>be me
>in history class
>today we will be talking about the Punic wars
>class goes on
>we talk about Scipio Africanus
>class is shown picture of bust
>bust is black
>tfw 95% of class thinks Africanus was added because of his skin colour
>go home and load my super soaker
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Well the romans was black..
Beat your teacher
actually no
You should be happy you talked about the Punic wars. The girls in my class asked who Stalin was.
A black chick in my class said he was black and got BTFOd by the teacher so fucking hard. I heard her call him racist to the girl next to her
This is entry 100 level Roman history but in case someone here doesn't already know, Scipio earned the name Africanus because of his defeat of Hannibal and Carthage, located in Africa.
Nope, Africa was named after Scipio since he BTFO Carthage so hard
"Afri was a Latin name used to refer to the inhabitants of Africa, which in its widest sense referred to all lands south of the Mediterranean (Ancient Libya).[9][10] This name seems to have originally referred to a native Libyan tribe; see Terence#Biography for discussion. The name is usually connected with Hebrew or Phoenician ʿafar "dust", but a 1981 hypothesis[11] has asserted that it stems from the Berber ifri (plural ifran) "cave", in reference to cave dwellers.[12] The same word[12] may be found in the name of the Banu Ifran from Algeria and Tripolitania, a Berber tribe originally from Yafran (also known as Ifrane) in northwestern Libya.[13]"
Shut up yours is boring mine's more fun
things that never happened.jpg
What kind of school do you guys go to? Jesus
Stacies are totally retarded when it comes to history.
>The girls in my class asked who Stalin was
Same happened to me. Hello, fellow public school victim.
>be me
>be in geography
>say "south ar-mor-rica" as a joke in response to a question
American schools
>Be me in Advanced Placement United States History class in Highschool
>Teacher asks what year the US declared independence
>Calls on random people to answer
>They don't know
Humans disgust me
Stacies are totally retarded when it comes to everything, that's the point.
t. dutch
My last HS year had two awesome moments, one teacher lying about the nazi party's name (I can't believe he didn't know. He must've been lying to avoid the political consequences of his party sharing a name) and the other was a teacher asking ME, a fucking student, in front of every other student, the difference between fission and fusion because she didn't know (and she knw I would).
Our biology teacher also taught a bit about creationism and intelligent design, because she is a christian so duh.
And I'll never forget my sociology teacher thinking I was support his idea when I was in fact criticising it, because obviously no straight ace student would be against his own personal ideology rite?
t. Third worlder
Sorry I'm angrily typing, remembering school does that to me..
Fuck. I'm black and I know he wasn't African in the sense that he was from Africa. It's pretty stupid to base the race of someone based on the material that their bust, statue, sculpture is made of.
>Our biology teacher also taught a bit about creationism and intelligent design, because she is an intelligent person with the latest knowledge
The head of our history department was a communist which I understand is a good thing on here but for the wider world was probably not beneficial. Kids would come out of his lessons about the USSR not only thinking that communism is a good idea but that Stalin implemented it well and was all round a good guy.
Lmao my senior year of college these girls didn't know what a republic was, or an empire. I had to explain to them what kind of government they had.
>be me
>supposedly go to one of the best public education systems in the country
>In 9th grade
>Reading The Diary of Anne Frank
>Other students didn't know who she was
>10th Grade
>Geography review
>People don't know the difference between Pakistan & Afghanistan, Iraq & Iran
>11th Grade American history review
>People think the emancipation proclamation freed all the slaves immediately
>mfw I think about how shit inner-citty public schools must be
Swedish high school with my class being full of theater and dance students.
>be like 15
>got suspended from class
>had to sit at the back of a classroom all day writing shit while other classes are going on
>20 year old blonde bimbo history teacher comes in to teach a class of 12 year olds
>don't really remember what the class was about but I do remember her telling everyone that the magna carta was a great king and that napoleon was an evil tyrant who wanted to take over the world
>American education
Is not a meme
I repeat is not a meme
American higher education is still pretty good, to be fair
But jesus christ, we need public education reform immediately.
Like it's incredible how much we could fix in this country through better education
Time triggered link:
Imagine that. Turns out to be your good old white guy. It's like this has never changed. Hannibal was a black guy, he was African.
>in English
>reading Hamlet
>everyone is pronouncing "aye" like "ayyyyyyyy"
>I finally get to read and pronounce it right
>people look at me like I'm crazy
>when the class takes turn reading and they all mispronounce a word
>yfw you pronounce it right
This happened so many times
Hannibal's ethnicity is sketchy. He was definitely brown, at the very least. His family is (possibly) originally from northern Libya.
But the coinage is also pretty sketchy. Because many claim that the top figure is meant to be hannibal, and it's clearly a typically 'African' looking dude, but it conflates with the bottom and right coinage, which possibly depict Hannibal or his father Hamilcar Barca-- and its features are clearly more in line with how Greeks were typically depicted on their coins..
Revisionism is all over classical studies. I don't especially recommend believing anyone who claims that historical figure X belongs to modern ethnic/national/etc group Y.
>writing advisor in uni
>basically make sure fellow students don't fail
>get a girl from Detroit assigned to my group
>first line of her paper
>My cousin's baby daddy left her. We was...
An interesting semester was had
>be in manufacturing technologies class (production/robotics major)
>crunching them CNC codes
>guys in the back are talking about something
>one of them says "Columbus discovered the Americas in 1776"
But anooon, that's communist.
T. Communist. Drown in your shit, you temporarily embarassed millionaires
but Hannibal must have been black, he was fro Carthage which is in Africa, so he was black.
To be fair I wouldn't know that off my top of my head. t. Swede. My first thought was 1774.
One of my own experiences was my professor who did a guest episode to talk about the swedish Stormaktstid(Period of great power) and she thought that queen Christina reigned in the end of the 17th century. I had to correct her.
>>In 9th grade
>>Reading The Diary of Anne Frank
>>Other students didn't know who she was
Aren't you like 14-15 in 9th grade? I sure as hell wouldn't know who she was.
That's fine, since you're not American, and you were close.
These people were American and had no clue.
Keep up the good work user.
>Hannibal must have been black
I know you mean that jokingly user, but my father used to anger me when he said that. Africa doesn't = black. He was not sub-Saharan and Carthage was settled by Phoenicians who come from modern day Lebanon.
My people need serious help when it comes to learning about who was what in history.
Nigga I've seen some shit.
The deal with American higher education is that it's expensive and that's why its good although not in the way you think it is. The reputation comes from tiny fraction of mostly STEM focused faculties and universities, mostly because of research.
The budget for the research comes from hordes of mindless drones who graduate in sociology, gender studies, production engineering etc. and goes to the electronics, physicists, chemists, automatics etc. etc. Industrial cooperation also helps - for example MIT can easily sustain itself thanks to it alone.
Had American unis NOT produced bunch of people with useless degrees, they would probably not be that great. Although it generally applies to most universities in the world so it's kinda moot point.
However public education reform may actually cause those useless degrees to get empty(as one of typical concepts reformists have is propping up tradeschools and encouraging various individuals like niggers etc. to go there, learn a decent trade and find a decent job rather than waste few years in high school and even more years for college they've got into through affirmative action and the only thing they've brought from them was debt), which may actually result in higher education going to hell(MIT won't but Harvard or Yale will).
You can't reform "just" public education and expect higher education to adapt to it without compromises. You have to consider the fact that strong universities are part of the reason why America is able to braindrain from every single other nation on earth and in this way(among the other ones) push boundaries of science and engineering.
>One of my own experiences was my professor who did a guest episode to talk about the swedish Stormaktstid(Period of great power) and she thought that queen Christina reigned in the end of the 17th century. I had to correct her.
I wonder, why isn't it transliterated as 'the Empire Era'? That's basically what it says, and sounds less awkward.
T. Finn.
P.S. Stay the fuck out of our clay.
>useless degrees
>humanities academia
>The reputation comes from tiny fraction of mostly STEM focused faculties and universities, mostly because of research.
Also not true. Where are you getting this information from? The Big Name schools are plenty famous for their law, political science, linguistics, and classical studies programs.
These large schools also get a siginficiant amount of their revenue from their sports programs.
I'm sure what your point is, user.
I'm talking largely about reforming primary education curriculum to, y'know, make our citizens actually informed about general topics.
Did your class also think that Greeks were marble-white and had no pupils?
Someone in my class thought Harry Truman was the same guy from the Truman show.
I remember back in high school when we were having WW1 as subject. The teacher showed us a picture of a flamethrower, and asked us what it was.
A girl answered: "an atom bomb?"
>pic related, pretty sure this was the picture the teacher showed but not sure
>tfw you studied history too much that you cant actually answer this question without going on a 2 hour rant to justify your perspective against the "official" perspective
Such is life in the land of Veeky Forums
You're right. Unfortunately education reform today means more and more diversity training as well as desperately trying to lift the test scores of African-Americans, a process which invariably slows learning for Whites and Asians (those too poor or unlucky to move out majority Black public schools).
I have no idea what it's translated as, I made a qualified guess.
Also, Finlandbro, give back northern botnia. It's ours as well as åland
I mean to be fair majority Black public schools are total shit, let's not get too /pol/ here, son.
I've been getting the impression that more-or-less private black education programs do very well.
I can't remember the name of the school, but I saw this story where this black education program got all of its students (something like 150) into fantastic schools, and it didn't seem like they were just abusing affirmative action or anything, these were just legitimately smart and hardworking kids.
The big issue with current 'school reform' is that people seem to think that just throwing money at education will solve it, when that really isn't the case, especially when said money is largely used to invest in useless teaching gadgets and sparkly-looking buildings, even though the curriculum and teaching methods are still garbage
They're not?
>gosh, didnt know Sparta was in Greece
>oh, the guy, who started buddhism. What was his name? Gandhi?
>Maria Theresia was a communist
>be me
>eighth grade history class
>learning about immigration in early 20th century America
>kid asks what the difference between an immigrant and an emigrant is
>teacher claims that an immigrant intends to settle permanently in the country they move to, whereas an emigrant intends to eventually move back to their homeland.
The same teacher would always be looking up the the days topic on Wikipedia immediately before class because he didn't know any of the material
The political discussions were golden. In a 'O want to watch the world burn' kind of way.
practically a decade ago now
>Teach: Okay, class, let's ask: Why did it take so long for American planes to fly to Japan and her colonies?
>Girl: Because it's really far away. They had to fly all the way over two oceans and Africa to get there.
>Teach stares at her.
>Class stares at her.
>Teach climbs up the step ladder, pulls the world map off the wall.
>He rolls it into a cylinder and tapes it together.
>Teach: "Hang it on your wall as a reminder."
This actually happened. She's never lived it down.
My ex gf got the Boston Tea Party confused with Pearl Harbor
le women ar so bad they should let me gentleman fuk them xDDd
actually yes
every single even remotely famous person in all scales of history is irrefutably a sub-saharan african with strong ties to sub-saharan africa.
it's a black man's world and the whiteys are just oppressive pretenders
Some girl sincerely though there were Napoleonic War veterans still alive.
history class horror stories?
>had to read Wiesel's "Night" for a English/History combined course that served as an alternative to regular english and history courses
>one day the teacher is discussing the book
>the two tough guy kids sitting at the back are talking about how hot that one sex scene was in the concentration camp
>teacher flips his shit, makes the two kids sit at the front and he sits in front of them and starts describing in dirty detail about the concentration camps in an attempt to scare them
>he gets let go because tough kid one cries to his mom about how the teacher was being aggressive with him or something and mommy made a big public stink about it
>we have a substitute teacher for the rest of the year in that class and we did nothing but boring work packets every day
>tfw you're american and you managed to list every single country that starts with u except somehow forgot about the usa
Goddamn, I feel so fucking retarded.
>implying American freshman would know anything about European history
>implying American 10th graders care about geography
When I was in highschool the most geography we had was a test on all the states for AP US history, which was a junior class. AP Euro teacher didn't give a flying fuck about our knowledge of where this and that were on the eastern hemisphere unless it pertained to a free response.
>be 14 year old me
>two kids with MARX T SHIRTS
>introduce them to me
>they were homeschooled bit
>you could tel
>in class
>teacher asked what started ww1
>Commie one and two said, in UNISON:
Abraham Lincoln saw the struggles of the Proletarian slaves and went to war wswsith Imperialist fascists in Europe and one
>and then I got suspended
I don't know how it feels to be in a highschool class full of retards that raise their hands and see asinine shit but at least it'd be amusing.
For me it was either a class where nobody talked and the teacher would awkwardly try to get everyone involved or the class was full of smart assholes who thought they were top shit.
>Can you tell me what democracy is? It's crap
holy shit
What the fuck? Where are you from? I knew about her before I was 10 years old
>take AP US Veeky Forums earlier than everyone because liking history
>go in expecting to learn about American wars
>war of independence, war of 1812, Mexican-American war, civil war, Spanish American war, etc.
>the biggest and most important ones are just glossed over and half aren't even mentioned
>mfw no one else in the class knew who Churchill and Stalin were
You mean that thing with the explosions in Boston?
>He says he will never die
For anyone: Name a more skilled general in both tactical and psychological warfare than Scipio, with serious examples.. No egos please.
Finland. And I'm sorry bro, the holocaust isn't that big of a thing here.
Genghis Khan
Caesar of the Julia? Alexandros of Macedon? Wang Jian of Qin?
What the shit
>Anne Frank
>An Important historical figure
What grade did you take this said class and in what region did you live in at the time
>Anne Frank
>Not an important historical figure
Say that to my face.
This, were the rest of you in the retard history classes?
In the advanced class this never fucking happened. Of course I didn't learn much because I already knew what was being taught, but we didn't have dumbasses that didn't know basic history facts.
You must have been snorting while typing this.
I was talking about Hannibal and they thought I was talking about the character from a horror movie.
Literally everything single human being comes from subsaharan descent.
Czechmate, Cuck-ass-ian.
There are dumbasses in AP classes don't bullshit, it's all just people trying to get an inch on the uni race and that doesn't mean everyone taking the course knows shit about history.
Really the only geography I did in AP Euro was in the first week of class we had to correctly draw and name the countries and capitals in Europe.
After that, it was all history. I don't think there was an individual geography course offered at my school.
Please be real. This is fucking hilarious.
Inner city schools aren't much worse in that regard, they're just less safe most of the time.
In fact, there tends to be more motivation to learn in inner city schools because they want to get the fuck out of there
>tfw that first video was taken in your city
I took the class in my freshman year of highschool. It was custom at my school to take it in the junior year due to some prerequisite classes that I fulfilled over Summer. I lived in Southern Commiefornia
Why were you suspended?