Logic is good because it's the most objective tool available to us. But why is objectivity good? Why should I care about what is objective?
Logic is good because it's the most objective tool available to us. But why is objectivity good...
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>But why is objectivity good? Why should I care about what is objective?
Because it is reality, the only thing that exists, superretard
Why is reality good?
Because its your friend trust it and you will be better off
OP here.
Why is reality good or important? Why is the truth important or good? Why is being right of any value at all?
Because illusion fucks your shit up
Because you want to do things and you'll suck at them until you apply some logic.
If you follow just your impulses, you'll be in an unhappy state.
If you can't recognize patterns in maya, how will you cling to the driftwood?
Logically, Achilles never catches the tortoise.
Logically, Xeno's arrow never hits the target.
Why are you in love with logic, again?
because living a lie can get you killed
>fetishism of units/numbers
except those two premises are false and therefore illogical and therefore not conclusions either.
if we're fetishizing objectivity it's logical the numbers would be included
>it's logical the numbers would be included
No it's not. The premises are false as that user said and should be removed from the argument.
numbers are objective though
We will end up dead anyways
The premise is not.
>2+2=5 and I am a turtle
Oh shit user! There are numbers in this premise! I guess we need to keep it!
It isn't
But if we lose track of it we will all die
We observe the world through a lens.
Logic, and from this science, tries to correct for the distortion of the lens, in an attempt to see the world more accurately.
Art, and from this spirituality, tries to perceive the distortion of the lens, in an attempt to see themselves more accurately.
Of course, they're both doing the same thing, if you think about it for even a second.
because objectivity gives us a common ground that we can agree on. if we're ever going to find a way to not kill ourselves, we're going to need common ground, and specifically one that is not biased towards any particular subgroup. an objective view of reality seems like a good place to start.
Art and spirituality can't send a man to the moon.
no the units in xeno's arrow exist
Of course not. That isn't what they're intended for.
The values that fueled the space race were not rooted in objective manipulation of the logos, but in pathos and ethos. "Logic" not an end, but an efficient means to the values established by ethos/pathos, vetted continuously by logic in turn. They're inseparable.
Its not good so much as it provides the foundation for good.
If you ignore reality suffering tends to result, think of people who eschew medicine for faith healing of homeopathy or the people who try to run a farm on a lamarkian understanding of evolution
Except they solved it over 1000 years ago
Logic isnt 'objective', it's consistent. It's literally just the set of rules that makes variable input self-consistent. Consistency is what makes a set of ideas coherent. Coherency is only good so far it doesn't make any sense to think of incoherent things as 'good'. Incoherency is the equivalent of nonsense, meaninglessness. If we are to have a conversation and hold sets of beliefs of any sort in the first place they necessarily have to be coherent.
There is no such thing as objectivity
All there is is your will vs everyone elses
>Why should I care about what is objective?
Because if you do something really rad and you want to do that same really rad thing AGAIN, you have to know what causes led to the outcome
Logic might lead you to the belief that your eyes work like sonar, emitting light and recapturing it after it bounces. But that's not how it works. It is not objectively true. Therefore, if you see ANYTHING while you're in total darkness, it is a hallucination. This information is very valuable, is it not?
Because the closer ones understanding of reality is to "true" reality the more likely one is to make better predictions. Which allows one to act on those predictions in a beneficial way.
Because will to power.
But they are what made logic try.
no theyre not, theyre abstractions. They dont have any real existence
you have no ability to present arguments which assume themselves to be wrong. therefore, go for truth or stop talking.
How can a concept be reality?
It is just electrical signals / chemical communication in neurons - totally devoid of meaning in the scheme of reality.
Remove the human and it's unique perception and it's gone for good.
define good