itt: sum up historical figures with events or quotes from spongebob
itt: sum up historical figures with events or quotes from spongebob
Other urls found in this thread:
>we did it Patrick! We saved the city!
- General Kutuzov
>Let's go to the beach Patrick!
Churchill talking about D day
> Waterloo
>spanish conquest of the new world
>ha ha, we control all of the known world!
>for about a week
I love how this can apply to just about anyone
Diogenes would be the one pointing out
I feel like spongebob will eventually be twisted into a religion
Murat here with Napoleon in Paris 1814. Oh my God, Nappy. What the fuck just happened?
What do you mean what happened? What are you, blind? Jeezus! There was six coalitions of them. It took six of them! Russia! Austria, I thought the HRE was dead?! Britain, Prussia. Who do you think you are? Nobody does this to Napoleon! Nobody does this to Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon, Ney, and Soult, we are the most ultra violent force on the face of the Earth. Oh my! Oh! You're gonna die! I guarantee it! I am gonna conquer you! I'm...dooahh! You haven't seen anything! This is the start of the Grande Armee! I'm Napoleon, that's Murat, this is France! The most violent country on the face of the Earth! You just wait wait and see how far we're gonna go. I'm outta here!
>proceeds to abdicate throne and goes to Elba
>Are ya ready kid?
-John Wayne Gacy
>not posting before
>1492, Cristobal Colombo's expendition
>"East? I thought you meant Weast"
>fourth crusade
>Calm down it's just a drawing
Brexit is a good thing numale
Butthurt Greek diaspora go home
Based Venice did the right thing
Shouldn't you be in your alt-right septic tank? A board was made specifically for you.
Merkel fuck off
both leaving the eu and staying in the eu are bad things
This website isnt for you, seems more your speed
Honestly I don't think the rest of the world minds England being the real-life equivalent of a containment board like /pol/; once Scotland, wales, and NI secede.
I honestly wish I could upboat you for being so darn clever!
>Italy thinking back on its Roman heritage as it gets spanked by a bunch of tribals in ethiopia
Ruin another country G*rman scum
Lol you're doing it for them, they don't even need to try.
Ethiopia had modern weaponry, a massive numerical advantage, and wasn't a tribal society
Fuck off back to /pol/ with these stupid memes
Imagine historical events performed like wrestling promos like that.
>t-the EU is good guys I swear ;_;
>please take some more refugees, and ignore Switzerland making better trade deals than you're allowed to please please please
>USSR: You've been killing jews, haven't you, Germany?
Forgot pic
>imblying brexit won't be undone in coming re-votes, and isn't just a get rich scheme for insider traders who need to move liquid assets.
Same shit happened in 'murica's 2008 recession. You ready for yours?
Angela you're getting desperate
Not as desperate as the brits will be when their money drops even further.
>Y-You're ruined Britain I know it ;_;
>Nobody has ever been able to succeed outside of the EU
>w-we'll be fine guys
>we'll bounce back
>the empire is coming back guys
your denial is delicious
there's more to life than shekels morty
I'd like to believe it but my quality of life in western society is at the ultimate mercy of whether or not the 1% makes benevolent decisions with their dosh.
>criticize brexit
>get buzzwords and stock /pol/ arguments thrown at you
Not even the same person but it's painfully obvious you're from that echo chamber of a board
It was obvious from the get-go. But considering how predictable they were going to be, the banter was too fun to pass up.
>hating /pol/
I disagree with /pol/ on almost every issue but it's the best and most fun board on Veeky Forums by far
It really isn't. It was at its best in 2011-2013 but after that it has become more of a cult for retarded, young and bitter alt-righters boosting their own egos with their recycled opinions
The funnies board on Veeky Forums is /int/ because of all the harmless banter and the people of the board not being autistic enough for /pol/ to have too much influence on that board despite them trying really hard
As an autist, I see way more autism than I can usually project on people's behavior here. Us taking shit so seriously makes us ripe for the trolling.
>Germany post ww2
>joan of arc
inb4 >muh cheerleader
sino-japanese war
>Hiroshima and Nakasaki
have a gif instead.
Top adolf
ayy lmao
>pic already explained
>not being autistic enough
/int/ is the most autistic place on the internet my g-d you are either new or ignorant
Lost again. Fuck you guys.
> JFK assassination
>Christopher Columbus meeting Native Americans for the first time
there's bad autism and then there's good and funny autism. /int/ is of the latter kind whereas /pol/ just devours everything with it's super autism
>t. mussolini
oh boy check em
jew detected
/int/ has definitely gotten worse over the past few years
the generals and associated culture are terrible, I blame it on /brit/
If you look at tumblr it's basically a weird cult for spongebob already.
Kek I forgot about the one where squidward goes full commie.
Bump. This shit's awesome.
>The Church to Martin Luther
Fucking tapped, oh my god