Is the way women dress an issue now? Has it always been an issue? Does it cause problems? Should it be "policed" or no? Does it depend on age or context?
Modesty in dress
hey hey,,, look at that hot bod!
It's a symptom of modernity.
It kills desire. It shows too much and leaves no room for imagination.
Modesty in dress is only a small part of a much larger picture.Sexual liberation is the real issue and always has been.
>inb4 fedora
Just smile, sit back and watch that birth rate decline and the divorce rate rise
> It kills desire
Nope. If a pair of nacked legs don't stimulates your sex drive than something is wrong with you.
Maybe you watch too many porn and has too little actual sexual experience, so that your sexuality has become strongly dependent from the image formed by virtual arrousal than by real sexual contact.
Riddle me this: what if it doesn't have to do with having sex itself but with factors like religiosity preventing both divorce and premarital sex? Basically, what if it has to do with innate qualities and habits not actions?
I find that a poor developed sexual behaviour and the undervaluation of sexuality as an important human aspect should be more relevant as threatened by the 'sexual revolution' than birth rate and divorce. I even dare to say that such old values threaten health sexuality as much as sexual revolution.
>Just smile, sit back and watch that birth rate decline and the divorce rate rise
What would be wrong with any of those happenings?
Anyone who can't tolerate going to the beach and seeing women in bikinis is a retarded cuck who can't supercede their own brainwashing. They're just tits, if you see them enough you'll learn to stop giving a shit. That doesn't mean you'll turn gay, but if that happens, you were already gay. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how what other people wear is your problem. It's always the people who get their clothes at goodwill or a furniture store who say this shit.
read houellebecq
yes symptom of gynokratia, foreign to PIE culture, need burka and frequent beatings to keep in line
Is it healthy for the women though?
I'm old-fashioned. I believe women shouldn't cover their breasts and that men should wear skirts.
Our animal desires becoming socially acceptable. It was always a thing that women have to work on their attractiveness in a special way, but lack of modesty is the easy way to do it. Sexual liberation is filth. These things shouldn't be policed, by the way, we're not muslims, but it should come as a social pressure, and today we're seeing the latter happen - the social pressure is towards becoming a slut.
>and the divorce rate rise
The divorce rate has been falling for 30 years, faggot.
Where are the minoans today?
Dead and buried. Inferior civilizations get conquered. And one day, your degenerate descendants will be conquered by a superior, more vigorous civilization. And it will all be your fault.
Only because the marriage rate has fallen you stupid piece of shit.
So, you are saying, that our less modest civilization is superior to all dead, more modest civilizations?
No, I'm saying that hedonistic behavior eventually leads to the collapse of civilization.
It's happening with the west nowadays. Low birth rates, hedonistic behavior and mass immigration to make up for low birth rates will make it collapse unless something changes.
But sure just bee urself #yolo
See percentages of marriages ending in divorce for each decade (100% corresponds to the totality of marriages).
>See percentages of marriages ending in divorce for each decade
...which is exactly what I'm referring you shitbrains.
It's natural for divorce rates to fall since nowadays people are so degenerate they don't even bother marrying in the first place.
First of all
Secondly, see :
Yes women dress too casually like whores nowadays they dont keep the whore look for going out now they do it everywhere its disgusting and animalistic.
People are more cautious concerning who they marry, instead of marrying young and staying together because it would be harder to subsist alone and even harder to rear the next generation as such. Even having kids is a whole different boat nowadays because children aren't used for labor, rather they are now very long-term investments. Why would you judge modern society with the same criteria you would use to judge 15th century Europe?
For societies where you might experience old-fashioned family values, see poor-ass African rural landscapes.
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/
Is it healthy for women to live in a puritanical society where they are tricked/forced to marry betas?
>woman gets thoroughly educated in housework and decorum by somewhat poor parents, finds a beta with good income and morals who will be there for her, tries to get her parents to accept him, four children and a happy life
>woman gets banged all through her teens and twenties, educated in women's studies, think it's okay, maybe has an abortion, maybe has STDs, cheats on her "boring" boyfriend with a biker, gets pregnant, single mom at 31 working two jobs
yep, looks like
Wear what you want but don't expect to be taken seriously if you complain if people look at you. This is the only true liberal stance.
So you're not bothered at all by being objectively, verifiably wrong?
Welcome to the 21st century where great minds are still wondering how women should dress. Ponder over something that matters for a change.
I think men should stop dressing so provocatively.
Stop projecting.
I'd rather see a pair of naked legs underneath a dress revealed by the wind than a pair of naked legs exposed by a miniskirt. Also, desire is always about virtual arrousal.
Hedonist faglord got rekt
It relates to the good functioning of our society and our psychological well-being. It's not a small issue.
>finds a beta with good income and morals who will be there for her
This is something I've noticed recently and I fucking don't understand you guys. Especially since it tends to come from guys who's vocabulary shows that they are some kind of alpha kings of the hill who can into social interactions.
Women at large, looked for the same qualities they look now. They mostly behaved the same. It were the middle classes and above where arranged marriages reigned supreme, and we're talking about minority of the population.
A man could get woman to marry him in the same way they do now - they danced with them at various parties(be it weddings or some celebrations, doesn't matter), hanged out, weren't total omegas etc. Do you seriously think farmers or workers could really gain anything through carefully arranged marriages? No, they couldn't, the people who could actually rise their social status didn't want to have anything in common with them. So they essentially didn't care. Having married children was good because the grandchildren helped with work etc. but nobody gave a fuck about the identity of spouse.
There was of course one exception - in some countries the feudal lord had right to force marriage upon a pair of his unmarried serfs, but this is kind of beyond the point and not what you think I guess.
The only thing that actually changed is that social losers aren't forced into socialising anymore and ugly people started going "lol I'll just watch porn and masturbate if I can't get model bf/gf" route.
Honestly, I'm glad that most girls dress immodestly. It makes it much easier to distinguish the ones with self-respect from the ones who lack it.
>divorce rate rise
[citation needed]
>divorce rate has been falling for 30 years
>Only because the marriage rate has fallen
?? No! It doesn't work that way. They did teach mathematics in your high school, right?
/this again
It's natural for divorce rates to fall since nowadays people are so degenerate they don't even bother marrying in the first place.
[citation needed]
Just wow
You're right, in many aspects it was/is a negotiation. It was done properly and it lasted however. All across social classes. What I'm saying is that modernity is destroying the woman's bargaining chip in the negotiation, in exchange for sensorial pleasure for a few years followed by, in not an insignificant amount of cases, financial trouble and loneliness. The same with men, because porn? Really? Liberals in general are being conditioned to think this is fine. There was a reason for modesty and courtship rules, you see. They were put in place because almost everyone won in the deal, and there were much fewer outliers like cat ladies and omegas.
>The same with men, because porn?
Not with men user. With all of us. Maybe it works little more for men but seriously - we're going to see real epidemic of male virgins and cat ladies becoming visible in few years. One would think that those two groups should meet but they don't want it. Fat cat ladies want they early 20's ripped boyos that won't care about them because there's more young cun running around and eternal male virgins still wait for their overemotional teenage romance.
Except that marriages are happier now.
>Wearing light clothing
Americans, everyone
True. That's why I'm talking about modesty and these traditional values, it's not a question of nostalgia, but a question of avoiding the kind of socially-rewarding hedonism that is fun when you're young, but translates into loneliness after that. It does not affect the hedonists only, but all society around them, since this kind of desire-heavy mentality leads to unrealistic expectations like the ones you mentioned. In a world with reasonable rejection of hedonism, there would be the same millenium-old incentives for attractive women to marry and be happy with betas, just as poor betas or omegas to find a plain woman who makes them happy. The sexual revolution changed much more than we care to think of, and its ideologues manipulated us into believing that is good for ourselves.
addendum: it so worked that in many societies the alphas also had enough incentive to keep it in their pants because of social/financial rejection, so women would win on that too
The clothes are just one symptom.
The excesses of western civilization is pretty hard to miss.
OP is delusional about not only this era, but every other era as well.
Just don't forget to wear your tin-foil chastity belt or you might catch the degeneracy too. The NWO has been pumping it in the air through chem trails, they're going to erode at our civilization until we are forced into sexy serfdom.
we have had this conversation for literally hundreds of years
I still don't understand why this "pants" fad keeps going.
But what's the conclusion?
The truth is that modern girls are are just sluts. They pretend to be modest about their titties when their ankles are always bare in the open for anyone to see.
Do you have any proof of this, also what defines hedonism? The Nazis were pretty "un-degenerate" by your standards, and where are they today? And please lets not get into the "degeneracy" destroyed Rome meme.
We'll take the fight to the globalist trash. Me and my nudist beach warriors will defeat them. We're turning their system of "sexy serfdom" into "the uncensored by clothing republic".
Why is this on Veeky Forums?
Supply and demand is primary law applied to every aspect of existence by modernity.
Since when is the ammount of clothing in one's body a barometer of the virtue of their civilization? By that logic, advanced civilizations like the Minoans and the Sumerians are filthy Degenerates while some random desert bedouins are the pinnacle of civilization....
How can people make up such bullshit excuses to justify their own prudishness?
So people who are incompatible with each other are not marrying because of societal pressures, you want to picture this as something bad?
a niqab is probably lighter than most western clothes
its the fabric that matters not whether skin is revealed or not
When European missionaries entered the upper congo region they inadvertently offended many tribes by asking the women to cover their bodies
Only prostitutes covered up
The idea was "gotta pay if you wanna see these goodies, big boy"
Arab and Berber merchants were often upset about the muslim black african women going topless or even nude, the locals couldn't understand what was so wrong about not wearing clothes if it's hot
The Minoans were conquered because there were backwards barbarians with an arbitrary focus on militarism nearby, not because their culture was bad.
Fuck off w/ that might makes right
Who cares. Only autists and virgins get bothered by women who want to express their sexuality the way they see fit.
Not that guy but you both are "projecting". Sexual desire varies greatly person to person, some people like to pretend their dogs and get fucked in the ass.
That being said, I'm glad women wear such revealing clothing, it arouses me way more than modest clothing.
Wow, your lack of knowledge of what percentages are is crazy. What you are saying makes literally no sense. The divorce rate is not affected by total number of marriages. If you win 5/10 or 50/100 baseball games your win rate is still 50%.
It's a dogmatic thing. People don't want to confront their own needs. They'd rather perpetuate a system specifically designed by ancient rulers to bust as many nuts as possible in as many poor peasant wives as possible. Like King David.
Not those guys, but fewer marriages could imply fewer people engaging in hasty marriage. It doesn't really help their case, but it would explain a causal link between the two.
That's called a control group
People will still fuck (and have babies) because it feels good, just like they have for thousands of years; whatever the current generation is, it will claim that there has been a "huge change in the social construct," then blame the generation before for causing it; nothing will really change in the long term; idiots will point at short term changes and yell "SEE! I TOLD YOU!"
Modesty is a construct
Lmao do you even know how to calculate a rate
That excess has much less to do with modesty and much more to do with capitalism, or did you just forget the existence of China in your wet dream about the fall of Western civilisation
But it arouses me less than modest clothing, so your gain is my loss
>some people like to pretend their dogs and get fucked in the ass.
Dogs don't get fucked in the ass...
Modesty makes the balls bluer
It's something that comes as a cycle.
Natural disaster kind of did them in.
>Girls were modest and prudish, would rather die than have lewd pictures of themselves all over the internet for everyone to see
>Girls constantly talk about their genitals and having sex like 12 year old boys and teenage girls post half-naked and extremely suggestive pictures of themselves on social media, and this is seen as okay and empowering to women
I'm very liberal about most things but I hate the openness of sex in today's society. The sexual revolution was a mistake.
Why would it matter? Women shouldn't be 'policed' for this clothing just as much as men shouldn't be.
Women are fucking savages. They need to be policed, otherwise they act like fucking animals.
>pic related
Savages? Its just a picture of her ass. Not even a particularly great one or even in that revealing of her whole ass cheeks.
Yes, it is. She a sex crazed whore.
Yes it is. Women are whores because they won't have sex with me.
Whore/beta detected.
Hi, angry virgin.
Le virgin xD
Nice meme
Clothes are degenerate
Annoying prudes....
Annoying prudes everywhere...
"Used to be, a hint of stocking was looked on as something shocking. Now heaven knows, anything goes"
True when Cole Porter wrote it in 1930, and nothing has changed.
Annoying subhumans
You can go die
>xD let's just act like complete whores without any self restraint whatsoever! Fuck morality and rules!
>Just smile, sit back and watch that birth rate decline and the divorce rate rise
Birth rate declining would be a good thing. Population has doubled in my lifetime, and that's not sustainable.
Since people live longer, due to better sanitation, improved health care, and safer workplaces, fewer marriages end with the death of one of the partners. Maybe you'd like to go back to 'ye goode olde dayes', when life expectancy was 40 rather than 80?
>let's just act like complete whores without any self restraint whatsoever!
Why the hell not?
>[citation needed]
The decline of marriage rates is a pretty well-known.
Single motherhood has been increasing as well, last I checked the rate had doubled or even tripled since the 1960's. On a somewhat related note, I'm convinced that 99% of the problems in the black community are because so many are raised by single mothers. Children of single moms are far more likely to become fuck ups themselves. (
And for the other people bitching at
, you guys are being deliberately obtuse.
>fuck morality
Do you have any proof that morality exists?
If so, do you have any proof that butts are immoral?
Fucking hedonist trash
Plus what you find immoral and "degenerate" is absolutely subjective and depends on culture and religious values.
Morality is ultimately, subjective.
>Fucking hedonist trash
One you are assuming that I am indeed hedonist, which would be wrong. Second, that is an ad hominem attack, not a valid argument.