How did it come to pass that the Slavs were split like this by the Germans, Hungarians, and Romanians? What is the history of Slavic geography?
Slavic geography
This isn't based on real knowledge, but for the Romanians I suppose it is because the terrain is rocky and the Romanians and others were strong enough to hold out. Ergo, they had to go through Flat Hungary. The reasons they were pushed out by the Hungarians was that those guys used to be a really strong people, who when they migrated pushed out the local Slavs.
For Austria, they used to be a part of a powerful kingdom already during the influx of Slavs, so they were safe.
About German, Poland and Czechoslovakia. It's because Hitler lost the war.
>Hungarians, and Romanians
Horseniggers and latin shepard fags(with help from various horseniggers, including the former) obtained cultural and linguistic dominance in the carpato-danubian-dnistrain-panonic area and made local slavs(which are a LARGE genetic contribution in those 2 countries genetic background) speak their weird languages.
The Slavs split themselves. Pan-slavism is idiotic because there was never a pan-slavic culture in the first place. Sharing the same language family is meaningless when the cultural differences have always been profoundly vast.
A Bohemian can find maybe some commonalities with a Slovak, although they are very different. A Russian may have significant commonalities with a Ukrainian or a Belorussian, though recent events have demonstrated significant differences there as well. But there is almost nothing in common between a Bohemian and a Russian.
>How did it come to pass that the Slavs were split like this by the Germans, Hungarians, and Romanians? What is the history of Slavic geography?
well, it just did
mostly it was the fact that the southwards migration happened very early, separating the various slavic peoples
which then allowed ample space both figurative and literal for other folks like Magyars to find themselves between the two groups
that's all there is to it
most germans lived in the rhineland until the 11th century. As the Holy Roman Empire expanded eastward against he pagan slavs it hundred of thousands of german settlers. The Czechs were a kingdom in the HRE and already catholicized so they weren't pushed out.
Interesting posts, thanks anons.
I noticed the Slav gap recently and was surprised I had never noticed it before. I've been wondering just how it came to be ever since. What you all posted all together seems like a whole picture of it.
Romanian is the original language of Carphato-Danubian zone and slavs are not locals in the carphato-danubian-balkanic region.Same for magyars.
>which are a LARGE genetic contribution in those 2 countries genetic background
In Romania, only 15.5% have presumbly slavic background, according to DNA tests.
Romanians mainly have I2(they are the source) left from Cucuteni, followed by J2 then R1a/R1b.
and in Hungary 45% have slavic R1a-m458 because Panonia was mainly slavic with some romanians before magyars.
>the Hungarians was that those guys used to be a really strong people, who when they migrated pushed out the local Slavs.
Wrong. The Hungarians mixed with the Slavic population.
>For Austria, they used to be a part of a powerful kingdom already during the influx of Slavs, so they were safe.
Wrong again. The Bavarians started colonising the area after the Slavic migrations had ended.
>slavs are not locals in the carphato-danubian-balkanic region.
What i mean is that those that were here got assimilated by romanians.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as slavs, are in fact, ruthenians/eastern germanic descendants of kievan rus, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, east nordids.
Slavs are not a race unto itself, but rather another component of the ethnogenesis of the scandinavian norse germanic people from the migration of the peoples and onward, made historically relevant by the kievan rus settlements in Gardariki by the norsemen who traveled down the Volga and founded both Russia and Ukraine before being christianized by the byzantine empire.
Many eastern germanics speak the artifical glagolithic church language invented by the greek monk Cyrill, which is where the term cyrillics stems from. Before that, they spoke old norse and revered pagan germanic gods.
All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics. There is objectively no argument to be made against this historical fact.
Thanks for reading, and please refer to them as "eastern germanics" next time you make a "slav" thread.
Cyrill didn't make a new language, it was just a new alphabet so their native language could be written
what the fuck are you talking about. Yes, the nordic varangians founded Russia and Ukraine but that doesn't mean slavs aren't a distinct ethnic group. That's akin to saying that north africans are germanic because they were ruled by the vandals.
Slavs had been documented continuously since their appearance in europe in the 1st millennium and they were always seen as different than germanics. Also, if your bs theory is true, than why didn't the sorbs speak a germanic language? after all they never came into contact with the "artifical glagolithic church language".
its a copypasta you silly geese
>never seen the GNU-Linux copypasta
wtf i hate Veeky Forums now
/g/ is pretty shit lately, hard to blame them
Look up the topographic map of the region and it'll be pretty easy to figure out
isnt there a theory that says romanians are actually from the former Yugoslavia area? iirc there is a minority in the southern slav countries called Aromanians who speak a language very similar to romanian.
roman presence was so short in Dacia that it seems weird it got 100% romanized.
There is no such thing as "slavs". History doesn't mention them before the byzantine empire. This is because the people that founded Kievan Rus (named after the Rus tribe) were literally northern germanic vikings. Before that, the eastern germanics settling in the area were literally using runes and had the same pantheon as the other germanic peoples throughout the continent.
"Slav" was the church term for any non-christian peoples living outside the boundaries of the orthodox byzantine empire.
There never were any "slavs", and there never will be.
Sclavania is a latin term used in the dark age literature of Germany to denote the non-christian eastern germanic "land of the heathens".
Origin of this term
The term sclavania originated from monastery latin. It was invented during the time of Charlemagne's imperial expansion, which went far beyond the territorial grasp of the old franconians.
Charlemagne's propagandists, most of which were monks, used the term "Sclavi/Slavi" as a generalizing phrase when mentioning eastern germanic non-converted heathens and their areas of settlement.
>These "heathens" or "sclavi/slavs" were not part of any specific organized people as such, but simply the non-christians settling within eastern germanic areas instead.
>During the 11th century, Adam of Bremen wrote in his monastery chronicles that "everyone there is still adhering to the false beliefs of pagan idolatry." - Which was a clear reference to the eastern germanic Vandals (Wends) settling in the area between Oder and Weichsel.
Only pan-slavist propaganda proclaimed these eastern germanics to be historical "slavs" in the modern sense of the word later on.
So if you see a blond-blue eyed Slovene, Russian, Czech, Polak ect., you can be 100% sure that his ancient ancestors originated from "Germanics" (Germanic = Nordic).
"slovenja" was the settelment of the Langobards = Germanics/Teutons. "Poland" of the Goths and East-Vandals ect.
Are you mentally challenged?
Where do we find retards like you?
Today I saw snow people claim they were Greek aristocrats and take credit for scientific accomplishments in the U.K. and Germany.
Now this.
>implying slavs aren't just the disapparate splinters of the once great slovenic empire
t. Slav
Carpathian Mountains.
Remember Transylvania?
Wasn't Romania more Slavic-speaking before artificially Latinizing itself?
>implying that is not a butthurted germ
they are on the same level as those african american / west african/ afrocentrics claiming WE WUZ KINGZ
>Romanian, are you a latin and not a slav?
Actually many of slaves sold to white traders were defeated and enslaved royalty or nobles. Sure nigger royalty and nobles but still. It was better to sold them than keep them around and waste rebellion as killing them would be a waste.
Yes. Don't let them hear you though, or they'll start posting copypastas claiming slavs don't actually exist.
>royalty or nobles
No such thing. Chieftains of an opposing tribe don't make for royalty or nobles, and I'm fairly sure there were no kingdoms with complex nobility systems toppled for slave extraction. It would be too inefficient when you can just use existing kingdoms (or even just friendly tribes) to capture slaves from neighboring opposing tribes and buy them/accept them as tribute.
Don't get me wrong, kingdoms -actual, complex kingdoms with nobility and other social systems- did exist along the coast of west Africa. I just don't think the slaves actually came from there.
This might be a crazy newsflash - but there is general genetic continuity in most of Europe bar some areas like eastern England. Slavs aren't a genetic group but rather a cultural/linguistic group.
I'm sorry, but this is simply not true, Vasiliy from Novosibirsk, 5000km away is obviously much more similar to me than Christoph, my cousin twice removed, who lives 5km away, across the border.
well evidently someone actually believes it
Coming to Veeky Forums nowadays is fighting through mental retardation.
Pro tip: Romanians (like Dagoslav), Hungarians (like Horváth), and Austrians (Rositzky) are Slavs. Their entire subrtatums were swept up by new languages and leaders. Aka big Magyar cöck etc etc
Are you Russian?
What do Russians actually think of foreigners speaking in broken Russian? Are you snobby like the French or are you happy they are putting up an effort, like everyone else?