>Veeky Forums becoming '/pol/ with dates' more and more each day
Well it was fun while it lasted
>Veeky Forums becoming '/pol/ with dates' more and more each day
Well it was fun while it lasted
Other urls found in this thread:
Why not make a more constructive thread and see if you can raise the quality level?
This. You should ignore the problem and hope that it goes away.
First step to recovery is acceptance, and we have to address the problem before we fix it.
Problem is it's been addressed too many times.
Hello, Reddit
>tfw just wanna discuss fine art
I made a thread yesterday about PTSD throughout soldiers in history and it got hijacked by some retard spewing some nonesensical bullshit about PTSD being an invention of the Jewish mental health industry.
Good luck raising the quality with this slowly being more common.
>report bad posts
>reply to good posts
Congratulations, you just became part of the solution.
I am new here so I never saw it in the past but that is a shame, that is a very interesting topic
It's too late. Veeky Forums didn't used to be like this. Every thread ges hijacked
it's the "been here 2 days and it wasn't like this 2 years ago" shill
/pol/ with dates is better than r/fullcommunism with anons
Yeah I also miss the 24/7 first page full of threads about religion that this board had during its inception and early life...
well, not really
People have been whining about /pol/ with dates since day 1.
I don't agree with a lot of /pol/ sentiment but I also think it's worthless to bitch about /pol/. They're not going anywhere, Veeky Forums is full of those people whether /pol/ exists as a board or not.
If /pol/ had ceased to exist as a board long before Veeky Forums was made, people would probably still bemoan Veeky Forums being a refugee camp for /pol/. Or they'd just whine about Stormfront or something instead.
/leftypol/ is also pretty annoying don't be biased with them
we could have had a centrist Veeky Forums
I think it's actually got less /pol/ish over time. You should've been here in the first few days, it was just niggers this and kikes that
Yeah, /pol/ opinions are idiotic, but I'd rather have them and have free discussion rather than have mods deleting posts with certain content in an effort to have a civil discussion. Some of the orthodox Marxists or anarchists on this board talk about how they will just kill people who disagree with them when a revolution comes and how their ideology justifies it; not sure how that is much different than /pol/, but I wouldn't want to have their posts removed either. Too many internet forums are already attempting to remove fringe views.
The problem is moderation, not the users. Veeky Forums has the worst moderation I've seen on Veeky Forums.
/pol/ opinions are fine but threads that are not even vaguely historical are not.
Sure, but check into any of our obligatory capitalism vs communism troll threads and you'll find they aren't anything close to as overwhelmingly common as other camps bitch about.
A lot of people here are right, there's a lot of plurality of opinion going on. It'd just be better if we didn't reply to low-effort posts. The opinion behind the post can be what the fuck ever. But if it's low-effort, it's not worth yours.
I agree with this completly, there are a number of non-history and non-humanities threads; I'm not sure all of them necessarily come from /pol/. Some people want to discuss a topic, but recognize that /pol/ is cancerous and bad for discussion, so they just put it here or in /int/.
I agree with you; if someone gives what I think is an obvious /pol/-tier argument along the lines of "The Holocaust didn't happen because the eternal Jew is a liar", I just ignore it, there's no sense arguing with that sort of idea. It just seemed like people were saying there's a problem with /pol/ opinions on this board such that the board can't function without somehow getting rid of them.
In fairness Veeky Forums was never good so we didn't really lose anytihng
This board was much shittier back in December, when literally almost every single thread was spammed by "WE WUZ KINGZ N SHIET" and other terrible /pol/ memes.
We've definitely come a long way since then. Just because there's a few edgelords and we haven't become a liberal hugbox yet doesn't mean we're just /pol/ with dates.
This tbqh senpai. Although the golden age was definitely around the time this thread was had: desuarchive.org
It was in the brief period after Veeky Forums had been founded and successfully fought off the full scale /pol/ invasion, but before the /pol/acks realized that they could just make Afrocentrism threads as a cover in order to engage in racist retardation. That was definitely the worst it ever got, since then things have been improving.
/leftypol/ is a /pol/ meme
/pol/ is /pol/
It's the same people who make the same kind of thread repeatedly. They're half-trolling and half-opinion-building. It's cluttering the board, really. And people still fell for it every single time.
Don't believe me? Try using common keywords in the archive, you'll see the same OPs every time.
Just ignore them.
You can't report a reply for being shitty. If your original post is on topic, you still can't do jack shit if the entire thread of replies is /pol/ trash
Well don't worry OP, I just said this
Needs more work from the mods
If it's against the rules on post quality, on topic, and shitposting, you report it.
Eventually the mods end the eternal hot pocket break, clear the report queue, and then same faggot has to walk up the basement stairs and find a ballpoint pen to reset their IP.
>leftypol is a meme
You must be new. /sp/ and /a/ have some of the worst by a large margin
>we wuz