Are women objectively evil?
Are women objectively evil?
In the same way that a lion is evil, sure. They are beasts. They cannot understand concepts of morality. They lack the meta-cognition of a human. They see their actions merely as a method of survival.
>inb4 toasty roasties
What is the fundamental flaw in a woman's """mind""" that prohibits them from achieving sapience?
Men evolved to protect women, since women are the bottleneck for population growth and handle the hard part of reproduction.
Women evolved to seduce men into protecting them, so they can get through the pregnancy state which leaves them very vulnerable.
From there everything else follows.
Their role in biology is simply to be a womb. They did not need to develop such traits as intelligence, empathy, etc.
Yes and no.
is on the right track.
Men and women alike are capeable to be good and evil. Women express their wickedness in different forms. On top of that, women are far better in separating their wickedness from their kindness.A good friend of mine is a psychiatrist in a female prison and is rather good looking.
Many inmates always try to woo him in the personal interviews and talk without emotion or pity about their past crimes.
men wanting them
Women are hedonists and their enemy is boredom, effort, risk, danger.
Fortunately, men are desperate enough to feel relevant, so they are pushy enough to try to be noticed by women (because they fail to be relevant beyond women). and sooner or later, they cracks the bf-shield
Women know that chads and other robots are willing to help them, to have an easy life. The natural problem of women is that they get bored sooner or later with whoever choose to try to entertain them.
So women change their partners to avoid the rut and to create drama. men do not like to be changed, since they loved to be relevant for once in their life, they whine and hate women when women find other providers.
Of course, changing partners constantly becomes a bore too, so they want some fixed men in their life to give them emotional and material support, Rarely sex because women know that, no matter how good the lover is, it gets boring sooner or later.
When they are replaced, men become resentful towards women, since they lose the validation of their existence. They pretend that they can live without women and that they even are better than women, smarter, stronger (in forgetting that women do not need to be so, because men want to be so in place of women)
Knowing that they are not able to stop loving to be supported by men, Women love also to think that they need no man and that they live to help others. This is part of the tactic to enhance their pleasures: women think that they are good people in society, only to feel even more raw, more animal, more of a little minx, typically in private, when they are fucked properly by some beta ready to serve them sexually.
Fuck off and kill yourself.
Intelligence isn't free. Its expensive for the organism to develop.
So you only develop it if you really, really need it.
Similarly to how we don't have wings or poison fangs, because they are expensive, and we didn't need them THAT much, women aren't big, strong, tough, or quick witted, because they don't need these qualities enough to justify the high asking price.
Gookmoot must really do something about those redditor /r9k/ crossposters. Those permavirgin autists are invading every board
>On top of that, women are far better in separating their wickedness from their kindness.
>Many inmates always try to woo him in the personal interviews and talk without emotion or pity about their past crimes.
There is no kindness here.
>its an /r9k/ thread
Eat shit nu male redditor.
>asking philosophical questions isn't allowed
Cunts detected
Yes, which is why women have done the vast majority of killing and torturing throughout history. Oh wait.
Go back to plebbit you giant cringy autists you are a cancer
>redditor tells others to go to reddit
no. the cunts manipulate men to do their dirty shit for them. fucking bitches.
Cancerous underage permavirgin piece of trash. Go back to fapping your tiny dick to tranny porn.
Repulsive ugly creepy weirdo
Go back to r9k. Jesus. I wish any of you faggot virgins would say this shit about a woman near me. I'd kick your ass.
Pic related, me.
So Hitler, Stalin, Osama bin Laden were manipulated by women?
The cruelty committed by colonial forces on indigenous people were the work of women?
You're a permavirgin, user. The fact that you can't have why you crave is the reason why you hate it.
>whiteknighting whores
YOU are the underage cancer my friend.
>roasty geting toasty
>implying these sets of behaviours apply to all men and women.
Because individuality doesn't count right?
>The cruelty committed by colonial forces on indigenous people were the work of women?
>You're a permavirgin
I'm not yet I still hate cunts. In fact I didn't hate them when I was a virgin.
You will never have sex. You will always be that ugly creepy autistic guy everyone is pointing at behind your back
Redditfrog back to your containment board Veeky Forums is not a place to vent your sexual frustration and failure
>hahaha I'm not projecting my depression and self hatred and the fact that I have no m8s.
Deranged permavirgin ugly weirdo. Everyone is staring at you for being so ugly creepy and weird. Is this why you never leave your mom's basement? Go back to your containment board redditor trash
>hurr durr he said colonialism! He must be from tumblr
But this is a fact user, this happened.
You're implying that women are better than men in organising said cruelty, when history has proven other wise.
Do the Islamic Jihadists commit vile acts of destruction 'cuz women?
Did the Japanese slay the Chinese in the rape of Nanking, cuz women?
>thread going well, men engaging in productuve conversation
>cunts see it
>thread ruined
Every time
Nice straw man, lad.
But you are still a virgin.
love of men towards women = love of women towards children = utopian unconditional love
love of men towards children = love of women towards men = utility [towards pleasure]
How do you feel about the fact that you are so repuslive you can't even do something so basic as have sex. 97% of men have manged to have sex. What's wrong with you how did you end up like this? It can't just be your grotesque physical appearance. It must a mental illness. You really need to see a professional.
You just describred most men of world population.
>You're implying that women are better than men in organising said cruelty, when history has proven other wise.
That was not me. At least try to keep track of the conversation you're ruining.
>Do the Islamic Jihadists commit vile acts of destruction 'cuz women?
>Did the Japanese slay the Chinese in the rape of Nanking, cuz women?
The savagery of the inferior races is a separate issue. Do not try and conflate them.
>somebody unironically made this
Future's looking bleak, senpai
>Everyone who is not an ugly autistic permavirgin reddit /r9k/ crossposter is a woman
The people who were bullying and making fun of you at high school were not just women. Everyone was making fun of you
So the fact that I've proven myself to be a guy and not a woman, you're still going to call me a woman with a straw man argument.
Again: permavirgin
>So Hitler, Stalin, Osama bin Laden were manipulated by women?
>The cruelty committed by colonial forces on indigenous people were the work of women?
Normally I would agree, but there is no better descriptor for the behaviour of women.
>thread going well
You mean circle jerking? Go back to /r9k/ or /pol/
Wait, is you? The jawless nu male fucktard? LMAO
>this is the kind of nu male cuckold who defends whores on the internet
Fuck off retard keep meninist reddit /r9k/ cancer out of /pol/
>inferior race
I also talked about the cruelty of colonials against indigenous populations, which was not limited to slavery, genocide, and rape? Should I talk of the cruelty committed by the Nazis, by the Brits who allowed Child Labour? Or perhaps the witch hunts committed within the dark ages? Or the various raids on sea side villages by Vikings which resulted in rape and death.
A superior race indeed.
Whoa alright. I haven't been on /pol/ for a while and I remember lots of threads against women. Maybe I'm wrong
They are only genuine evil with frustate permaloosers betas.
Even healthy men hate your kind, so the real objective evil may be in your little imature hearth.
AWWWW am I violating your safe space?
yes women are evil
Where's your proof?
It must be peer reviewed and up to date.
see>Do not try and conflate them
Your attempts to derail this thread critical of your sacred cow are pitiable.
You mean feminists?
I've been called worse by better.
All started by the same /r9k/ crossposters invaders. Ever since /r9k/ became so popular at r/Veeky Forums those autists are popping up everywhere. Besides most /r9k/cucks are leftists and have nothing to do with /pol/
>muh white race is the best race
Ok lad.
But when your "superior race" commits these inhumane crimes it's all because "muh women told me to do so?"
The same race that also had a culture of treating women as second class citizens?
Why are /r9k/cucks such failures?
I am not the person who said that. Nor have I ever said that all evil comes from women.
Stop trying to strawman me and instead question why you're going to such lengths to defend """people""" who view you as nothing more than a disposable tool.
>the anglos wuz gud boys they dindu nuffin
So basically you're saying that despite the Anglos being the superior race, their will was manipulated by women?
So everything evil that they've done, despite historically living in a culture which has oppressed members of different sexes, women have some how been involved in manipulating all the evils of genocide, child labour, and colonialism.
Some master race that they are, if the men can be easily controlled by the women.
Shit thread filled with canned responses.
>dude you clearly defend women.
>you must be a white knight on social media
>your straw manning me
Do you happen to know what irony is, user?
>social media
Again something I did not say. Almost like you're attempting to misrepresent me.
Are you not defending women?
Why are you still a virgin? 97% of men (age 25-44) have had sex
I am the 1%.
I am not a virgin though.
Why do you fall back on baseless assumptions whenever questioned?
I do find it amusing that is attempting to denigrate anybody else on the basis of virginity though.
That's not me you realise that there are more than one people arguing with you right?
No I'm merely stating that men are capable of evil out of their own free will without being manipulated by a woman you autist.
I did not say it was you. He still made a comment about other's virginity.
>Thread about woman being evil
>This cunt just proves it
Why men on Veeky Forums care what other men do with their dicks? Y'all niggas gay, got dick on the mind.
Yet you ignored where I state that I never said women were the sole source of evil.
Men doing evil has no bearing on whether women are evil or not.
He is kind of ugly but not /r9k/ MGTOW tier deformed ugly
Not evil exactly, more soulless and sociopathic. The way a lot of little children can be if they haven't yet learned empathy or morality. Women just never do.
Is there any difference in practical terms though?
There are no women ITT. They are ignoring you /r9k/ autists just like they do IRL
>>that image
>>men have an average of 8 sexual partners
>>women have an average of 4 sexual partners
If you actually believe that men aren't highballing the number of women they've fucked and women haven't been lowballing the number of men they've been fucked by you are delusional.
Yeah who trusts the scientists from the CDC. Better listen to some deluded permavirgin weirdo redditor from /r9k/
What does this mean?
No. Women and men have done evil without the influence of another. They're also both capable of good.
I have never posted on r9k once in my life, and contrary to popular belief the CDC does not have magical lie detecting devices.
There are differences in mentality but to claim majority of women fit within narrow set of attributes could only be made a frustrated fat permavirgin from /r9k/.
Majority of men are just as "dumb". You're just angry about women specifically because you can't score. All your ideas are derived from this. It's pathetic.