Has "THEY'RE TAKING OUR WOMEN!" been the rallying cry for every right wing (aka sexually repressed) political movement ever?
Has "THEY'RE TAKING OUR WOMEN!" been the rallying cry for every right wing (aka sexually repressed) political movement...
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It's not even limited to the right.
During the Spanish Civil War the Republicans invoked this fear with regards to the Francoists' Moorish troops.
It's a very cheap and easy way to get people on your side.
Same thing with the cuck meme.
Yeah, the cuck meme is so transparently an inner fear/desire of the people involved
>call literal cuckolds cucks
>hahaha you are projecting!!11!1
It's an easy way to get weakminded men on your side. This tactic of appealing to men's protective nature of women, as well as the idea that womens lives are inherrently more valuable than those of men (where are the feminists complaining about THAT, huh?), is used far and wide.
Do you know all those pictures of Israeli female "soldiers" on the internet? All those sexy and pretty girls? I'm willing to bet my right hand that's propaganda orchestrated by the Israeli government to invoke sympathy for their cause.
Even night clubs do this. On their websites you often see pictures of their visitors having fun, and there's always hot chicks in there. 9/10 times they're prostitutes or models. The club owners need to make these clubs attractive to men, because men are responsible for their revenue. After all, whenever they go clubbing it's men who buy women drinks and not vice versa. Without men and their money, clubs tank.
It's a widely used propaganda tactic dating back as far as at the very least WW1 which invokes our inherrent genetical tendency towards male disposability. It's sickening, but propagandist were never known for their strong moral convictions.
ITT: people who underestimate the power of sexuality.
I think all female units are generally just used to shame men into fighting. If a girl can fight and die for her country, why aren't you little man? Even if the female unit never sees serious combat it still plays on those same male insecurities.
Damn I wish I was a woman.
Wouldn't work on me lol i have no self respect
So is the moral of the story that most men are really insecure and can be manipulated super easily?
More like "they are doing x to women"
It's easy to evoke emotions with it.
Did you not know this?
At this point 'cuck' is just a random insult that means nothing.
I can't remember the last time I saw an actual cuckold get called a cuck (or an actual cuckold at all).
>(where are the feminists complaining about THAT, huh?),
You are reaching the wrong conclusion and even then there has been feminist critiques of that.
Of course, but I'm wondering how ubiquitous of a motivator it is.
Does it really come down to men being insecure that causes nearly all war?
>If a girl can fight and die for her country, why aren't you little man?
Perhaps a good point too. That argument is CONSTANTLY used for Syrian refugees. Not that I approve of the refugee crisis in general, but the retarded argument is "if women keep fighting, then more men should die then women! Men can't run away and value their lives, only women are allowed to do that!"
>Damn I wish I was a woman.
It's as Otto von Weiniger said: either you hate women or you haven't thought about them hard enough.
>You are reaching the wrong conclusion
You base that on what?
>and even then there has been feminist critiques of that
Christina Hoff Sommers barely counts as a feminist and you know it.
"Insecurity" is a very condescending way to put it. If you'll excuse me for using SJW vocabulary, men are often shamed into going to war. Look up the white feather campaign, organized by the supposedly "good" first generation feminists of Britain. Not in France because France had no suffragettes until the 50s. Gee, I wonder why! Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that, unlike the British, the French believed that every soldier is a citizen and every citizen a soldier? Maybe they knew that they couldn't get the same deal as British women: voting without fighting?
m8, male "insecurity" informs pretty much every social dynamic. The endgame of manhood is passing your genes on with the best-looking woman you can manage to put your dick inside but the catch is that the more attractive she is the more likely someone is to attempt to poach her - or at least her womb - and consequentially, making sure that you and only you are the father of any offspring is the most pressing biological concern of any male.
You see this behavior in everything from chimps to beetles to dogs.
Movements like the alt right are almost singlehandedly propelled by insecurity. It's why they spread like wildfire on places like Veeky Forums, where the men aren't sexually successful. Because of their lack of experience with them, women posses a kind of transcendence and purity, whereas men are dirty and mundane. It's memes that compare races always have white women.
You're about to get called a cuck son
This is because Franco literally used the moors to terrorize republican population (this includes rape). The fear and hate were completely justified.
>The club owners need to make these clubs attractive to men, because men are responsible for their revenue. After all, whenever they go clubbing it's men who buy women drinks and not vice versa. Without men and their money, clubs tank.
A lot of clubs are free for women too, be it always or in "special" events (if you can call montly or even weekly events special).
>Not that I approve of the refugee crisis in general,
Refugee crisis happen everywhere due to various causes and generally going to fight has huge risks since if the men get slaughtered your family is doomed like what happened to the family of killed World War soldiers. On top of that fighting for the losing side can be a mark of death in the new regime and picking a side is fucked up because your affiliations can have negative repercussions.
No matter what you do stay or leave you will have a lost generation that will do where all the people of that generation only knows war, chaos and instabilty as well as if education has been wrecked or going to school to unsafe an uneducated mass of war acclimated people with various degrees of trauma.
>nationalists today always bitching about muslims raping their wimminz
>literally encouraged muslims to rape white women during the spanish civil war then laughed about it
What a bunch of hypocrites.
Both sides of the war played the not true scotman fallacy on the members of the other side. Even to the point of dehumanization to some degree.
"Who cares about red whores" put in other words.
>right wing (aka sexually repressed)
Guess who is fucking an ugly land whale and who is fucking a super model
>I'm supposed to be impressed that a wealthy businessman is married to an attractive woman
He'd still be fucking a supermodel if he looked like the elephant man.
The right wing is phallic aggressive, the left wing responds to this by being phallic compensative
>Succesful people
>Mostly Right wing
I wonder why
>Movements like the alt right are almost singlehandedly propelled by insecurity.
Ressentiment is at least as important a motivator. Sure, many of them are insecure, hence the cuck thing but on other issues it's not that important.
>Guess who is fucking an ugly land whale and who is fucking a super model
Is this supposed to prove that the right are not sexually insecure or repressed? Because it comes across as the opposite
>party focused on pushing for policy that encourages the concentration of wealth and power
>most members of that party are wealthy and powerful
I wonder why
Tbh far left groups are filled with self hating virgins. I'd consider myself a communist, but I see these weak willed young adult males all the time who put women on a pedestal.
Imo many on the far right and far left join as part of their anger towards being unsuccessful sexually.
Right wingers want to go back to the system where women had less choice and left wingers want to change the necessity for masculinity to obtain partners. Both these groups don't realize that political affiliation matters way less than being confident and in shape.
They aren't???
Aside from businessmen, most of the upper middle class votes to the left
Isn't ressentiment against the rich and successful pervasive on the other side though?
Both of you show sources, please.
>Is this supposed to prove that the right are not sexually insecure or repressed? Because it comes across as the opposite
>Fucking a super model
>Sexually repressed.
I mean if you like fat annoying bitches go for it.But right wingers get all the pussy
I usually hate horseshoe theory but it's more or less an unavoidable conclusion that radical movements on both ends of the political spectrum are filled with miserable social rejects.
Well-adjusted, happy people with healthy social circles and active love lives generally have better things to do than read hours worth of Marxist theory or Evola, and just go with the mainstream politically speaking.
It is just one of many excuses to avoid debate. Socially alienated males are an object of contempt in our society so often this is used to make emotional appeals.
why do refugees get tents and hot meals but not the homeless
most immigrants have low incomes and receive more in welfare than they pay in tax, mass immigration and a welfare state are not sustainable
maybe racial profiling should have been used to prevent the rotherham child abuse scandal before it got worse
There's a lot of bitching from various African nationalist parties in Uganda, Mozambique, etc, because Chinese guys working with various development programs or Chinese corporations are marrying local women because they can't find wives at home due to the gender disparity caused by the One Child policy.
t. Virgin
That must've hit too close home with that kind of response.
Spotted the cuck
Really? You think all politics stem from male insecurity?
>we must kill the black man and steal his women/rhino horns
There's no point to calling someone who actually gets off on other men fucking his wife a cuck. It's like calling a guy in klan robes a racist.
Ah, a perfect example of the damage neoliberalism does to a country.
So then who's the insult supposed to offend?
It won't offend actual cucks obviously, and people who aren't cucks will just be confused.
Trump is the exception that proves the rule, m8
Look at his supporters
>left wing
Has playing armchair psychiatrist and mocking your opponents sexuality with childish insults been the rallying cry for every left wing (cultural marxist) political movement ever?
>You are opposed to gay marriage? LOL YOURE A CLOSETED FAGGOT!
>You just called me a cuck? I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?
uhm... like, LOL, do you expect me to read all that? normal ppl dont read on the internets lol go outside and get laid and stop worrying about stupid politics
Having alot of money doesn't make someone a "successful person", m8, and to think people who value power and prestige would value an economic and social system that attempts to rob that and put it in the hands of a few shitty pseudo oligarchs? yeah
even a military government is better than a capitalist one, because it gives life more meaning
Not all. Just very specific movements.
A middle school tier insult deserves a middle school tier response.
"alpha studs" kek
the basic machismo "i get all the women" attitude of right wingers is the exact insecurity we're mocking, you jackass
>normal ppl dont read on the internets lol go outside and get laid and stop worrying about stupid politics
This is actually true though. Normal people don't spend a lot of their time worrying about politics, and enjoy life a lot more for it.
>implying i'm going to read that wall of meaningless /r9k/ drivel
In the Us it is.
Losers ,single mothers,minorities and underachievers=left wing
Entrepreneurs,hardworking people, and succesful people=right wing
The lefties restore to the destruction of tradition, as a way to find success,as they don't understand that they were born to be loser.
>i-it's the elites! the elites arent successful, theyre out to get me! theyre robbing me, thats why i cant find a job!
like the other guy said, obama is about as left wing as reagan. eisenhower is further left than anything in modern american politics, bernie sanders is about as left wing as 1950's america lol
whenever i see these images all i can think is that white men are dumbass cucks who love getting taxed to death and losing their jobs to neoliberals
Very reasonable. The latest immigrant wave in europe is about 70% males. A few of them will find a mate and the rest will be a poor uneducated segregated violent cesspool. If you think the rape statistics are bad now just wait a couple of years.
>being a minority makes you a loser
I don't like Horseshoe theory either, I'm just posting my personal observations about people in fringe ideologies.
I'm not a big fan of psychoanalysis either but goddamn I more and more inclined to think that sexual frustration fuels so much political discontent.
someone's insecure
>tfw you make a sarcastic post and them someone comes along and still says it
This board is a joke
>can't even spell [r9k] right
Kid, stop posting this autistic drivel and get laid. At least, get a better hobby.
>maybe racial profiling should have been used to prevent the rotherham child abuse scandal before it got worse
Dude the police did fucking nothing and it's KNOWN that many pup class people in the UK indulge in young kids historically and right now on top of many criminal gangs both white and non-white dealing in trafficking and child prostitution.
In a society where there's about 800 billion dollars a year in tax evasion, that's actually true though.
kek, again all that proves is that white men are dumbass cucks who enjoy losing jobs and wages
i have a very nice job and i'm well educated, don't project now m8
>The most succesful bussiness man and proffesionals arre right wing
>Failures and academia vote left wing
>Academi is not for losers I swear.Your money and recognition is wortless compared with my psycology of transexual classes!!!!
way to ignore the other examples, you stupid cuck lol.
But seriously, liberals are WAY more into this childish and stupid hidden sexuality shit. And to OPs original point, liberals do the exact same white knight shit when they jump to defend any shitty person just because they have a pussy in the name of feminism.
not an argument
kek by that logic, you can't say anything bad about marxism until you read all of his works
i've read enough /r9k/ to know it's the most pathetic crowd of loser shitheads ever
>>being a minority makes you a loser
Most minorities rely on welfare. Except asians.They just vote democrats to get priviledges.
>succesful bussiness man
Of course they vote right wing, it's their incentive to drive down worker's wages. In other news the sky is blue.
>Failures and academia vote left wing
Smartest people vote left wing? I'll be damned!
If Marx said the sky was blue, would you say he's wrong just because Marx said it?
>again all that proves is that white men are dumbass cucks who enjoy losing jobs and wages
That is why low wage losers vote left wing,while right wing people are mostly succesful entrepreneurs.Keep projecting faggot.
>right wingers this fucking triggered
this is delicious, they are so easy to bait and get so upset, the bitter outcry of inferior men fuels my leftie ego
>Smartest people vote left wing?
>the people who say this also complain about people like Michael Bloomberg and George Soros unfairly influencing politics
I'm pretty sure Warren Buffet knows more about business than you do.
>they are so easy to bait and get so upset, the bitter outcry of inferior men fuels
Many asians vote republican because they're also stupid as fuck. They're switching to democrat like every other sane collection of people though. even though democrats are the same neoliberal enemy as republicans, they're slightly better about domestic policy and they win votes that way
btw, are you mad that hillary will win 2016 with barely any challenge?
>the same people who donate thousands of their own money to the Bernie Scamders campaign
Upper class I mean
>hahaha you look like this picture i posted
>I'm pretty sure Warren Buffet knows more about business than you do.
Most succesful people vote right wing.This is a fact.I brought data.Soros and Buffet are exceptions
It's something about the essence of leftist ideology that some way or another almost always leads to terrible intellectual integrity. Doesn't matter if it's on a local forum or a chan board, the rather predictable insults come like clockwork. If you don't buy their lies and snake oil you just have to be mentally ill or rejected somehow.
i'm a marxist, i'm making an analogy
>what is interest
of course people who employ people want to suppress wages, you're acting as though i should give a fuck who's "successful" by your terms, which i don't
This thread has pretty much went off track.
Asians are a solid blue voter bloc these days.
73% of them voted for Obama in 2012, and they're the fastest growing population segment in the US.
>strawman breeds strawman
Who knew
>Many asians vote republican because they're also stupid as fuck
Data shows that succesful people=right wing.You are just to jelly,that you have a loser mentality and mind