I don't really get this whole eternal Anglo thing. Why would Germanics poke fun at Anglos, the Germanic inhabitants of Britain? Why not eternal Celt?
I don't really get this whole eternal Anglo thing. Why would Germanics poke fun at Anglos...
Other urls found in this thread:
Germanics are the ones that ruin everything.
>not realizing that Britain was one of the first things ruined by the English
If Vortigern had lopped off Hengist and Horsa's heads the moment they stepped their Germanic asses off of their boats the world would be a much better place.
You're expecting too much from retarded /pol/sters
>not knowing Perfidious Albion
Why are you on a history board
shut it down
But Israel serves American interests. I would say the world is dominated by Anglo-American interests first and foremost. Jews just pick from the scraps.
Because it was literally one fucking Turk in Germany posting it every fucking day like an autist
Quite the other way around... america is being controlled by the people who own the banks and the media... and they are jews, this is not /pol/ level, this is plain and simply true
britains interest was to stop the mainland controled by a single power
this isnt poking fun, this is politics
it keeps happening
luckily albion is out of potential allies now
It's the same hasbarats who keep spamming the irish happy merchant and "oy vey muh potato holocaust". What they're basically trying to do is to sow disconent between whites by playing on historical animosities which were also caused by kikes.
Britain has been on the wrong side of history for most of its existence, but that's no grounds for attacking its inhabitants on a racial basis. There's a lot of shabbos crypto-jews within the upper ranks of british society but as a whole the working population is very compareale to the german one, something which Hitler noticed too of course back then
This user is right.
white people don't need the Jews to sow discontent between them.
White unity is a retarded concept anyway.
>what is the commonwealth
Are black unity and Asian unity equally retarded or legitimate?
It has nothing to do with race, Anglo is just simply the most historically popular demonym for the British people. The whole meme comes from a continental European perspective of the British continually opposing continental powers and successfully hindering their designs on the world. It's essentially just people saying "hurrr the world would be a so much better place if Napoleon/Kaiser Wilhelm/Hitler won but you Anglos stopped it"
t. I just watched The Greatest Meme Never Told and am now an expert on European history
>Are black unity and Asian unity equally retarded or legitimate?
were they in any way achiveable or realistic?
exactly...same for whites...
They are incredibly retarded.
Asians and blacks spent aeons killing each other, just like white people did.
Saying, 'we're all white, let's ignore the smaller divisions' is no different than saying 'we're all human, let's ignore smaller divisions', but I'm sure if I said the latter to a White Nationalist I'd get called a cuck or something.
I think they're both stupid, by the way. My loyalty is to the people I personally know and love. I don't see why I should give a shit about others because they share a certain amount of blood or the same class with me or whatever.
Race and nation and the human race as a whole and all abstract allegiances can get fucked.
Except you're being a raging retard because whites have reached the point where these "smaller divisions" are negligible and external threats are great.
>not starting a giant war in the last 20 years
>guys we are united!!
are you being serious
Sorry lol, just seeing if there was any double standard.
I would argue for nationalism.
I think that your outlook is admirable, but would you not say that tribal love you feel for your family and friends extends somewhat to your fellow countrymen?
I realize that it's not exactly a logical concept, but do you not feel some sort of pride knowing that your people worked and built the land you stand on? They fought and bled for you to live your life?
I don't know, I kind of think nationalism is something your born with.
whoops i dun goofed
Are modern Britons mostly anglo-saxon or celtic?
I never said we are united, but we should be because we face far greater external threats and right now the so called divisions you talk about are negligible.
I remember reading somewhere that we are only about 30-40% Saxon GENETICALLY but the point is when the Saxons came in they set the cultural precedent in England and all the native Celts got cucked by that culture and adopted it.
>I realize that it's not exactly a logical concept, but do you not feel some sort of pride knowing that your people worked and built the land you stand on? They fought and bled for you to live your life?
I really don't at all. I don't feel anything at all for my country. I know what love and devotion are because I feel them towards my friends and family, and I don't feel that at all towards my country or 'people'.
If a communist movement came and along and offered a better life for me and my loved ones I would support them, same if it were a nationalist movement.
It's actually a scientific fact that caring for people beyond a certain number of them is more or less impossible for humans. I won't pretend to care about the proletariat or the race like socialists and nationalists pretend to for what I guess you'd call 'virtue signaling'.
Wales, Scotland, and Ireland are basically 100% Celtic I assume?
>war in ukraine
>proxy war in syria
how fucking big is that external threat?
is it the others?
Correct for Wales and Ireland. Scotland not so much. In Scotland the lowland Scots (those in the southern part of the country) are all Germanic Anglos genetically, those in the highlands, which was the sparsely populated region in the north, could be considered Celtic. Lowland Scots were the ruling class of Scotland, while Celtic highlanders lived in the north in the clan system seperate from the rest of Scotland. Lowland Scots spoke the Scots language, basically a dialect of English, a Germanic language and highlanders spoke Scottish Gaelic.
I always found it strange how Scotland always identified very strongly as a Celtic country when in reality the majority of the population and ruling class were of Germanic origin. It's actually a phenomenon known as "Highlandism" by which all of Scotland was identified with the culture of the Highlands. This came about during the reign of Queen Victoria when she took a massive interest in highland culture.
Also genetically speaking the western coast of Scotland had a lot of viking/Norwegian influence, most of the Hebridean isles were viking colonies and a significant amount of Germanic DNA is present in those areas. My grandfather is actually from the Hebrides and the island he is from was the site of the largest viking settlement in Scotland, that's how I know all this.
So you see society as just a servant to you and yours? You feel no obligation for what it provides (security, services, etc...)?
Nationalism isn't exactly caring about your countrymen, more so national consciousness that makes you look out for them.
I still have no idea what virtue signalling means.
Ayy Barra island descendant reporting in. Apparently we were fucked by the Norse, so yeah, partly Germanic.
they doggedly hold on to stolen clay and try to maintain the moral high ground while doing it
>So you see society as just a servant to you and yours?
I think most everyone else does as well.
Virtue signaling just means pretending to care about something to look like a good person in front of others.
Yep, both of those things are extremely negligible compared to most of European history. The Syrian thing is hardly even a white on white issue either. Russia is the only outlier, there is absolutely no reason to not have complete white unity in the world right now if not considering Russia.
South Uist here, that's literally one island up. Grandfather was born there but moved to Glasgow when he was young and then eventually England.
>thinking everyone will co-operate, despite conflicting interests, age old divisions etc. because they share a similar skin tone
this is what /pol/ actually believes
Why white unity and not human unity?
You're probably right, but does that view not seem kind of...selfish to you? Do you even view yourself as [nationality] or just a citizen of the world?
Actually just answer this: if another country invaded, would you enlist/help with the war effort? Assuming that conditions for you and yours would not change, and the invaders would simply continue the previous government.
> if another country invaded, would you enlist/help with the war effort? Assuming that conditions for you and yours would not change, and the invaders would simply continue the previous government.
Absolutely not.
Name me a single political issue that would come even remotely close to white on white conflict without mentioning Russia.
>m-muh age old divisions
Literally no whites care any more. Conflicting interests sure, I agree, we'll always have conflicting interests. I'm not saying we're going to form some white superstate and skip off into the sunset as friends forever, I'm saying there just isn't any reason right now why we wouldn't unite against external threats that right now are far greater than these so called divisions you're talking about.
Assuming others in your country would be affected, but you wouldn't, it remains the same obviously, correct?
No sense in risking your life for total strangers.
I'm very curious to see if the majority of others hold this view.
I know I'm kind of beating a dead horse here, but; assuming your position would be elevated by aiding previously mentioned invaders, would you "betray" your country?
>Literally no whites care any more.
Yes they do, its not like history is forgotten all of the sudden...
>unite against external threats that right now are far greater than these so called divisions you're talking about.
what threats exactly?
temporary co-operation because of similar (i.e.) geo political interests isnt something that has stopped...it is very much there in the west (and litterally anywhere else for that matter)
Sure, if I was reasonably certain I wasn't going to be shot later for 'muh collaborationism.'
Germany would be like
>I can go into Roman Empire - shits Europe on many occasions, ruining idea of western Roman Empire
>I can go into new religions - shits up Europe for centuries
>I can go into Unification - shits up Europe and world
>I can go into far right and nationalism - shits up Euroe and world, ruining right wing and nationalism for rest
>I can go into multicultularism, tolerance and international cooperation - shits up Europe and world too
>what threats exactly?
Radical Islam
Refugee crisis
Iran/China/North Korea
Now I feel very safe in calling that selfish.
Society is built upon the mutual agreement of cooperation without the necessary implication of reciprocity.
Think if everyone thought the way you did.
Prove it
>Iran/China/North Korea
Predictable response as always.
>North Korea is a threat
top fucking kek mate
>Radical Islam
just because we havent nuked saudi arabia yet, it dosnt mean no one gives a shit about muslim extremism...also almost every country on the fucking planet is fighting isis...
yeh nah...
>Refugee crisis
its almost like european countries are co-operating to deal with that one too...
I'm not saying these countries are going to start WW3, I'm saying they can upset global stability. And why are you responding to me as if I'm implying we're not already working together in some respects? When did I ever suggest this?
Not him, but you can't brush aside legitimate concerns like refugees and Islam.
Both are literally only threatening white countries implicitly because they're white.
Refugees have un-assimilateable values with white countries and threaten to reshape demographics.
Islam threatens the lives of white countries for practicing religion. And most white countries are fucking secular. I realize Islamic countries are affected by Islamic terror as well, but white countries are being attacked for their values, other Islamic countries are more likely political targets and fodder for conquering.
It should be noted these two problems are very closely related.
then what kind of co-operation (and policies following that) do you want?
Literally all I have said in this thread is there is no inherent underlying political/cultural/historical/whatever reasons why white countries will choose to segregate themselves based on "age old divisions" instead of uniting against these issues. I'm basically agreeing with you m8.
>but white countries are being attacked for their values
Nope they are not...
or muslim countries are as well, pick one.
(thats not why terror attacks happen. terror attacks are supposed to scare a country out of action. sacre it into submission so to speak.)
>Islam threatens the lives of white countries for practicing religion
No...im not big on the whole "ids all western imperalisms fault guyse!" train, but saying the reasons why the west is targeted its religion (or other values) falls way short.
There are obvious power gain and economic goals etc. behind the scenes of, for example ISIS, at play. the religous component isnt strong with the leaders usually...the dumb grunts? sure. the whole thing? no way in hell...
>implicitly because they're white.
explain that one in regards to refugees please...
>reshape demographics
that one i can understand, but to me it feels like the cultural changes that come along with being 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants are sort of discarded in regards to that one...
>I realize Islamic countries are affected by Islamic terror as well
Yeah like way more than western countries...
Western countries are attacked for their values.
Charlie hebdo for free speech, the pulse night club for homosexual rights, San Bernardino for abortion clinics, the list goes on.
Primarily white countries are the target of refugee resettlement programs. You could agree it's due to their economic position, however Saudi Arabia has taken 0 refugees.
Islamic countries are obviously more affected because it is their homeland. Europe was more affected by Hitler despite it being a global war. Europe was obviously affected for different reasons than say, North Africa was in WW2 however. the comparison isn't great but what I'm trying to say is Isis doesn't need one blanket reason to attack everyone, no sense in attacking Islamic countries to Convert them to Islam. This is why I assume the motivations are political.
>Charlie hebdo for free speech
sort of, mohammed picture triggerd the cunts
>the pulse night club for homosexual rights
the guy was just a selfloathing cunt that snapped
>San Bernardino for abortion clinics
missed that one then...i just heard the guy flipped his shit at his workplace and came back with a gun (and his wife)
what values do airports and trains represnet? im genuinly curious...
>Saudi Arabia has taken 0 refugees.
>be syrian, country was laicist before civil war
>stupid extremist fuck everything up
>saudis fund stupid extremists
>saudis are stupid extremists
>country is almost entirely desolate desert
i dont know why no one wants to be there tbqh
>refugee resettlement programs
what exactly re you talking about, please elaborate
Come on, all three of those attacks were overtly motivated because of those values.
The pulse shooter pledged allegiance to ISIS and quoted scripture before shooting up the place.
Not being able to draw Mohammed is a violation of free speech, no doubt.
The UN and EU policy for relocating refugees has been give them to our countries whether they want them or not. The governments might have consented ( not in Poland and hungarys cases), but the people didn't.
Saudi Arabia has like 20000 tents or something stupid for the annual Hajij to Mecca for pilgrims. None of which are in use all year round. Iran has also not taken any, and turkeys policy has been "give them to Europe".
I can't recall any train attacks on western soil, but the 9/11 attacks were politically motivated (with religious undertones), but they were also 15 years ago. Nothing of that level has happened since.
>turkeys policy has been "give them to Europe".
>what is the EU-turkey deal?
>Iran has also not taken any
you know nothing about the middle east if that suprises you...
>I can't recall any train attacks on western soil
Spain, al-qauida blew up like 200 people or so...
i think youll remember attacks on airports...
>The pulse shooter pledged allegiance to ISIS and quoted scripture before shooting up the place.
And? he still was a selfloathing cunt that snapped...
>something stupid for the annual Hajij to Mecca for pilgrims
and? my other points still stand...tents or not...
I realize the Sunni Shia divide, but holy fuck is it deeper than the Christian Islam divide? You would assume they would prefer an Islamic country.
The fact remains, only white countries are taking in huge amounts of refugees.
I was also completely unaware of the attack in Spain. My bad, and condolences.
>but holy fuck is it deeper than the Christian Islam divide?
Its honestly about as deep...isis wants to kill shias harder than other people of the book (chistians, jews) like no joke...
>only white countries are taking in huge amounts of refugees
3mio in turkey and 1,5 still in Jordan, libanon has the highest per capita...
The reason Hitler lost is because of the English. The reason you should wipe out the Anglos is because they are snakes who are worse than any jew. Like seriously, they fuck up europe. That is their stated goal, it doesen't matter what the low class chavs do or not, people are defined by their leaders. And by the actions of the British all throughout history they are an enemy of europe. A bigger danger than any Islamic Caliphate, and lower on the totem poll than the niggerist nigger.
Okay I guess my gripe boils down to this: /why/ are white countries being forced to accept refugees?
They are very commerce oriented and pragmatic, not very idealistic.
Osama actually attacked Afghani Hazaras as his first Target
The Eternal Anglo maymay is actually a genius piece of irony/satire when you know all the details.
Who do they use as the enemy of the Aryans? Oswald Mosley, a man who spent the Second World War under arrest to stop him leading a pro-Nazi uprising.
Who is depicted as the saviour of the white Aryan race? Dolph Lundgren, who was openly banging the shit out of Grace Jones.
They're litterally opposites. But I doubt many of the 13 year old morons on /pol/ know who either actually are.
it is not a meme, it is centuries old and refers to this
No, le eternal anglo with Dolph Lundgren fighting Oswald Mosley is a new thing dreamed up last year.
>My loyalty is to the people I personally know and love.
Nationalists and internationalists alike can suck my dick.
Sup', property.
>This thread
>Iran/China/North Korea
jesus christ
Stay genetically, culturally and nationally inferior, Hans.
Being an old meme doesn't make it any less of a meme.