>And YHVH said to Abram, “Lech Lecha (go forth, but literally go to yourself) from your land and from your birthplace and from your father’s house, to the land that I will show you. (Genesis 12:1)
>All of this is intimated in the layered phrase that gives this week’s Torah portion its name: Lech Lecha. Lech means “go”. Lecha means “to you” or “for you”. This phrase is difficult to translate, but we might say “Get thee out!” or “Get yourself going!” However, Lech lecha literally means “go to yourself”. The journey of Abraham and Sarah is a spiritual journey, an inward quest for a new way of seeing the world, a journey of perception. As our spiritual father and mother, Abraham and Sarah bequeath to us a sublime idea: that all of reality is informed by a unifying Presence, and that Presence is calling us to greater purpose and awareness. Deeply aware of the ineffability of that presence, our tradition names it YHVH, Being Itself, or Life Unfolding. Each and every one of us is a unique expression of Life Unfolding, a Child of God, we might say, and God’s greatest desire, as it were, is that we know that truth. We are finite beings who sense the presence of the Infinite moving within us and all around us. That awareness calls us to fulfill our potential as expressions of infinite life. This calling turns out to be extremely difficult and elusive, and requires of us courage, tenacity, humility and faith. In the Jewish tradition, Abraham is our spiritual father because he perceives this truth, heeds the call and embarks on the journey.
Dylan Moore
Abraham is my spiritual father, because I am a Christian.
If you are a Jew, Abraham is not your spiritual father. You are in the synagogue of satan.
John Cox
We're all of the spiritual nation of Israel user.
Thomas Bailey
Not so much, no. I have no inheritance in the land of Israel.
I have something infinitely better.
Henry Fisher
You stupid cunt I'm Catholic you missed the point God didn't tell Abraham >“Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:” as our translations say. He told Abraham to go find himself. I find that significant.
Owen Reed
You are also of the synagogue of satan, which explains how you can't understand this passage and have tried to mystify it.
Abram's people were evil. God told Abram to leave them. Abram left them, because he believed God, and God counted that as righteousness.
Has nothing to do with your idiotic 60's "finding yourself" nonsense.
If you ever become a Christian, you'll be able to read and understand the bible for yourself.
Zachary Watson
Please enlighten me o wise one
Charles Collins
> For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Why persecute your brother? There is a lot worse things people do to religions and OP is just saying God said to Abraham "Go find your soul"
God tells this to all of His beloved.
Leo Phillips
I can't. Only the Holy Spirit of God can.
If you want Him to, you have to do, say and believe what the bible tells you to do, say and believe.
You have to confess with your mouth, that is to say out loud, that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead. Do that and you will be saved; you will be born again, and you will regain the Holy Spirit that Adam lost.
Then with the Holy Spirit living in you, you can ask Him whatever you want, whenever you want, and learn to listen for His small, still voice.
Or you can continue following the False Prophet of the Whore of Babylon into the Lake of Fire.
Your choice.
Jacob Reyes
You realize you are persecuting someone who has the same belief as you do.
The Holy Spirit obviously lead user to see the passage in a new light. That is it.
Robert Gomez
You realize you're talking to a /pol/ troll, right? And that he's baiting you, and that you're falling for it?
Jack Brown
Jose Jones
Even robots are sentient beings.
Liam Harris
Well my point in this thread was that I found it significant that god told Abraham who was an old man to leave his comfy life and go find himself. To find his reason in life and he did without hesitation. For this reason he is called the man of faith for he left everything he had known in ur to leave to the middle of nowhere. I just though it was amazing that at an old age God can call us to our real calling but we have to have faith.
Elijah Martin
I am the judge of who is, and who is not, my brother. If you'll simply review his posts, you will find not a brother in Christ, but a prisoner of Babylon.
Angel Sullivan
The Holy Spirit does not lead people into falsehoods, no.
You lack all discernment, and this place is probably not a good place for you to learn any.
David Gomez
Catholics are not Christians.
If someone says they are a Catholic, and that is their highest and best identity, then they are clearly not followers of Christ Jesus, but members of the Catholic church.
Two completely different groups of people with two diametrically opposed eternal destinations.
Chase Walker
There is no judgment of man that is superior to the Judgement of the Lord.
The measure you use is added to you.
The Holy SPIRIT does lead someone like OP and innumerable amounts of others, increasing their faith by showing them the Light. The information in - this post in inspired by the same book and the same Holy Spirit you believe in.
Zachary Cruz
It is a mainstream assumption to say all Catholics are the same type of Christian.
Henry Cooper
And again, I'll keep my own counsel as to who is my brother, and who is not.
Revelation 2 “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary.
Again, the Holy Spirit does not teach falsehoods, and no prophecy has a private interpretation.
Oliver Morgan
Yes, one that I swim against as vocally as possible.
I generously added "if your highest and best identity is as a catholic" this time; I usually don't bother. The 1 or 2 Christians out of a thousand catholics that I would offend will understand. Or not. Their choice.
Luis Scott
Genesis 12 Promises to Abram 12 Now the Lord had said to Abram:
“Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Show me where God told Abram to "find himself".
Gavin Ward
Yeah dude, you can keep persecuting Christians if you want
>If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. Matt 3:23
Unite the body of Christ. Amen
Ayden Walker
lol fundie protestants cant even follow the bible
Henry Diaz
Right here
> -
Parker Parker
The Body of Christ is not united with the Whore of Babylon, as you seem fit to do.
Daniel White
Devil trips have never been more satisfying.
Easton Baker
But it is United with the Heart.
Owen Moore
>"And if the world hates you, know that it hated me before you.”