What is your honest opinion on this man?
What is your honest opinion on this man?
He reminds me to never trust Austrians
Love his mustache
Shitty hipster hair though
I think he was actually quite incompetent and tried to micromanage far too much. His biggest problem was that he was a huge idealist rather than a realistic, thinking that his forces would win from being ubermensch and storming their enemies rather than anything to do with weaponry, logistics, etc.
It's interesting that my first opinion of him comes down how he managed the country and nothing to do with killing all the Jews. I guess i play too many war games.
He was actually the one to pick Von Manstein's more Jewy strategy when invading France rather than the more brute one of the others.
And killing what Jews?
Austrian national identity is a product of an attempt to avoid responsibility for WW2. They are Southern Germans, kinda like Bavarians.
Tbf Bavaria too should leave Germany.
I think his real goal was to unify Europe, and one of the aspects of this process involved rewriting history. That's why he started adopting several symbols like the flag and the eagle. And also why he liked to burn books and art. If he had won, all of Europe would be under the same flag, with the government of national socialism. We will never know his deepest, most inner thoughts though.
The Jews he and his cronies murdered in Europe in the forties, along with two and a half red army prisoners, the reduction of the Polish population by 10 million, the gassing of his own people whom he and his mate considered a burden to society because they were disabled- his signature was all over the orders for Aktion t4- that took at least 200,000 German lives.
The guy was a maniac.
The Soviets had fun raping Poland too, let's not forget. Nowadays, it's the Russkies that Poles hate more than Germans.
Also, the general world climate should be considered. A lot of people all around the west considered it a good to humanely dispose of retards and such, and eugenics programs were fashionable in general.
The Pole just likes Germany because it's easy to cross the border and steal things there as well as EU money. As soon as world war 2 comes up they will hate on Germans as much as on Russians-
Horrible morals. But otherwise an interesting person and quite impressive that he managed to turned into a leader judging where he came from.
And I have a feeling the horrible deeds of the Nazis sorta overshadow others.
How many threads about hitler and nazi germany are we gonna have each day?
>honest opinion
He was pissed.
>"But what did come from home? Was the failure a result of stupidity or evil? In midsummer of 1918, after the retreat from the southern bank of the Marne (a river in northern France), the German press started to demonstrate not only incompetence, but criminal stupidity. I asked myself with daily and increasing disappointment if no one at home was going to put an end to this intellectual sabotage of the army's heroism"
>Mein Kampf
Retreating across the same territory that his Regiment had taken earlier in WWI really upset him. Then the German Press and people, in his eyes, turned against the common soldiers and their heroism.
Maybe we should enforce a policy of certain topics only once a month.
What the ever living fuck are you talking about? incompetent? Hitler was a masterful planner, state runner, and conqueror, alexander would gasp at the sight of a multi front war, with 1million man + troop movements in multiple theaters, across multiple climate zones.
Incompetant? holy shit this meme about Hitler somehow not being a master of his game. Hitler didnt have battalions of Japanese helping him in France or Stalingrad. The meager Romanian and eastern european support was virtually a non-factor. Hitler fought england france the united states and a dozen other countries virtually single handedly, all while keeping the domestic spirit alive and war production on track as best could allow. his military moves were brilliant, in incapacitating England, France , and diverting the USA to handle Russia.
Russia was soundly and embarrasingly DESTROYED before American lend lease literally saved the Soviet Union from annihilation. It took every developed nation in the world working in a panic to slow the German advance, and drain them of their ability to wage war against leftism.
The only thing he did wrong was losing the war
His conspiracy theories were his downfall. I know the neo-nazi crowd tries to pretend everyone loved him, until the you know whos tricked everyone into hating him, but the fact is no one really gave a shit about him until he started invading other countries.
his goal was to just make Germany the top power of the world, and rearrange everything in his own order, or "new order" and not allow british or american ways rule the world. But he was a complete retard when it came to diplomacy and foreign relations, and basically just bullied and bluffed everyone until he got his way, until everyone had enough of him. He probably would have stayed in power well into the late 60s if he had just stopped at the sudentland
Fuck it, this board is anonymous. I seriously and unironically think he was a hero and did great things and the world would have been better off in the long run if he was successful. Yeah, yeah, I'm a racist whatever, I don't care what you think.
Hardly the most evil man to have ever lived.
An over-ambitious socialist. The funny thing is, had he not been antisemitic he would probably be heralded as a hero by the jewish intelligentsia. He was basically a FDR on steroids.
a tragic figure to serve as a reminder to all of humanity of the results of ethical nihilism and ideological totalitarianism
>Hitler was a masterful planner, state runner, and conqueror, alexander would gasp at the sight of a multi front war, with 1million man + troop movements in multiple theaters, across multiple climate zones.
no he wasnt. He invaded his Russia, who he had actually managed to form a none aggression pact with, against the protest of his own generals and Ribbentrop, who considered the German-Soviet none aggression pact to be his greatest achievement until Hitler wiped his ass with it in the name of his retarded conspiracy theories. And it ended up being his downfall
Stalin was utterly terrified of Hitler and Germany in 1940, and was happy to be assured they wouldnt attack Russia and he also saw it as a good insurance policy to invade weaker countries without Britain interfering with them. Stalin also hated jews, as a lot of Russians did, and purged them out of his government. So this idea that the soviet union was this jew run country just waiting to take over Germany, and Hitler was just doing a preemptive strike is wrong.
Fuck, hitler was almost assassinated in a plot by his own generals. He drank too much of his own kool aid
>I'm a racist whatever
You are mostly just uneducated.
i understand he lost but this meme is retarded
The worst thing that happened to Germans since the Thirty Years' War.
If fascism were right why did they lose the war?
They literally are Bavarians, both wouldn't admit it however
>You are mostly just uneducated.
Why? I despise Jews because I've educated myself about them. Look at every major modern conflict.
exactly. youre uneducated and read retarded neo-nazi conspiracy blogs once and just believe all of it without question
>you're unuemeducated!!!
And you, with your vast knowledge of John Green videos, are some kind of intellectual?
To call someone uneducated while appearing credible would require mastering basic punctuation, for starters.
>And you, with your vast knowledge of John Green videos, are some kind of intellectual?
No, Im smarter than you on this subject because I actually studied real history and not neo-nazi citaionless conspiracy theories.
Im not an expert on WW2, but at least Im not dumb enough to think "HITLER WAS PERFECT AND WAS GOING TO SAVE THE WHITE PEOPLE UNTIL THE JEWS TRICKED HIM!"
>Look at every major modern conflict
>youre uneducated and read retarded neo-nazi conspiracy blogs
lol, that's not even remotely true. You don't even need to do too much digging to find out the crap that jews pull, just look at a few stuff on the surface.
A few examples in no particular order
>jewish massacres of palestinians throughout the 21st and 20th centuries, at Deir Yassin, Qibya, etc.
>the bolshevik movement in Russia killed millions of orthodox christians and was lead by Jews, which destroyed Orthodox Christianity in Russia for half a century and caused huge famines
>Israeli lobby and jews pushed for the Iraq war
>neoconservative lobby and israel has been pushing for the funding of islamist states and have helped islamist movements in the middle east
>people behind the "gay rights" movements in the west have largely been jewish
>people behind the porn industry are largely jewish
Everything seems to point that Jews are the enemy, when have they ever been on my side? So tell me my friend, why should I be against Hitler BTFOing the people who have proven themselves to be time and time again against me? Oh, no, I'm just obviously uneducated because all I read are neo-nazi sites.
>"Im not a retarded neo-nazi conspiracy theorist!"
>goes off on retarded neo-nazi conspiracy theory rant that has nothing to do with the topic at hand
nice 1488 though lol
>I don't subscribe to Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory
>now listen to my Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory
>>people behind the porn industry are largely jewish
Yeah, all those Jews producing JAVs.
How's it feel to be an Idi Amin tier retard?
Israel sucks, yes, but that doesn't make me hate all Jewish people.
Neither does the Bolshevik Revolution because, it had literally nothing to do with many of its top leaders being Jews. They actively persecuted Judaism just like every other religion. And yes the famines were bad but who gives a shit about Russian Orthodoxy?
I don't see gay rights or porn as bad things.
Excuse me, but what exactly is there in his post which points to a conspiracy?
He just states stuff jews do. He never said they acted in a collaborative fashion.
You guys should probably open up a dictionary and look up the word "conspiracy".
The actions of this man are highly atrocious, but how this man *unified* and lifted a country from the weights of the Versailles treaty, is very admirable. There is no doubt in my mind that this man had a gift, a gift which allowed him to inspire and create a movement. So in all I would say this man is vile, but is very misunderstood.
>And yes the famines were bad but who gives a shit about Russian Orthodoxy?
>And yes the holocaust was bad who gives a shit about jews?
>I don't see gay rights or porn as bad things.
You're still young and stupid.
Explain how they are bad things.
Lel alright naziboo.
He got lucky in the early war and it went to his head. He was a shit commander.
>I know nothing about history and just believe whatever the /pol/ memes tell me.
>Neither does the Bolshevik Revolution because, it had literally nothing to do with many of its top leaders being Jews. They actively persecuted Judaism just like every other religion. And yes the famines were bad but who gives a shit about Russian Orthodoxy?
literally just as retarded as the naziboos
>but who gives a shit about Russian Orthodoxy?
Cool, so why should we give a shit about Jews?
I said Russian Orthodoxy as a religion not Russian Orthodox people.
I wish they were more madmen like him. I would love to see leaders use our taxes on cool shit like this. NASA ain't bad, but it is quite boring.
Porn is moral decadence. It reinforces the separation between sex and procreation which has been growing over the past 50 years in western countries and contributes to the degenerate hedonistic lifestyle of today and all its implications (low birth rates, high divorce rates, high illegitimacy rates)
Gay """"rights"""" are just another jab at the traditional institution of marriage, considered by its lunatic detractors as an institution of "bourgeois oppression". Gays already have the exact same right as straights : a gay man can choose, if he wants to, to marry a woman. Considering that marriage is just "a declaration of love" and not a partnership between a man and woman to bring children into this world and thus perpetuate the race, culture and civilization of your ancestors is a grave, grave mistake, and the legitimization of """gay marriage""" is one of the many blows dealt to the traditional institution of marriage.
If you meant "gay rights" as in not being killed, those have existed in the civilized (i.e. western) world for the past 400 years already.
I say judaism as a religion too.
Judaism should be destroyed, yes?
He was responsible for the deaths of millions of europeans. And right now it's quite sad that so many seem to support him, I don't understand why so many people love and admire the genocide of so many Slavs. Sure, ethic cleansing of Germans in Prussia was inhuman and absolutely brutal but also was the ethnic cleansing of millions of Belarusians during those long and grueling years. Well, westerners never really seemed to care about Slavs anyways, to some of them they're second class human beings who are less than them. I mean take a look at the retarded russian accents in movies and how people jokingly talk about Russia on the internet, as if it's severely backwards. Russo/Slavophobia is still quite prevalent in the modern culture. Lastly people who align themselves with Nazism make themselves known as schizophrenics ie psychotics. They're just as bad as brainwashed muslims who want to kill millions of "infidels."
Sure, I don't care.
I'm not a huge fan of Abrahamic religions in general.
is there a satanic altar under that coffee shop or something
>putting the traditional institution of marriage on a pedestal
Are you married?
wow, they all lived near the centre of Vienna before suburbs existed, and all visited at some point or another in 1913 one of the busiest coffeehouses of its day. That explains everything!
The eternal austrian, somes got to genocide these genocidal hipsters
I think he let his successes and paranoia get to his head. He decimated my country and people, yet I can't help but hold a certain sense of admiration for him. It's rather strange, but I hold Hitler in a rather positive light in many cases, especially his earlier years in power.
Unfortunately, he went overboard and now fascism and nationalism is frowned upon by society at large.
Good lad.
t. every Ausrian
For a looser and nobody, he managed to archive so much.
If he weren't the modern equivalent of the devil, he could've become one of the biggest role models/success "underdog" story of the 20-21. century
Go back to /pol/
A misunderstood man who was actually a hero.
Great public speaker, misguided leader; potential to do good, elected to make war instead
One thing's for sure: he changed the world like few before him or after him
None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enouh to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words.
Brought ultimate ruin upon Germany and wasted a generation of German men and boys in a war that Germany could not have won.
Paragon nation-statist
>He was responsible for the deaths of millions of europeans
When will this meme end?
He only gets the fame he has because he named the enemy. He was a great ideologist, but not as good as practice
With one ball, who was part Jewish, believed in conspiracy theories, had flatulence, and was addicted to amphetamines by the end of his career.
Like it or not he was the last stand against globalism and with natsoc germany gone so is any hope for a future were white people can have a place in this world for themselves.
Hitler is directly responsible for the decline of European civilization and the deaths of millions of white people
Nope, he was one of the few who actively tried to defend europe and its inhabitants from the disease of globalism.
He was the Greater Hero world ever now, he tried to save the white race of the hell that jews prepared for them, but the Allies (nothing but goyim slaves) destroyed not only Germany, but the whole Western civilization with their war. Hitler tried to save the Western world from jewish degeneracy.
>believed in conspiracy theories
To be fair, Jews were seriously overrepresented in socialist intelligentsia,the Bolsheviks themselves, and vanguard revolutionaries (ie Rosa) who Hitler would have been directly acquainted with by his relation to the Spartacus revolution
You can't blame a guy seeing slavic Jews crop up in sinister places in an EXTREMELY anti-slavic, anti-semitic climate from falsely connecting its correlation to causation. He was a soldier and a demagogue, not a sociologist.
Hitler's legacy effectively destroyed every nationalist movement
faggot who ruined nacionalism, racism and white Europe.
Only because he lost.
And even he didnt put up a fight nationalism would still be crushed under a communist regime. (you know, since stalin had planned to invade europe)
He only did what he thought was right. He also saved most of western europe from communism.
I've only been on this board for 20 minutes and I have already found its designated virgin.
>(you know, since stalin had planned to invade europe)
Nice meme
>who is Igor Bunich
>what is operation thunderstorm
To be fair, most of the nationalist movements were garbage before his. Even the ones that pop up now are incompetently run and have no sense of strategy. The nationalist movement that he created can really only occur during bad times. No one would allow an SS and SA militia to walk the streets normally.
>one discredited historian claims that Stalin would have attacked based on little to no evidence
If it stopped there i would probably belive you.
>who is Marshal Semyon Timoshenko
>what is document Nr.103202/06
>what is icebreaker and who its author Viktor Suvorov
Better question is when will your stage of idiocy and ignorance end or are you a die hard nazi apologist who believes in pseudo scientific/historic nonsense?
He is wrong about "every major modern conflict" but the American neoconservative luminaries were mostly ethnic Jews who wanted to initiate the Iraq war to further Israeli interest.
>>what is icebreaker and who its author Viktor Suvorov
i think the answer to that is exactly what posted
If he was alive today, he would post on r9k
What is "real history" m8? You didn't show any examples, therefore we all can only assume you are stating opinions.
So is Napoopan shit too then?
>the i browsed /pol/ for a week starter pack
he overextended himself and failed.
true to an extent, but social democrats had plenty of ethnic German supporters and moderate nationalists/conservatives also had Jewish supporters (although most German Jews supported the Liberal parties, pro-business light-socialism, the forerunners of the FDP if you know the German political system).
The megalomaniac drive alienated potential allies who were just as anti-commie. Supporting some social-democratic principles could have easily placated (thrown a bone to) those moderate lefty supporters. But no, he had to have it ALL.