Anybody else feels like they are rushing stuff right now?
Anybody else feels like they are rushing stuff right now?
Wait, what if I have no debt?
Was I the NWO all along?
It's funny because an actual Illuminati would not be organized like that at all.
Everybody has debt. As long as your nation has debt you as an ordinary citizen will have too. If the nation was debt free and could sustain itself you wouldn't need to pay taxes I assume.
Care to elaborate?
Illuminate us
You have debt if you are part of a sovereign nation, it's just hidden behind taxes and fees.
I'm afraid I've already said too much.
So the top 13 families don't belong to a nation?
I would assume they don't pay taxes and can live wherever they want.
Merkel is only but a puppet.
>If the nation was debt free and could sustain itself you wouldn't need to pay taxes I assume.
No, you would still need to pay taxes for things such as infrastructure, a military, police, courts, agencies that regulate industries, etc
I get what you're trying to say, but I'm not sure if it's ture. If you give someone money to start a business ideally it should eventually make a profit and maybe you'll even get some money back. If you have to pump money into said business forever to prevent it from imploding it's probably a bad business.
For the sake of not being easily detected by counter-intelligence, they would probably just be rather wealthy "debt slaves" and be a position where they could manage their network.
>You have debt if you are part of a sovereign nation
But I'm also the one my sovereign nation owes debt to.
That's just the thing. There is no return on investment for a lot of the things we need government to do, which is precisely why we use the government to do it.
For example, roads are very difficult to do privately. It's easier to have them publicly available and making it a duty for people to pay for it.
Even more difficult is a military. How would an organized standing army powerful enough to protect a nation be supported without taxes? Nobody would want to pay it.
Things that public funds pay for are things that private industry can't really do or that people wouldn't pay for because they'd hope someone else would pay for it.
Those sekrit clubs discuss vapid shit like fenale workers. They DEFINITLY dont give a shit about eachother, and they wouldnt talk finance with other debtors.
Corporations hold more power than private individuals, they can adjust markets by just saying things.
There should be a law agaibst talk about rich people unless you know the basics of finance becauae some of this shit is embaressing.
I guess you could call them rootless cosmopolitans.
What if you're a nation with natural ressources or something else that's demanded by other nations?
I mean if your country basically had the monopoly on high tech for instance I don't see why you would need to pay taxes. At least as long as the amount of revenue is bigger than cost of your infrastructure. On the other hand good infrastructure might be another commodity in sense, considering it might encourage trade routes.
Do you think Zuckerberg has much power?
I don't know where you live, but I just want you to know help is always here.
If you live in Britain please seek help here :)
>What if you're a nation with natural ressources or something else that's demanded by other nations?
Some nations nationalize industries and resources, but in nations that value freedom, that is generally frowned upon unless there's a good reason to do it.
Here's the thing though, I don't think you have to nationalize it. You could let the industry build their own infrastructure, within a certain set of guidelines, or maybe overseen by an independent institution that finances itself through anonymous donations.
The last part is more or less a brain fart but I'm relatively sure smart people could figure something out.
You know, I imagine a bored looking sheep with set of glasses sitting on a comfy armchair and a notepad in his hands. Then another sheep on a couch in front of him talks about his paranoid suspicions about a possible conspiracy between the shepard and the sheepdog.
But I'm a neet, not a cuck :^)
>something something
muh sides
No, not at all. Hes shaped by his coworkers and must follow by his board of directors. All he is, is the chief vote. He is given options and he is the chief voice in which one is taken.
What do?
How do you stop the Illuminarty from 'narting you?
>If the nation was debt free and could sustain itself you wouldn't need to pay taxes I assume
Yes, yes, good plebs, it's not the capitalists who are in power, but the secret Illuminati luciferian masonic reptilian societies, capitalists are your best friends!
>"corporations" clearly in the middle of the pyramid
shoo shoo reddit
Inflation is a hidden tax.
>mfw Marxists near me
>As long as your nation has debt you as an ordinary citizen will have too.
>mfw my country has no net foreign debt
Does that make me free?
Search "checkmate for humanity" on jewtube
It usually isn't mental illness.
People are so obssessed with wanting to be special snowflakes they don't want to admit that they are useless in the "grand scheme of things" or that you will never be part of something greater than you, no matter what you do.
Hence conspiracy theories.
>tips tinfoil hat
Conspiracies happen all the time. Take Propaganda Due in Italy. It's one thing to argue for the existence of some grandiose conspiracy that explains everything, but I think it's entirely stupid to assume people wouldn't try to conspire in order to achieve their goals.
> If the nation was debt free and could sustain itself you wouldn't need to pay taxes I assume.
What the hell are you smoking? The US was in a surplus under the Clinton administration. Taxes didn't go away.
Take that tinfoil crap to
> when people unironically admit they believe in illuminati
Didn't say they it was a given just a potential possibility.
>money is how they measure their power
They say love of money is the root of all evil.
The buddhists say the root of suffering is hate, greed, and ignorance.
this is basically correct and factual until the NWO level then it's tinfoil memeshitting
Bilderberg should be under the world financial control heading too, it ends at who controls the money, there's no occult shadow organizations there's no fucking point, all the elites care about is power and money and control, and they get that through controlling countries via banks.
>not realizing the illuminati/NWO conspiracies are put out by the elites to make anyone who talks about who actually controls the world seem like a retarded maniac
was this one thing Hitler was actually right about?
He was pretty eco friendly as well.
Wouldn't say the occult stuff doesn't exist but it's not the root motivation in my opinion.
Stop telling cancer to shit up /x/ even worse.
>tinfoil crap
You're retarded.
me at the top btw
My point wasn't that.
I'm fully aware that people do conspire and work together and that SOME conspiracies are true.
>tips Jon Ronson
Is it bad if I'm okay with this?
Eventually there'll be no world for the NWO to rule anyway. It'll all be dust in a starless void relatively soon. Why should I care? Let them have their fun - they can't touch me once I'm dead, anyway.
It won't be dust in a starless void ever user. You're just resigning yourself to nihilistic apathy because you have no fire in your heart.
Everything dies, user. Some things sooner than others, but everything eventually.
That is until you realize that these people also orchestrate mass scale organized pedophilia and sex slavery and you realize that this beyond a simple desire for money and power and is fueled by a genuine evil that you don't even want to acknowledge really exists.
Yeah, this is a meaningless statement user. We all know everything dies. This does not refute the fact that these people are strangling the earth and humanity and a scale unheard of in all of human history and you're just trying to play it off with nihilistic detachment because you don't actually want to emotionally engage with the world around you.
You're powerless to overthrow them, so I don't see why you care so much.
It's like hating a hurricane. Wasted energy.
Not the user your talking to. But what can i do against oligarchy ? If i get emotionally engage with this state of things i would just kill myself and that's pretty nihilistic too.
You aren't as powerless as you resign yourself to be user. You're just consumed with apathy and laziness. Why are you so adverse to being a vigilante citizen within your society? A great deal of their power comes from your willingness to accept the perceived infallibility of their power, when no human power is ever truly infallible.
Cultivate a sense of awareness of yourself and your society, live by your ideals and separate yourself from dependence and materialistic desires. It's not that hard to live a content, self sustaining life, and it doesn't require living as some kind of neo luddite hermit. Achieve independence from social subjugation.
Good answer. I like you user.
When you have to get billions to agree on something just to get it done, you're not going to get it done.
Change one mind and you get diddly. Change ten minds and you get diddly. Change a million minds and you still get diddly.
The days where a single person could rise from obscurity to truly inspire the whole world are long since past. There's too many out there, just as dead as we are. Too many barely continuing to eat, breathe, and sleep, if that.
What ideals, user? What ideals are there anymore?
Your speech is the one of a whole generation. A part of it at least.
Fuck i'm not good enough at english to express my thougts but for what it's worth, you're not alone.
>I just want a nice place in the woods where i can grow vegetables, weed and make my own beer. No need to inspire the world, all this shit was in man's heart from the begining.
Marxism and far left scholars like Chomsky seriously explain so fucking much about how the system works. It's sad "conservatives" are so spooked by the labels that they will never fully understand how to glimpse out of the cave. Instead just more half assed conspiracy theories.
Ideals never die. It's up to you to make them realized within yourself. It's up to you to figure out what your own ideals are.
They die with the ones who hold them. Whatever the average Neanderthal believed was right and just, it ceased to matter when the last of them perished.
Now they're nothing but bones, every last one, and so is everything they held ideal.
Neaderthals didn't have the capacity for higher ordered ideals that the human consciousness is capable of, and ideals have survived the death of individuals throughout all of human history. In fact, death through martyrdom has actualized the ideals of many people in ways that living them out never could.
Wow! It was the queen of England all along!
>yfw it really was
>the Empire never broke up, it just went into hiding and grew
>the Illuminati were their most recent conquest
>next up, the moon
>United Nations above individual governments
>Some nations nationalize industries and resources, but in nations that value freedom [...]
It's funny how in anglo saxon world everybody is convinced that the grab of people's resources by a private entity has something to do with freedom.
do you atomatically get admitted to the corwn council of 13 if you have enough money?
What's the difference to the government grabbing people's resources?