Did the holocaust happen
Did the holocaust happen
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Nah. Hitler wouldn't kill the people he was as the incarnation of pure evil and worse than Satan. Hitler wasn't the type to put anyone to death.
he *saw as
what holocaust are you talking about?? the 20 MILLION christians killed by the commies in WWII???
You mean systematic extermination of Ukrainians in humger gas chambers?
who cares about he ukranians, what about the 20MILLION CHRISTIANS???!?!?
do you even know how to delete posts?
Constantine doesn't even know how to count, given his inability to tell the difference between 3 and 1. Figuring out how to delete posts would require at least a double digit IQ upgrade.
To put it simply, the holocaust that you know of systematically killing jews with gas was false, about only a few thousand jews died in camps due to Diseases.
the 6 million figure was completely false and proven false due to trips taken by scientists to concentration camps where they suposedly gassed so many jews. most of the crematoriums were built immediately after the war ended.
It depends on if you believe the academic community or shitposters from chinese cartoon forums.
There is no actual evidence that it happened.
The only evidence is witness testimony in the form of:
1. Confessions from tortured prisoners of war.
2. Testimony from people held in the camp that varies wildly.
>some witnesses speak of soccer matches and swimming pools, which have been verified as facts
>other witnesses claim an incredible amount of atrocities, which are now understood to be false
pic related contains many of these myths
How many holocaust survivors have to be caught lying before we admit these people are full of shit?
Are we supposed to believe that some camps had swimming pools, and other camps had gas chambers? It's absurd.
Pic related. All of this is from testimony from people at these supposed death camps. It is not even a complete list.
>people on a history board believe these things
The world is a sad place. Maybe i should stop coming here..
>All these posts
We used to have real threads about the holocaust. I think at this point the only people who bother are trolls and /pol/ rejects.
Why do people love doubting the halacaust? I mean why this specific thing causes so much antagonism? Why would anyone today, except israel and germany care about this issue so passionately?
I get that this is a /pol/ troll thread, but my grandfather was there when they liberated the camps. He saw the bodies. He saw the survivors. Some specific details here and there could be inaccurate, but the Holocaust happened. He saw it.
There are people who unironically defend the third Reich. Understandably, the genocide bit is a little distasteful, so it's best to argue that it never happened at all. This also ties in nicely with the jewish conspiracy making it a double whammy for stormfaggots and their ilk.
>top kek, your grandfaggot must be a filthy kike
>the holoHOAX never happened
>But just keep believing what the jews tell you and be a gud goy
>he saw the bodies
I think you meant ash.
Denying the holocaust does not mean denying jews died.
A decent amount of Jews died. You can call that a holocaust if you want.
If you segregate a people into death camps with the end goal of eradicating them, what justification possibly makes this right?
Call it the Holocaust. Call it a mass killing. Call it whatever you like. How is this even remotely justifiable?
I think he's doing the whole 'it was 99% disease, war, starvation, etc and not intentional' and 'massively exaggerated' spiel
>Some things never happened but are true regardless - Ellie Wiesel
I shit you not, he really said this
>tortured prisoners of war.
citation needed about the torture. do you have any evidence, confessions, documents that people like Höss were tortured?
>Testimony from people held in the camp that varies wildly.
Yo realize that camps, and parts of the camps varied immensely, some were for extermination, some were for selection, some for long term slave labor. In Auschwitz they had all of those, it's not even actually one camp, the different parts are kilometers from each other.Same for prisoners (ones they found useful for work) were given priviliges. Guess who survived in larger numbers: the priviliged prisoners or the ones selected for immediate killing.
And what might be the context?
>Do you have any evidence that hoess was tortured
Lmao. The exterminationists always scream for evidence (which they then dismiss as "conspiracy theories") when being faced with revisionist information disproving their narrative, on the other hand they take their own ludicrous claims ("geysirs of blood" and "jumping buckets of flesh" anyone) for absolutely granted and anyone asking for proof in regards to *those* things is immediately labeled a heretic thought criminal denier by them.
You're a fucking hypocrite, you know that right?
Read the chapter about Rudolf Hoess in Irving's "Not Guilty At Nuremberg". It disproves your bullshit pretty thoroughly.
Hoess was tortured by the allies. None, absolutely NONE of his "testimonies" are legit.
Auschwitz had up to 16 camp orchestras, a camp inmate theatre, camp sculpture classes (conducted for interested inmates by professional sculptors), camp art classes for inmates, a camp university (with lectures on topics from health, the arts, philosophy, science, economic issues, etc.). Marriages took place (worker inmates fell in love and were allowed to marry their inmate partners there). It had its own maternity ward (over 3,000 live births were registered there, with not a single infant death while Auschwitz was in operation under German rule). The women sections of the camp had female guards. It had a camp post office (with twice weekly pick-ups and deliveries). Check this one out: it even had its own jail (for inmates who committed crimes against another inmate). This next one was a big surprise: it even had a "Camp complaints office” where inmates could register complaints or make suggestions. Commander Höss had a standing order that any inmate could approach him personally to register a complaint about other inmates such as "Kapos" and even guards. It had a system of strict discipline for guards and also for inmates, with punishment being handed out against those found guilty for even slapping an inmate.
On March 11, 1946, the Jewish Sergeant Bernard Clarke attacked with five other agents trained in the "sophisticated techniques of continuous and relentless interrogation" of British "92. Field Security section" the wife of Rudolf Höss and her children in her apartment, where she lived together with their children since the occupation. He sat them massively under pressure to learn the whereabouts of her husband and threatened her roaring:
"If you don't tell us [where her husband is], we will pass to the Russians and they will ask them before a firing squad. Your son will be sent to Siberia."
After they also interrogated the children with what they dubbed "adequate intimidation", the family Höß ultimately revealed the whereabouts of the husband and father. As the six uniformed Höss ' country house in Gottrupel, in which he was hiding, have been getting hold of, tore the clothes from the body of the Jews of the Group him and abused him so hard that the medical officer had to intervene, so that they didn't kill him in their self-righteousness.
While being transported, the physical abuse and torture of Hoess continued unabated, and when he arrived at the allied holding facility they forced him to walk completely nude and badly beaten through the prison yard to his cell.
But if this is true, why Germany haven't stated that the holocaust was never real?
Of course it did, which is why Hitler had the foresight to write a book on them in 1925, deprived them of rights in 1933, put them in ghettos and finally death camps.
The irony is that Hitler would be outraged to find out that stormcucks were denying that he killed millions of jews. That was one of the major goals of his entire life, and he defied all odds to get it done.
>A memoir is inherently a 100% accurate depiction of what happened
Because in Germany they actually teach that part of history well, teach Germans to be ashamed of their actions, and basically don't have the same type of situation we have where denial can foster as well. You ever notice how an actual 'Aryan' or Nazi never denies the holocaust? It's just a bunch of what would be considered by the Nazis to be untermenschen who have delusions of white supremacy and blame everything on everyone else for their own problems.
yes, but its possible the numbers are exaggerated
Wake up people! The Jews were killed by Courtney!
What did he mean by this?
>I am referring now to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things which is easy to talk about. ‘The Jewish people will be exterminated,’ says every Party comrade, ‘It’s clear, it’s in our programme. Elimination of the Jews, extermination – we’ll do it.’ And then they all come along, these worthy 80 million Germans, and every one of them produces his decent Jew. Of course, it’s quite obvious that the others are swine, but this one is a fine Jew. Not one of those who speak this way has watched it happening, not one of them has been through it.
>Most of you know what it means when 100 bodies lie side by side, or when 500 or a 1,000 lie there. To have stuck it out – apart from exceptions caused by human weakness – and to have remained decent, that has made us tough. This is a glorious entry in our history which has never been written, and can never be written. For we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had the Jews, as secret saboteurs, agitators and trouble makers, amongst us now, in every city on top of the bombing raids, together with the suffering and deprivations of the war. We would probably already be in the same situation as in 1916/17 if the Jews were still part of the body of the German people.’
-Heinrich Himmler
4 October 1943,
What did he mean by this?
>"Today, I will once more be a prophet. If the international finance-Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations of the world into a world war yet again, then the result will not be the bolzhevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe"
Adolf Hitler
January 30, 1939
>David Irving
All you need to know about David Irving:
This alleged (recorded) speech, as German judge Staeglich has adroitly pointed out, is a hodgepodge of non-sequitors, nonsense, and re-worked text.
see: codoh.com
There are missing pages, retyped pages by different hands, even repaginated.
Then we have a so called "secret" speech in front of thousands. Frankly the assertions about it are laughable.
Yivo (Yiddish Scientific Institute) of New York was very active in the Rosenberg Ministry to process documents for submittal to the Nuremberg trials.
members of the audience like SS-OGruF Gottlob Berger denied that Himmler was talking about the extermination of the Jews at all.
To have a speech with such alleged secret content recorded? Right. SS General Berger did not recognize Himmler’s voice listening to the tape.
In 1993, Robert Wolfe, supervisory archivist for captured German records at the National Archives admitted that a more precise translation of 'ausrottung' would be extirpation or tearing up by the roots. Wolfe also pointed out that in Himmler's handwritten notes for the speech, that Himmler used the term, 'judenevakuierung', or evacuation of the Jews, not 'extermination'.
the complete lack of physical evidence to support the false assertions
the complete lack of orders for the assumptions being made
Like so much else about this so called holocau$t, the Posen speech when scrutinized doesn't hold up.
>using the personal website of a known Holocaust denier as a source
But since you seem to be quite the expert, tell me what the Einsatzgruppen did during world war II?
>Ausrotten can mean "to stamp out/to root out", but only figuratively, e.g., in contexts of concepts or ideals.[37] In the context of living things (such as a people or race), ausrotten accordingly means destroying something so that it cannot return.[37] David Irving, the well known revisionist, considers the usage of the word "Ausrotten" vitally important and also agrees that the term was referring to eradication. He confirms this in an interview from 2007 when he compares its usage with Goebbels half-word "Ausrott..." during the Sportpalast speech from February 1943.[38]
Seems like even your idol Irving agrees that ausrotten' means 'destroy' in this context.
Holocaust deniers are generally the same trolls that spread the flat earth theory. I think they beat off to the smug feeling of denying controversy.
It definitely happened, but the biggest takeaway (other than the massive lessons about not trying to genocide your own people) is that the jews made it about themselves, which is wrong. There were gays, cripples, foreigners, soldiers, criminals, all fucking sorts of people shipped to the death camps, but so much of that is glossed over to make way for the Jewish suffering.
I don't think it's outrageous at all to suggest that Jewish-owned media outlets push a Jew-centric narrative about the holocaust. If there's anything to learn from the internet and this generation, it's that people fucking love playing victim, and will keep doing it as long as people keep patting them on the back.
>tell me what the Einsatzgruppen did during world war II?
I don't know, but I'm pretty sure they weren't gassing Jews.
>a more precise translation of 'ausrottung' would be extirpation or tearing up by the roots
This one always makes me laugh.
>I'm pretty sure they weren't gassing Jews.
That's one thing you would actually be right about
Yes please leave, at this point, most of these people are just fishing for the (You)'s you'll so easily give them
That's a shitty excuse desu and it really shouldn't fly. He said that they "never" happened, not "it's a memoir, some may be exaggerated or not 100% correct." No, I'm not doubting the holocaust, it's just I have particularly bad memories of a jewish kid trying to guilt everyone when we read the book back in 10th grade. Fuck that kike.
So what. We are talking about 6,000,000 gassed Jews. It is an extraordinary claim, which requires evidence to be believed.
If Hitler did say he wanted to destroy Jews, would that be proof of the holocaust?
He was a politician, after all.
It was a war. I am aware that a lot of people were killed.
This thread is about the supposed systematic genocide of Jews using gas chambers.
Yes, but do you systematically wipe out the entire jewish populations (including women and children) of entire regions in war?
What did the Einsatzgruppen mean by "Judenfrei"?
Who gives a shit anyway?
The Nazis were assholes regardless.
yes user, but it is just one brick in the wall of evidence which can be used in conjunction with other bricks to build a mighty strong wall
Also, Irving now believes that gassings have happened and that the holocaust was in fact, a genocide. The only thing he argues against anymore is that 6 million figure.
>"I've changed my views. I spoke then about Auschwitz and gas chambers based on my knowledge at the time, but by 1991 when I came across the Eichmann papers, I wasn't saying that any more and I wouldn't say that now. The Nazis did murder millions of Jews. ..I made a mistake by saying there were no gas chambers, I am absolutely without doubt that the Holocaust took place. I apologise to those few I might have offended though I remain very proud of the 30 books I have written".
>We are talking about 6,000,000 gassed Jews.
who is?
no historians are talking about six million gassed jews
>a more precise translation of 'ausrottung' would be extirpation or tearing up by the roots.
bullshit. this is from a dictionary for 1902. I guess the wast conspiracy that faked the holocaust didn't only change the meaning of words in all future dictionaries, but even revrote old ones!
David Irving believes there is evidence for a total of 100 gassed Jews.
And holocaust revisionists are not "deniers."