What is the big difference between jewish sephardis, mizrahis and askenazis in both cultural and physical terms?
We only know about the askenazi stereotype because they are more well known but waht about the others?
What is the big difference between jewish sephardis, mizrahis and askenazis in both cultural and physical terms?
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Geographically, the Sephardi and Ashkenazi were displaced out of the middle east.
The Sephardi got displaced to the Iberian Peninsula.
The Ashkenazi were displaced to central/eastern Europe.
While the Mizrahi were around the middle east and Northern Africa.
I would like to know more about their cultural differences.
I heard that sephardis were able to have lands and were less inbred than the askenazis.
Ashkenazi Jews mostly bred with other Jews (up until recently).
There were also many Ashkenazi villages that were separated from other ethnic or religious groups.
There could be a chance that some might have inbred, however Judaism has quite a few commandments (laws) that strictly prohibit inbreeding.
I am not too informed about Sephardi Jews however.
I do now however that because of things like the inquisition and such many of them practiced secretly around that time.
all these discussions regarding the cultural character of jewish ethnic groups always ignore the elephant in the room, the underbelly of jewry: the maghrebis
in israel they form an elitist recidivist subculture that is attracted to violence and hostility against everyone, including other jews.
they have no solidarity with jews of other backgrounds.
when not committing crimes, they engage in provoking confrontations by:
>staring down people down with look of the devil
>yell loudly with a raspy, hoarse nicotine-voice (their "females" all have deep male hoarse ass voices) and blow smoke in peoples faces
>cut a queue, shoving people from the queue, or just plain rudely interrupt your private discussion and to get serviced by the employee
>confront jewish strangers in an aggressive manner and commanding them to get off their "territory", which is a public street
they are rude, aggressive, belligerent, shallow with low intellect and no concept of respect, personal space, decency or morality
they are worshipped and mimicked by various groups including kavkazis and slavic girls
they make your typical "white trash", redneck, hillbillies, ghetto gangbangers all look like saints
Bump. Would like to know this too-also about the other sub-groups.
>they are worshipped and mimicked by various groups including kavkazis and slavic girls
whats up with all the soviets riding maghrebi dick?
>cheap imitations trying to imposter
major soviet inferiority issues here
most israelis love ethiopian, yemenis, Bnei Menashe, but cant say anything positive about the maghrebi (and their imitators), except couscous
During grek times there were already jews in greece. During roman time jews were spread all voer the empire.
After the jewish roman wars, when the temple was destroyed and the sverenity of the jews fucked by the romans and judea was renamed to syria-palestina, jews spread all over including babylon(they used this name even though it was geopolitcally anchronistic).
This is the time when the talmud was written.
Anyway, jews were in west asia and some jews immigrated into central europe form south europe(italy).
LAter thye were kicked out by the franks but later returned after charlamagne conquered europe.
They mostly settled in germany and slowly moved eastwardd toward poland and russia.
THese were the ashkenazi jews. They also came up with wearing all black and shit, which happend in latvia just a few years ago.
A lot of them were also invited into different kingdoms as they were more able merchants both due to male literacy and education and due to familiat connections between differen jewish communities in different parot sof the world(they could trust each other for trading purposes).
as the crusader came they got kicked out of different countries and there was a major progrom in germany.
Sefardi jews are the jews who were in iberia and were later persecuted by the monarchy and were told to either leave or convert. Many left and moveed to north africa and west asia.
Some moved ot portugal were they were also given an ultimatum but also the monarchy made sure they couldnt actualy leave.
Many of these convereted and are called anusim from the word laanos(in modenr hebrew it means forced or raped).
Some of these converts moved to south africa with the spanish expansions into the american continent.
Some of jews who left spain(of which like i wrote above some moved to north africa and the middle east and west asia) moved to britain and west europe.
Anyway, like i said there were jews in iberia jews who moved form italy to northern central northern and what are called mizrahi(eastern in hebrew) jews who stayed in the middle east and westenr asia.
These mizrahi jews who were later bolstered by some of the jews who left spain) adopted the sefardi jewish culture and jewish idisyncrasies of prayer and customs.
Asheknai had their own.
Now in israel there are sefardi and ashkenazi ways of rading prayer and so on.
You can laugh about it but about 2 million jews were killed during the roman wars which is avery substantial number. This was the msot devestating blow to jewish commnities before the halacaust.
I think this is why later on the jewish leaders did not want another "king of the jews" in the form of jesus. Cause if they accepted him it would mean that the time to reestalish israel arrived and they would have to revolt again.
but romans built a 3rd temple m8
>Roman emperor Julian (361–363 CE) to allow the Jews to build a Third Temple
and millions of romans converted to talmudism
You mean the reptilian aliens.
They say that many people in Portugal are descendants of crypto-jews.
Personnaly, i think i may have jewish ancestry because of my looks (literally a black haired version of pic related)
Even if i had jewish ancestors i wouldn't even think about converting.
I have nothing in common with that culture as well as most jewish descendants.
Inquisition did a great job in destroying any remnants of jewish culture in Iberia.
Well if you dont mind opressive forces determing who you are, thats fine :^)
I thought most Arsim were Russian?
Julian started to build one, but after being succeeded by a Christian the project was abandoned
the arsim predate the russian (slavs, kavkazis...)
the arsim came from the maghrebi circa the 50s, 60s
the soviets came in the 90s, 00s, and many quickly bent over and started riding arsim cock
ha? In israel? Since when are russians arsim?
This painting perfectly illustrates how russian jewish immigrants were welcomed in Israel.
the slavs, kavkazis did copy the arsim, but the russians were sinister even back in their soviet homeland, but their despicable actions were not tolerated in russia and met with blunt corrective force, so their recidivist, bully egos were usually kept in check. they feared punishment and reprisals for their hostility.
but their hostility flows freely without any resistance in israel
that is the irony
the maghrebis violently bullied, sometimes to the point of murder/rape many soviets
yet you see plenty of slavs or kavkazi desperately copying the whole hostile arsim bully style
but it is not like those arsim imposters came with a clean slate, they were fuckups back in the ussr, but atleast they encountered resistance there and feared for response against their hostility. so they seemed more tamed out of fear of being btfo in ussr
do israelis really have japan style english shirts like that "sex" shirt?
ah...back when shawarma cost 5 shekels.
Not in the sense that they dont know what it says. And no i dont think there were shirts that had an outright sex writing on them.
sounds like you had quite a few encounters with the rabid bullies
lets hear your stories
Im just a social outcast. Why do you think im here.
That picture is nothing really. The important part was the arrogance and condenscension.
Like assuming russians dont know how to use a washing machine.
You got russian jews coming from a the soviet union, with great education, a country full of culture balette, opera, theater, cinema and a deep and rich history, to a country full of essentially jewish arabs for whom culture is going to the neighberhood kiosk, drinking beer and littering their proximity with sunflower seeds while playing backgammon.
>condescending arrogance coming from a bunch of toothless, chain-smoking, hoarse-voiced, square-headed convict losers
just go to france/netherlands and see what their arrogant loser bros have done there
wasnt there an earthquake that stopped the project?
ashkenazis and true sefardis (iberian, maghrebi, syrian) are very closely genetically related as they both come from romans
sephardics and true ashkenazis look like sicilians
many ashkenazis have bred with germans and slavs to a point of being indistinguishable from them
mizrahis are jews who are not ashkenazi/sefardi
mizrahis are indian, persian, iraqi, ethiopian, yemeni
many mizrahis follow the sefardic system because sefardics came to dominate over the mizrahi
mizrahis range in appearance from arab, uzbek, indian
many peoplw mistakw mizrahis for sefardics
This is literally what you just described
Aren't Maghrebi Jews in France pretty classy?
they dont have the free reign to bully in france that they enjoy in israel
in france they are outnumbered and bullied
in israel maghrebis feel the comfort and freedom to bully without any opposition, since they make up a majority
kavkazis also enjoy the same criminal freedom that was not freely available to them in their homeland
tl;dr in israel they feel like the big fish, outside of israel they are guppies
>tfw not getting to spear ancient jew priests through the neck or take turns raping jewish women with your legion buddies and pillaging some big temple
why even live
>pretending to be something else today based on shit that happened 600 years ago
>many ashkenazis have bred with germans and slavs to a point of being indistinguishable from them
Trust me, we can tell a Jew when see one. They are not 'indistinguishable' to proper Europeans.
they all kikes and moonman will take care of'em all
I knew that maghrebi jews are closer to us than Israelis, I mean many berbers converted to judaism before the islamic conquest.
t. berber
you have spread your seed far and wide berber man. you have infiltrated countless nations.
today, your representatives take the form of latinos especially puerto ricanos, cubans, canary islanders, sicilians, and the resident berbers of israel
so you saying prs, domicans, brazilians are all berbers?
they all have that rowdy, violent, cruel, loud temper that berbers are famous for
We have a history of being mainly pirates and slavers , it affected our culture a lot.
And no , latinos have a tiny amount of berber blood so their violence can't be because of us
What he or she's saying is, disproportionate amounts of Conversos and Moriscos settled in Latin America, and in the later centuries of the Spanish Empire, the migrants arriving in Cuba and Puerto Rico were disproportionately Andalusian.
Andalusians, for obvious historical reasons, have a lot of Berber ancestry.
None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enouh to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words.
this. Amy winehouse, jeff goldblum, barbara streisand, woody allen, I could go on forever - all very distinctive looking from gentile europeans. Jews are very distinctive looking, almost as much as black people, you can spot them coming from a mile away. They probably looked barely any different 2,000 years ago in judea. I'd say its the mizrahi and obviously indian and ethiopian jews, and to a lesser extent sefhardi jews, who look the most gentile. Ashkenazi resemble the local people like lebanese, syrians the most
Indians and Ethiopians are not Mizrahi you fucking retard.
But those are cherry-picked examples. I'm sure at least one actor you love is a Jew, and you have no idea.
>/pol/ pretending to understand Jews
Mizrahim aren't a distinct ethnic group like Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazim or Ladino-speaking Sephardim. "Mizrahi" just means eastern, and refers to literally all Jews from the eastern Mediterranean and beyond.
Ethiopian Jews are only considered non-Mizrahi because other Jews didn't know they existed until the 19th century.
that loud, rowdy, aggressive latino is essentially from their berber traits
many berber jews migrated to brazil
>Depressing economic climate in Morocco, influx of Spaniards into northern Morocco competing for scarce jobs, migrations of Jews from southern Morocco fleeing draughts and disease conditions caused a mass migration in the mid-nineteenth century of Jewish teenagers, mostly from the overcrowded northern towns, to seek their fortunes in South America's Amazon basin. They went with the intention to send money back to their empovrished families, which they faithfully did, and to return when they could, which they also did - part of the "back and forth" migratory tradition.
>At first they come on long 3 month voyages aboard slow sailing ships. With the advent of steamships to Brazil, the trip only took 3 weeks and the emigration volume increased dramatically and frequent return trips to Morocco with the accumulated wealth became practical. The wealth of the returning sons contrasted sharply with the abject poverty at home and spurred even more sons to seek the amazonian eldorado and incidentally leaving largely female Jewish populations behind. Records of the Alliance Israelite Universelle show that many families survived largely on the money sent home by their sons in the Amazon.
I personally always found it funny how there were a group of Jews who lived in Kaifeng for god knows how many centuries. their judaism probably has shit like ancestor worship in it.
pirate pride worldwide
>have Jewish colleague, in his 50s
>his father was a Russian jew whose 'White' parents fled Russia to China in the 1920s
>father born in Harbin, at the time it had a large Russian emigré population
>later fled to Hong Kong
>right before WW2, moved to Australia
>loves to make jokes about 'cheap made in China junk' i.e. his family.
OMG...You realize that hollywood picks stereotypical looking actors on purpose?
>I'd say its the mizrahi and obviously indian and ethiopian jews,
learn to read you fucking retard
Because they all look Jewish, yup. Thanks for backing that up. Celebs are just to make the point clearer, but it works for no-names as well. Of all the Jewish people I know (about 20), only one could pass for a gentile, and that's because he's an obese slovenly Jabba lookalike whose lard hides the more Hebraic curves of his face.
so you mean american jews with diluted jewish ancestry, like one gentile parent or say, two jewish parents but gentile grandparents or great grandparents? Actual European jews have distinctive levantine looks
They look like stereotypical eastern European jews as caricaturized by antisemitic propoganda...
Its a media created "look" to which you adjust anyone you know is jewish which is easy to do for caricatures.
Lol and /pol/ told me Israel is unaffected by multiculturalism and only spreads it to white countries. Literally ashkenazi genocide desu
>A mix of people that looks different with different custmoms from all over the world.
>On top of that tons of eritraen and sudanese refugees form africa.
Yes, Israel is a monoethnic society.
Because only Israel can be equally an evil, colonizing, theocratic, white supremacist apartheid state and a multicultural, progressive, secular, melting pot refugee state. I'd much rather be an Arab in Israel than in most Arab countries.
(slavic copypasta)
Ashkenazi Jews have historically possessed the most power in Israel despite a growing majority of Israeli Jews being Sephardi/Mizrahi. They are also the most wealthy and influential in religious aspects (Jews Jewing Jews). Fortunately (or unfortunately, if you subscribe to "white genocide" hysteria), brown skinned Levantine/Mediterranean Israeli Jews are rapidly outbreeding pale European Askenazi Jews. All part of the greater Jewish plot to exterminate the white race :^)
His parents were Jews from Russia you dumb shit
Regardless, arguments about "Ashkenazi purity" are a meme. Our ethnicity is heterogeneous by definition, which is why one of my uncles looks like an Aryan posterboy whole another is like a bald David Schwimmer
the rudeness of arsim has given many great stress and I stay in the house. I came from the canada and yes I understand canadaians can be rude but I never witnessed such harsh violent behavior as in Israel. I came from a small rural area where people say hello, thank you and please and help each other. I stay in the house and do not go out. I have been yelled at so often I lost track. I also had comments made about me that are actually cruel. a few incidences with territorial arsim stalking, harassing, and ambushing good ol' rural boy me. Ok, in canada we may fake smiles and pretend to be nice but no one ever was cruel unless they dislike you . I was told this person was just being honest. I plan on moving back to the canada there I can go out and feel good.
>They look like stereotypical eastern European jews as caricaturized by antisemitic propoganda
The fuck are you even talking about? Woody Allen and Amy Winehouse only became famous because of a Hollywood plot to further anti-semitism by only making stereotypically 'eastern European jews' famous? Srsly? That's what you're claiming? Keep drinking that kosher kool aid bro.
The rest of us will see reality for what it is -- that even western Jews do actually look different from gentiles.
You don't know fuck about Canada.
if they just bred with each other, then how come most of ashkenazim are white? sometimes even pale
romans much?
Move to a small village in israel..Would be the same thing.
Cause they are the original whites. They then passed their white genes to dark skinned europeans who looked like africans cause they just came out of africa.
how do you handle being:
pushed off the line all the time?
made fun at when I try to utter some words in Hebrew or made disrepectful jokes all the time ( even at stores when trying to buy something)?
being yelled/cursed at, aggressively stared at, harassed, physically abused by rude and aggressive people on the streets, at the gym, on the beach, at the supermarket. in the shopping mall?
I’ve lived all over the world; Spaniards, French and Argies were always nice and welcoming; even people going through very difficult situations ( Mocambique; Angola), but something just aint kosher...
Just out of curiosity, how can your English be so broken if you come from Canada?
jews have existed since 1500bc, culling of populations had to have happened to keep the tribe true.
have you not come across a maple-syrup drinking quebecois?
there are parts of canada that speak chinese, indian, french
Because he's only a Canadian-of-convenience who happens to have a passport. He is not a real Canadian.
>[Ashkenazim] are the original whites
LOL. They're decendents of Slav converts
t. Cree tribal elder
Yeah gods forbid they participate in the meaningless polite gesture of calling the emperor divine
They fucking deserved it for sheer stubborness and arrogance
Plenty of other culture assimilated just fine and got to keep their gods and sometimes their gods even became popular among native romans
>b-but muh commandments!
Gods arent actually real bro
Now the holocaust was an actual tragedy that they didnt deserve
>LOL. They're decendents of Slav converts
The Khazar hypothesis has been disproven. But don't let the details stop you...
Eh, you seem confused.
have you not heard of caucasus jews?
Khazars were absorbed by many peoples, the Slavic Judaising Subbotniks, the Bukharan Jews, the Muslim Kumyks, the Cossacks of the Don region, the Turkic-speaking Krymchaks and their Crimean neighbours the Karaites to the Moldavian Csángós, the Mountain Jews
>have you not heard of caucasus jews?
Yes. Your point?
I have of course, I come from Montreal. In my experience, the Jewish diaspora speaks English flawlessly while keeping as far as humanely possible from learning French, which is why imperfect English coming from a Jewish Canadian seems so odd to me.
Mordecai Richler wrote a good deal about the Jewish community's relationship with Canadian bilingualism, it's really worth a read.
and anyone else who denies the existence of khazar descendants should aquaint with the caucasus jews
>he hasnt met non-anglophone french, soviets, haitian jews in quebec
I've met Russian Jews, yes, my ex-girlfriend was one. She couldn't speak a single word of French either way.
I knew French Jews existed, but thought they were concentrated in, well, France. I highly doubt Quebec's Franco-Jewish community is big enough to make it an attractive destination to French Jews.
Never heard about Haitian Jews until now,
>user that rolls with Lev Tahor
how was guatamala?
>and anyone else who denies the existence of khazar descendants should aquaint with the caucasus jews
Exactly why? Don't be vague... be precise. Because you're not making much of a point.
>oy ze ignorance iz stronk in zis one
its all in the dna chico
Alright, thanks for the read, Jewfriend.
Surprised they'd go for Quebec, and not Israel though.
>its not in the dna chico
If you're talking about the Khazar theory, ftfy
>most perfect country on earth.
>huge beautiful territory
>only 30 mil people
>USA's troops die to defend it
>no hostile neighbors
>tiny and cramped
>horrid heat in the summer time
>surrounded by civilization destroying muslims
Yeah, hard choice.
Some Judeo–Khazars were left behind, mainly in the Crimea and the Caucasus, where they formed Jewish enclaves surviving into modern times. One of the dynasties of Jewish princes ruled in the 15th century under the tutelage of the Genovese Republic and later of the Crimean Tartars. Another vestige of the Khazar nation is the “Mountain Jews” in the North Eastern Caucasus