How come Black slaves never attempted a revolution in america especially during the civilwar?
How come Black slaves never attempted a revolution in america especially during the civilwar?
they did though.
It was always beat down before reachimg any far though.
Some did but most black slaves instead fled northwards or towards incoming Union armies. Or, in the case of one former slave, hijack a Confederate transport ship and flee to the Union blockade with his friends and family. I mean think about it. Let's assume all the slaves at a Georgia plantation killed Whitey McSlavedriver and took over their plantation and the surrounding land. They're effectively surrounded by a wholly unsympathetic population and news would probably spread fast prompting local militia (with lots of guns) to respond.
I expect most of them had no idea a civil war was going on, let alone what it was about. Why would their masters tell them?
Plantations weren't gulags. Even if their masters didn't tell them, they'd hear rumors.
>Whitey mcslavdriver
how come you're such a stupid lazy shitposting nigger and you don't kill yourself?
live as a slave was not much different from some poorfag farmer atleast your master fed, clothed, and educated you provided you were talented.
>People unironically defending slavery
>Even if their masters didn't tell them, they'd hear rumors.
Brah, do you even Google?
This is literally the first result:
>Who was Nat Turner
>John Brown
>Nat Turner
That's 2 off the bat
living in a society where you're owned by somebody is not that different from living in a society where you're forced to rent yourself to somebody (what we call a job). The slave owners made the argument that their way of doing things was more ethical because they at least looked after their servants because they were their property and not rented. When you destroy your property, you need to pay money for the replacement. When it's rented, it doesn't matter if it goes down the drain, the next one comes along, and you have to pay the rent all the same.
They did. Nat Turner and John Brown led slave rebellions, but if memory serves me right, Nat Turner's rebellion was quelled by local militias and Brown's rebellion was quelled by federal troops since he attacked a fort to get the weapons to pull it off.
>John Brown
1. White
2. Not a slave
3. No actual slaves joined him in his half-baked attack on Harpers Ferry
Far less risky to just flee Northward and be under the comparative protection of the US Army as "contraband".
You should read a book about American slavery honestly (try Road to Disunion for example), many slaves were used to carry and buy merchandise, they were in town basically half the time. The idea of slaves being locked away in chains isolated from the rest of the planet is bullshit.
Autism. Pure autism.
Forgot to add that they typically had one day off on Sunday when they didn't have to work so they just roamed about and went fishing, hunting or straight up partying.
>How come Black slaves never attempted a revolution in america
100% wrong
That makes all those poor Confederate soldiers really pathetic tbqh
Are you literally comparing being a wage worker to being a literal slave?
no, only a leftist redditor would do that
i would never
> Only my enemies would do what I just did
Sheer rhetoric
>I dont know shit about shit but Ill post anyway
Indentured labor and arbitrary taxation to force labor is pretty shitty too.
So what?
Murder is bad too, that murder exists doesnt excuse slavery. Not even sure what your point is.
I'm just saying it in agreement and adding it on.
I read a lot of about forced labour after slavery was banned and in many places it was very very close to slavery and even had huge cultural effects on the society for some.
Very well
The revolution in Haiti woke white slave owners the fuck up. The perceived threat of an American slave revolt motivated them adequately to keep a very tight leash.
I CAN'T FUCKING FIND IT but there WAS during or after the civil ware some sort of compound or something in Florida made up of blacks and Indians and the couple times the army came to destroy it the blacks and Indians just shot at them enough to kick their asses but the generals went and got medals for being brave anyway.
GODAMN IT I remember this but what the FUCK was it called? Anyone know what I'm talking about?
you're not real... right?
>living in a society where you're owned by somebody is not that different from living in a society where you're forced to rent yourself to somebody (what we call a job)
This is it. This is what Veeky Forums has been leading up to. The most autistic post in history. Perhaps a more autistic post may never happen. We cannot be sure. You should probably begin tying that noose as soon as possible.
I've never read a history book that hasn't mentioned Nat Turner.
OP knows less than American education, and that's just sad.