Hard Mode?
Why is it really hard to research history on white people and find anything that doesn't make them look like total...
What's with the shocking amount of liberal bias on here?
Every fucking space agency needs to fucking get together and fucking transform into a massive space agency and then we...
Flag thread
Is star trek communist utopia
So, I was wondering. What kind of history does Jamaica have...
Did the leaflets make a difference?
Rhodesian and South Africa thread
If you aren't doing anything illegal you shouldn't worry about the goverment spying on you
So in a Stirnerian context Christianity is totally okay right?
No Apologies
How come the ancients considered Pyrrhus to be hot shit? He didn't really achieve anything of note
Was Kaiser Wilhelm actually attracted to his mother?
Is there such thing as an un-spooked woman?
You're a foreign dignitary on a visit to the court of King Louis
Are you Free Planets or Empire Veeky Forums?
I wonder if they're gonna show Nat Turner kill women and children in this movie
ITT people who were right about everything
Why are people attracted to 2d cartoons? What causes us to want to splurge juices inside them...
How close to nuclear war was the world during the Cold War really...
What are the actual tenants of taoism, practically speaking?
What did people (mostly adults) do for fun before electronics? Were there lots of plays being performed all the time...
Let's seriously consider this. Is this true?
ITT: top bants of history
How did the population of china grew so big?
English Language
What's wrong with The Greatest Story Never Told?
Psst, hey kids!
What did the Romans think of facial hair and body hair in general? What did they think about tattoos and such?
Why did Egypt do so little to advance humanity despite lasting so long?
Was Manifest Destiny justified? Was it inevitable? Why or why not?
Does the total human pain experienced outweigh the total human pleasure experienced...
What's the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?
Toughts on the Gomberg map?
What prevented Stalin from going back on his word from the Yalta Conference and declaring war on the Allies as soon as...
Are women objectively evil?
I tried to fix it anons
Historical art thread
How many civilizations has miscegenation destroyed?
Ancient Tongues
Is there a single place on earth with more culture, history, art...
ITT: We discuss all the good things that the Führer did and attempted to do
Who was America's most formidable foe?
What could Germany & the central powers have done to win WW1?
What are some cities/time-zones that would be the real life equivelent of Agrabah...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games