Can we have a colorised old photos. I'll post the ones I have to get the thread started
Colorised Photos
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colorised old photos thread*
This ones a nice one.
Last one I have
How about old color photos? Is 1940s too recent?
I dunno, there's certainly historical merit to them, but there's a certain texture that colorization lends to pictures or video that makes things seem more nostalgic.
They all look so alive.
Why was Boipussy so much more wholesome in those days?
>Mfw imagining the blonde boi as a trap
If you're not going to contribute to the thread, fuck off back to /lgbt/ pls.
How come the males are wearing shirts at the beach?
Was this only a thing in America?
I have huge amounts of WW2 Hungary-related colorized photos. Should I dump?
Yes you should
>Bela pls
>Please show some professionalism and behave like a grown-up human being...
Oh god... These always make me so painfully aware of my own mortality. Make it stop, I don't want to die...
This picture should improve your mood. Or not.
Aw man, these pictures are amazing
Do you think they fugged?
It was European culture. French I think originally. Swimming only developed as an actual hobby in the 1800s when leisure time became a thing.
Would it have been considered obscene or rude to take your shirt off in public in that era?
You have no idea how prudish 19th century Europe was.
Really? Images like these are a reminder that I am not the first or last, but one tiny link in an incomprehensibly large chain that stretches over eons. It's a serene blow to ego
Look how shiny and clean the new empire state building looked.
Aesthetic urban planning died the day they invented narrow side walks
Community, beautiful architecture, respect, modesty and no body dismorphia, healthy activity, hope, smiles, being outside in the sun, fresh air, old and young and ugly and beautiful together, laughter, no hormones in their food, no people on the beach trying to sell them things or steal from them...
Those poor people thank God I live in the future. They must be in hell.
>TFW you literally have to force a kid to listen to their elders today
>Tfw elders no longer have anything to say
Yes, absolutely. Male nipples were obscene.
Self-Driving Cars SOON, friend.
Notice anything /pol/?
I guarantee you a good portion of those pictured led really shit lives, suffered terrible physical and mental illnesses, a couple probably suicided
"Good old days" is a myth, life has always been shit, and in most cases shittier, than it is at present
But those things the other user listed were true. I'm not saying the past was perfect but the things they struggled with were different from our problems today. I genuinely wonder whether I would prefer to live in a time when polio wasn't cured but people smiled and wished each other "good day" on the street...
100 years ago today
fuck off man
these Hungary Pictures rock
Those things are only partially true. Do you really believe street urchins and criminals wouldn't shake you down for cash at the beach? Or some poor Irish boy hawking cheap niknaks? No hormones in food? They didn't even have proper food safety standards. Imagine getting a sausage from some dirty, dingy, disgusting sausage factory where no one washes their hands. Now imagine it tastes like sawdust because they use it to cheat people out of cash. This myth of everyone was nice to each other and said "howdy doo" to strangers is just a big lie. You'd be in the same world as today.
>Le progress science meme
Let's be real those people are more happy than you will ever be.
That's not saying their lives couldn't have been improved, it's saying the improvements we got sent worth the other shit we got. For ever lead removed from paint regulation there are 6 bullshit modern concepts added.
Marketing and bullshit control improves faster than medicine and science ever did
No the lie is that present social etiquette (or rather lack thereof) has always been the norm. People might not have said "howdy doo" out of genuine friendliness but simply because it was the expected thing to do. But even that shows that society expected people to acknowledge each other whereas as today many people would view such an acknowledgment as "creepy." If you're going to continue arguing that modern people aren't any less isolated from a larger community than our predecessors then you are either a 'progressive' troll shitting on the past for political reasons or are tremendously ignorant of how much social customs have changed during the digital age.
t. payed the mill provisioner to be allowed to work 40 hours a day at the mill and got slashed by his father's knife in his shoebox bed
Not so fast, futurist.
Live in the South if you want friendly strangers desu.
>continue arguing that modern people aren't any less isolated from a larger community than our predecessors
>he said, to a group of strangers from all across the globe, on an internet forum
>Milennials ACTUALLY believe shitposting on a Cantonese comic book blog is being part of a community
I'll bet you believe having 500 Facebook friends means you have a vibrant social life.
I bet you believe you know every single detail about my conception of the world from two of my meme arrows, you massive projector.
Also, Veeky Forums is literally a community.
>modern people aren't any less isolated from a larger community
Maybe you are some kind of social pariah but personally I have a dandy social life and community to experience. I didn't shit on the past, I took of your rose colored glasses. It was the same shit back then. If you really think people were nicer just because it was a long time ago you are a fool.
Community mediated by a screen is merely a shadow of what goes on face to face and it's sad that this even needs to be pointed out...
>inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded :^)
I'm saying people were friendlier because concepts like "social duty" were not seen as laughable clichés but were actually taken seriously by people.
>inb4 nuh-uh man people were totally just as rude as they are today you're just seeing things through rose colored glasses xD
If you've ever spent time with elderly people and actually listened to what they have to say you would know how much of what is considered "polite" has changed.
>inb4 dude old people are lame stfu
storm of steel
>Let's be real those people are more happy than you will ever be
It's one photograph of one moment in time. You know nothing of any of their biographies, their backgrounds. If you're so taken by them, find the time and location of the photo and go through contemporary editions of local newspapers (they should be digitised online somewhere) and see what their world was really life
I wish I could send you back for a week just to get a feel for the grime and poverty of daily life, you simplistic fuck
>muh body language
I wonder what stories he told them. I wish my grandfather was still alive, I'd love to here his stories again
Uhh I have a history degree, you are probably one of those retards why think the medieval ages were all shit too
And you still need to be told how you're shit at reconstructing history lol
>it's either the best or it's shit
>"uhh, I have a history degree"
are you, perchance, american?
Love this one.
Bare nipples used to be banned for both males and females
I love to imagine the Brit on the right is laughing because he's got no clue in hell what the Frenchman is saying.