Why hasn't the American army won a war since WW2?
Is it because of its obsession with riflemen instead of machine gunners?
Why hasn't the American army won a war since WW2?
Is it because of its obsession with riflemen instead of machine gunners?
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No horse archers.
Lack of plate armor.
im pretty sure it's the lack of TRoPB (tactical religion of peace bombers) in their army.
they defeated grenada
They've technically won wars by material advantage, which against a civilized industrial nation is essentially the same as victory. However, as Hannibal learned, one does not simply conquer a hostile agrarian society through victory in the field. Since America did not intend to conquer at all, it was increasingly hard to justify continued warfare for basically no practical purpose. The brass constantly bleats about picking the battlefield, saying that if it wasn't for this fight in this one shitty country, there would be fighting at home. It's the kind of irrefutable logic that causes people to prefer to flee to Canada than partake in.
Which nation has had the biggest economic success since WWII?
there is not a chance japan is not the answer
Technically the American Army didn't win WW2 either, the USSR did.
Korea was against China, the US def didn't want to enter into a protracted war with China that might risk Soviet involvement
They won Gulf War 1.0 splendidly, it was a grand old war
the other ones were counter-insurgency, and most of the world (even France, a colonial nation, who should have been better at COIN than the US) were losing those.
Democracy and human rights
Because the U.S. hasn't declared a war since WWII
Well soviets gained half of europe from ww2, US just desperatly started to bribe the rest of europe to not turn commie.
>Why hasn't the American army won a war since WW2?
nice meme
Also there hasn't been a full blown war that wasn't the equivalent of beating up children since Korea. Vietnam was a farcical unwinnable conflict by nature of not being allowed to invade the country that was sending their soldiers into the south, and apparently the Gulf War doesn't count even though it made the Chinese piss their pants after witnessing the utter devastation of Iraqi slavshit and led to them actually taking their armor programs seriously
Modern war is not suited to fighting insurgencies. The only real way to fight insurgencies is either to exterminate fucking everybody or to change the culture and economy of the country itself.
South Korea.
Because we stopped fully committing. WI think WW2, everything was thrown at our enemies to destroy them and their way of life. In the postwar world, we stopped doing that and went with a half-asked hearts and minds approach. But the wars we fought and continue to fight aren't about winning anyway, they're ways to pay defense contractors and line politician's pockets.
Because there's been no wars since then
Nobody's going to touch us and risked getting buttfucked
Anytime we fight over in other countries, it's either to protect our own interests, like in the Middle East, or it's because they asked for our help
so wheres this from anyway, is it fist of the north star?